Władza a społeczeństwo
Power and society
Contributor(s): Agata Bryłka (Editor), Tomasz Kałuski (Editor), Małgorzata Korbaś (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Economic history, Political history, Social history
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Central Industrial District; society; economy; industry; propaganda; political parties; democracy within the party; watchdog organisation; social safety; states of crisis; axiology in politics;public relations (PR);
Summary/Abstract: „It is with utter pleasure that we present the Reader with a volume created in effect of a multifaceted approach and insight into the issues of the mutual relationship between power and society. The articles collected are the result of the experiences of young researchers working within broadly defined social sciences and humanities representing academic centers across the country. The relationship between power and society as sketched in the monograph is represented by Leviathan, depicted on the cover. The very image comes from the title page of one of the first philosophical treatises tackling the mentioned topic, namely the work by Thomas Hobbes titled Leviathan: Or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil first published in 1651.The title’s creature – Leviathan - is an embodiment of the state created by way of establishing sovreign power. Power, both secular (civil) and religious (ecclesiasticall), is based on the common social contract and is of an absolute character. This is expressed by the inscription visible above the creature’s head: Non est potestas super terram, quae comparateur ei (there is no power on earth which can be compared to him). This leads us towards reflections on the essence of power, its sources, the kinds and structures of the power apparatuses, both in the contemporary and in past times. The issue that needs addressing as well is the one regarding legitimization and opposition towards the subject exercising power, as well as the form of the social conflict and its regulation – subjects or citizens. Legitimization and oppossition, which are considered collective reactions to the exercise of power acknowledged by social norms of justice, can be treated as antithetic phenomena. An important aspect here is of the register of power ideology, which has always served to legitimize it and build its image in the eyes of the society. Opposition towards existing centers of power can be perceived as a result of actions undertaken by the community of the oppressed, wherein a vast communication structure exists, along with the awareness of unjust treatment and the desire to retaliate for exploitation.” (Introduction fragm.)
Series: Nauki społeczne
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-620-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-619-0
- Page Count: 184
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Polish
Wybrane aspekty propagandy gospodarczej – na przykładzie Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego (1936–1939)
Wybrane aspekty propagandy gospodarczej – na przykładzie Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego (1936–1939)
(Some aspects of economic propaganda, illustrated with the example of the Central Industrial District (1936–1939))
- Author(s):Wojciech Chudzik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history
- Page Range:11-25
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Central Industrial District; society; economy; industry;propaganda;
- Summary/Abstract:The Central Industrial District (COP) built in 1936–1939, intended as the largest business enterprise of the Second Republic of Poland, became the subject of great economic propaganda conducted by the state authorities. The deliberations in the article have been focused on presenting an analysis of the issue of the propaganda disseminated because of the construction of the COP. There have been presented different actual examples of that propaganda. Giving answers to several questions posed at the beginning of the article was aimed at providing an assessment of whether the character of economic propaganda is negative or positive
- Price: 4.50 €
Przyczynek do powstania i działalności Komitetu Słowiańskiego w Polsce w pierwszych latach po zakończeniu II wojny światowej
Przyczynek do powstania i działalności Komitetu Słowiańskiego w Polsce w pierwszych latach po zakończeniu II wojny światowej
(The idea of the Slavic unity in the propaganda by the communist authorities in the early years after the end of World War II)
- Author(s):Marcela Gruszczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history
- Page Range:26-36
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:the Slavic Committee; the Slavs; propaganda;
- Summary/Abstract:The years of 1945–1947 constituted the peak of the popularity of the idea of Slavic unity in Poland. In those days, the communist authorities treated the cooperation of the Slavs as the primary determinant of the internal and foreign policy of the state, considering it as the guarantee of peace and security in post-war Europe. The appealing to the myth of the Slavic community was also aimed at gaining certain advantages. The role of the Slavic Committee, as the institution of propaganda, was to deliberately shape the society through carefully selected catchwords and role models. They moulded the attitudes and behaviour of the citizens into the ones desired by the communists.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przywództwo w Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej
Przywództwo w Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej
(The leadership in the Democratic Left Alliance)
- Author(s):Michał Radecki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history
- Page Range:37-53
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:political leadership; political parties; democracy within the party; elections;Poland;
- Summary/Abstract:The work has been aimed at conducting the analysis of the leadership in the Democratic Left Alliance and in its predecessor, the Social Democracy of the Polish Republic. What was taken into consideration were formal regulations related to the election of the leader, the degree of the inclusiveness and decentralisation of the election, the modification of the election procedure and its basis, and the competitiveness of the internal elections. Moreover, there have been presented the socio-demographic profile of the party leaders and the reasons why they desisted from occupying the position.
