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Władza a społeczeństwo
Power and society

Contributor(s): Agata Bryłka (Editor), Tomasz Kałuski (Editor), Małgorzata Korbaś (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Economic history, Political history, Social history
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Central Industrial District; society; economy; industry; propaganda; political parties; democracy within the party; watchdog organisation; social safety; states of crisis; axiology in politics;public relations (PR);
Summary/Abstract: „It is with utter pleasure that we present the Reader with a volume created in effect of a multifaceted approach and insight into the issues of the mutual relationship between power and society. The articles collected are the result of the experiences of young researchers working within broadly defined social sciences and humanities representing academic centers across the country. The relationship between power and society as sketched in the monograph is represented by Leviathan, depicted on the cover. The very image comes from the title page of one of the first philosophical treatises tackling the mentioned topic, namely the work by Thomas Hobbes titled Leviathan: Or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil first published in 1651.The title’s creature – Leviathan - is an embodiment of the state created by way of establishing sovreign power. Power, both secular (civil) and religious (ecclesiasticall), is based on the common social contract and is of an absolute character. This is expressed by the inscription visible above the creature’s head: Non est potestas super terram, quae comparateur ei (there is no power on earth which can be compared to him). This leads us towards reflections on the essence of power, its sources, the kinds and structures of the power apparatuses, both in the contemporary and in past times. The issue that needs addressing as well is the one regarding legitimization and opposition towards the subject exercising power, as well as the form of the social conflict and its regulation – subjects or citizens. Legitimization and oppossition, which are considered collective reactions to the exercise of power acknowledged by social norms of justice, can be treated as antithetic phenomena. An important aspect here is of the register of power ideology, which has always served to legitimize it and build its image in the eyes of the society. Opposition towards existing centers of power can be perceived as a result of actions undertaken by the community of the oppressed, wherein a vast communication structure exists, along with the awareness of unjust treatment and the desire to retaliate for exploitation.” (Introduction fragm.)

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-620-6
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-619-0
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Polish
Wybrane aspekty propagandy gospodarczej – na przykładzie Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego (1936–1939)

Wybrane aspekty propagandy gospodarczej – na przykładzie Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego (1936–1939)
(Some aspects of economic propaganda, illustrated with the example of the Central Industrial District (1936–1939))

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Przyczynek do powstania i działalności Komitetu Słowiańskiego w Polsce w pierwszych latach po zakończeniu II wojny światowej

Przyczynek do powstania i działalności Komitetu Słowiańskiego w Polsce w pierwszych latach po zakończeniu II wojny światowej
(The idea of the Slavic unity in the propaganda by the communist authorities in the early years after the end of World War II)

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Przywództwo w Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej

Przywództwo w Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej
(The leadership in the Democratic Left Alliance)

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Obywatelski Panoptikon? Idea społecznego nadzoru

Obywatelski Panoptikon? Idea społecznego nadzoru
(Civic Panopticon? The idea of social supervision)

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Trudna sytuacja życiowa dzieci i młodzieży z obszaru wielkomiejskiej biedy jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa społecznego – egzemplifikacja miasta Siemianowice Śląskie

Trudna sytuacja życiowa dzieci i młodzieży z obszaru wielkomiejskiej biedy jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa społecznego – egzemplifikacja miasta Siemianowice Śląskie
(Underprivileged children and young people from the metropolitan area of poverty as a threat to public safety – the exemplification of the town of Siemianowice Śląskie)

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Istota i wybrane aksjologiczne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa społecznego

Istota i wybrane aksjologiczne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa społecznego
(The essence and axiological determinants of social safety)

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Cała władza w ręce zombie – między niemocą a strachem

Cała władza w ręce zombie – między niemocą a strachem
(All the power in the hands of zombies – between impotence and fear)

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Zjawisko transseksualizmu w polskiej polityce

Zjawisko transseksualizmu w polskiej polityce
(The phenomenon of transsexualism in Polish politics)

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Wartości społeczne w kontekście dewaluacji idei politycznych

Wartości społeczne w kontekście dewaluacji idei politycznych
(Social values in the context of devaluation of political ideas)

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Wojskowa emanacja władzy królewskiej w osobie hetmana na przełomie XV i XVI w.

Wojskowa emanacja władzy królewskiej w osobie hetmana na przełomie XV i XVI w.
(Military emanation of the royal power in the person of hetman at the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries)

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Społeczeństwo cyberdemokracji a władza realna – nowy wymiar relacji

Społeczeństwo cyberdemokracji a władza realna – nowy wymiar relacji
(The society of cyber-democracy versus real power – the new face of reaction)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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