- Price: 4.50 €
Obywatelski Panoptikon? Idea społecznego nadzoru
Obywatelski Panoptikon? Idea społecznego nadzoru
(Civic Panopticon? The idea of social supervision)
- Author(s):Kinga Jaruga
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history
- Page Range:54-68
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:panopticon; supervision; watchdog organisation; guard organisations;surveillance;
- Summary/Abstract:The experience of recent centuries teaches that the concept of Panopticon, an ideal prison designed in the eighteenth century, whose idea consisted in the conviction/sensation of being continuously controlled, reaches well beyond the sketch of the penitentiary architecture. The Bentham’s vision, adapted into the domain of science in the form of an idea being the symbol of permanent surveillance, more and more frequently is becoming an object of the discussion among the citizens concerned about the fact that it will eventually be an inevitable element of life in the modern state. The chief aim of this article is to attempt to reverse the order proposed by Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault by presenting forms and tools of public scrutiny over public institutions and centres of power. The author’s intention is to present forms provided by law to control power, examples of organisations (such as WatchDog, Think Thank, etc.) and initiatives undertaken by them in order to eliminate negative practices being the effect of the governance. The deliberations will be therefore focused on the attempt to outline the conditions determining the actual attainability of enforcing transparency of acting of the state administration bodies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Trudna sytuacja życiowa dzieci i młodzieży z obszaru wielkomiejskiej biedy jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa społecznego – egzemplifikacja miasta Siemianowice Śląskie
Trudna sytuacja życiowa dzieci i młodzieży z obszaru wielkomiejskiej biedy jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa społecznego – egzemplifikacja miasta Siemianowice Śląskie
(Underprivileged children and young people from the metropolitan area of poverty as a threat to public safety – the exemplification of the town of Siemianowice Śląskie)
- Author(s):Natalia Stępień-Lampa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history
- Page Range:69-85
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:urban poverty; social safety; underprivileged people
- Summary/Abstract:The article addresses the problem of difficult living conditions of children and young people living in the area of urban poverty. The deliberations are based on the example of the town of Siemianowice Śląskie. After 1989, in this town there have been numerous social problems, which resulted from the systemic transformation and restructuration of heavy industry. What is particularly disturbing is the concentration of poverty on a spatially limited area and the emergence of areas of urban poverty. Their occurrence contributes to the threat to social safety.
- Price: 4.50 €
Istota i wybrane aksjologiczne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa społecznego
Istota i wybrane aksjologiczne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa społecznego
(The essence and axiological determinants of social safety)
- Author(s):Paweł Grzywna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history
- Page Range:86-101
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:social safety; determinants of social safety;social security;
- Summary/Abstract:Abstract: This article is aimed at presenting and analysing the concept of social safety along with the evolution of this category. There will be also outlined the main risk factors for social safety and the welfare state. Additionally, determinants of social safety (especially axiological determinants), their character and the consequences of their influence on the national security policy will be the other subjects of the deliberations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cała władza w ręce zombie – między niemocą a strachem
Cała władza w ręce zombie – między niemocą a strachem
(All the power in the hands of zombies – between impotence and fear)
- Author(s):Adam Kubiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history
- Page Range:105-116
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:discrepancy; zombies; representation; states of crisis; discrepancy management
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the analyses by Saunders associated with the potential of post-colonial figure of ‘zombie’ (live-dead / dead-alive), the article presents the argument in support of the usefulness of that figure in politics analyses concerning contemporary and discussed issues associated with it (related to, e.g., representation, significance of political divisions, etc.). This figure, in conjunction with the the role of the individual and social impotence as a characteristic of the (post) modern condition, allows going beyond - according to the presented arguments – the appearance/pretence of political and social discrepancy, which makes the de facto politics impossible, despite the fact that it maintains its management attributes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zjawisko transseksualizmu w polskiej polityce
Zjawisko transseksualizmu w polskiej polityce
(The phenomenon of transsexualism in Polish politics)
- Author(s):Żaneta Krawczyk‑Antońska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history
- Page Range:117-129
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:transsexuality; politics; voting behaviour; acceptance;Otherness;
- Summary/Abstract:The sphere of politics is the domain reserved for a group which meets certain criteria of competence and ideological affiliation. Over the years, some socio-cultural factors, such as gender, race, sexual orientation and others, also constituted the barrier against entering politics. Meanwhile, gradual removing restrictions upon the access to legislative bodies was always surrounded by controversy and discussion. The year 2011 showed, however, that Polish politics was ready for a new opening which resulted in granting parliamentary seats to a self-confessed homosexual and a transsexual person. These changes made a contribution to undertake the research on the phenomenon of legitimacy. This article constitutes an attempt to answer the question whether, from the perspective of the average citizen, transsexualism of a politician may affect the voters’ sense of their interests being represented in the state bodies. The conclusions have been based on the empirical studies carried out by the author in 2012.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wartości społeczne w kontekście dewaluacji idei politycznych
Wartości społeczne w kontekście dewaluacji idei politycznych
(Social values in the context of devaluation of political ideas)
- Author(s):Zbigniew Boleń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history
- Page Range:133-149
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:political ideas; social values; abstention; axiology in politics; public relations
- Summary/Abstract:The strategy of public relations employed by major political parties in Poland is primarily based on ideological and philosophical discrepancies in the society, thus distracting people’s attention from the programme discrepancies, which appear to remain in the background. Axiological references in politics are intended to maintain emotional bonds with potential voters. The aim of the study is to examine the influence of political ideology on the results of the election and the reasons for abstention. The ideas referred to as social are being abused and exploited by politicians in the power struggle. Unfulfilled election promises lead directly to the devaluation of political ideas. This weakens the individual’s willingness to participate in public life, which is not without significance for modern democracy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wojskowa emanacja władzy królewskiej w osobie hetmana na przełomie XV i XVI w.
Wojskowa emanacja władzy królewskiej w osobie hetmana na przełomie XV i XVI w.
(Military emanation of the royal power in the person of hetman at the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Niemczyk-Wiśniewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history, 15th Century
- Page Range:150-161
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:The Jagiellons; hetmanship; Mikołaj Kamieniecki; Aleksander Jagiello; campiductor
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the reasons for which the monarch in the fifteenth century decided to cede part of their military prerogatives to the person of hetman, as well as the stages of the development of this position. The creation of the hetman office was the result of several factors. Firstly, in the mid-fifteenth century, significant changes took place in the military system: in place of the general militia, the role of the primary military unit was assumed by mercenaries. Simultaneously, firearms appeared and military tactics developed. In the new conditions, the monarch needed someone who was able to take command over a professional army, who had adequate knowledge and skills. Another factor influencing the formation of the hetman office was a constant threat to the south-eastern Polish border, which necessitated the formation of regular troops to defend the south-eastern borders and the establishment of their permanent leader. Finally, the third factor was the tradition of establishing in Poland general prefects or commanders of the court military troops as deputies of the king. These three factors engendered the formation of the office of hetman. The creation of the office went through several phases and in each of them the hetman prerogatives and powers were different. The titulature was also subject to transformation and in each of the phases the term of the Crown Hetman had in practice different significance.
- Price: 4.50 €
Społeczeństwo cyberdemokracji a władza realna – nowy wymiar relacji
Społeczeństwo cyberdemokracji a władza realna – nowy wymiar relacji
(The society of cyber-democracy versus real power – the new face of reaction)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Kopeć, Maria Puls
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history
- Page Range:162-174
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Cyber-democracy; Cyber Citizens; Internet galaxy; Internet disobedience; Idymedia; ACTA Citizen journalism; civic platform outraged
- Summary/Abstract:Abstract: As the result of the development of new media, the contemporary existence takes on a two-dimensional character. Scenes from the life of a human which take place in the real and virtual worlds are mutually complementing and actuating. On several occasions, after having begun their course in the Internet galaxy, they turn into real social activities. The popularity of the cyber-democracy citizenship and exercising freedom of expression on the Internet makes us the witnesses of a new relationship between the citizens and the government. This also includes electronic civil disobedience, which may be observed on blogs, web pages, or Idymedia network. The citizens organising themselves together via the Internet and their active participation in civic journalism leads to the fact that being an active citizen takes on another dimension.
- Price: 4.50 €