Italia e Polonia (1919-2019). Un meraviglioso viaggio insieme lungo cento anni / Włochy i Polska (1919-2019). Sto lat wspólnej fascynującej podróży
Italy and Poland (1919-2019). The centenary of joint fascinating journey
Contributor(s): Jerzy Miziołek (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
Summary/Abstract: Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4140-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4132-5
- Page Count: 388
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish, Italian
Przedmowa Ambasadora Włoch
Przedmowa Ambasadora Włoch
- Author(s):Aldo Amati
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:11-13
- No. of Pages:3
- Author(s):Jerzy Miziołek
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:15-34
- No. of Pages:20
L’amicizia italo-polacca alla prova del fuoco. Przyjaźń polsko-włoska w ogniu próby
L’amicizia italo-polacca alla prova del fuoco. Przyjaźń polsko-włoska w ogniu próby
(Polish-Italian friendship in the heat of trial)
- Author(s):Arkadiusz Urban
- Contributor(s):Massimiliano Soffiati (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:38-51
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Riaggiustare i rapporti. Alfred Wysocki: da Berlino a Roma. Wyrównanie stosunków. Alfred Wysocki: z Berlina do Rzymu
Riaggiustare i rapporti. Alfred Wysocki: da Berlino a Roma. Wyrównanie stosunków. Alfred Wysocki: z Berlina do Rzymu
(Equalization of relations. Alfred Wysocki: from Berlin to Rome)
- Author(s):Leszek Kazana
- Contributor(s):Leszek Kazana (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:52-69
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Il banchiere Józef Toeplitz e il suo rapporto con la Polonia. Bankier Józef Toeplitz i jego związki z Polską
Il banchiere Józef Toeplitz e il suo rapporto con la Polonia.
Bankier Józef Toeplitz i jego związki z Polską
(Banker Józef Toeplitz and his connections with Poland)
- Author(s):Guido Montanari
- Contributor(s):Izabela Zawadzka (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:70-87
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Vincenzo Mario Palmieri. Il testimone italiano di Katyń. Vincenzo Mario Palmieri. Włoski świadek Katynia
Vincenzo Mario Palmieri. Il testimone italiano di Katyń.
Vincenzo Mario Palmieri. Włoski świadek Katynia
(Vincenzo Mario Palmieri. Italian witness Katyn)
- Author(s):Marco Patricelli
- Contributor(s):Leszek Kazana (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:88-102
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Il cimitero militare italiano di Biała Podlaska e l’omaggio reso dalla popolazione locale ai caduti. Cmentarz żołnierzy włoskich w Białej Podlaskiej i hołd oddawany im przez miejscową ludność
Il cimitero militare italiano di Biała Podlaska e l’omaggio reso dalla popolazione locale ai caduti. Cmentarz żołnierzy włoskich w Białej Podlaskiej i hołd oddawany im przez miejscową ludność
(Cemetery of Italian soldiers in Biała Podlaska and homage paid to them by the local people)
- Author(s):Jerzy Miziołek, Leszek Kazana
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:103-105
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Istituzione e organizzazione degli studi superiori in Italia per i soldati del 2º Corpo d’Armata. O powstaniu i organizacji studiów wyższych dla żołnierzy 2. Korpusu
Istituzione e organizzazione degli studi superiori in Italia per i soldati del 2º Corpo d’Armata. O powstaniu i organizacji studiów wyższych dla żołnierzy 2. Korpusu
(On the establishment and organization of higher education for soldiers of the 2nd Corps)
- Author(s):Karolina Lanckorońska
- Contributor(s):Leszek Kazana (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:106-116
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dalla terra italiana alla Polonia. Un ricordo del generale Władysław Anders e dei suoi soldati. Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. Wspomnienie o generale Władysławie Andersie i jego żołnierzach
Dalla terra italiana alla Polonia. Un ricordo del generale Władysław Anders e dei suoi soldati. Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. Wspomnienie o generale Władysławie Andersie i jego żołnierzach
(From Italy to Poland. Memory of general Władysław Anders and his soldiers)
- Author(s):Anna Maria Anders
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:117-119
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literatur; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
La Repubblica Popolare Polacca (PRL) e la Repubblica Italiana negli anni 1945-1989: relazioni all’ombra della «Cortina di Ferro». PRL – Republika Włoska 1945-1989: relacje w cieniu „żelaznej kurtyny”
La Repubblica Popolare Polacca (PRL) e la Repubblica Italiana negli anni 1945-1989: relazioni all’ombra della «Cortina di Ferro». PRL – Republika Włoska 1945-1989:
relacje w cieniu „żelaznej kurtyny”
(PRL - Italian Republic 1945-1989: coverage in the shadow of the Iron Curtain)
- Author(s):Maria Pasztor
- Contributor(s):Jacopo Saturno (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:120-133
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Non solo Fiat: le relazioni economiche tra Polonia e Italia negli anni 1945-1989. Nie tylko Fiat: polsko-włoskie stosunki gospodarcze w latach 1945-1989
Non solo Fiat: le relazioni economiche tra Polonia e Italia negli anni 1945-1989. Nie tylko Fiat: polsko-włoskie stosunki gospodarcze w latach 1945-1989
(Not only Fiat: Polish-Italian economic relations in 1945-1989)
- Author(s):Dariusz Jarosz
- Contributor(s):Jacopo Saturno (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:134-147
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
60 anni di ICE-Agenzia in Polonia. 60 lat ICE – Agencji Promocji i Internacjonalizacji Przedsiębiorstw Włoskich w Polsce
60 anni di ICE-Agenzia in Polonia. 60 lat ICE – Agencji Promocji i Internacjonalizacji Przedsiębiorstw Włoskich w Polsce
(60 years of ICE - Agency for the Promotion and Internationalization of Italian Enterprises in Poland)
- Author(s):Antonino Mafodda
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:148-153
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Chi sono i polacchi? Kim są Polacy?
Chi sono i polacchi? Kim są Polacy?
(Who are the Poles?)
- Author(s):Luigi Marinelli
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:154-173
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Studiando la Storia polacca: la ricerca storica in Italia Studiując historię Polski: badania historyczne we Włoszech
Studiando la Storia polacca: la ricerca storica in Italia Studiując historię Polski: badania historyczne we Włoszech
(Studying the history of Poland: historical research in Italy)
- Author(s):Alessandro Boccolini
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator), Wojciech Milej (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:174-181
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Su alcuni viaggi in Italia polacchi tra la seconda metà del Novecento e l’inizio del ventunesimo secolo. O niektórych polskich podróżach do Włoch drugiej połowy XX i początku XXI wieku
Su alcuni viaggi in Italia polacchi tra la seconda metà del Novecento e l’inizio del ventunesimo secolo. O niektórych polskich podróżach do Włoch drugiej połowy XX i początku XXI wieku
(About some Polish travels to Italy in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century)
- Author(s):Joanna Ugniewska
- Contributor(s):Joanna Ugniewska (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:184-195
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, il viaggio e l’Italia. Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, podróż i Włochy
Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, il viaggio e l’Italia. Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, podróż i Włochy
(Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, travel and Italy)
- Author(s):Dario Prola
- Contributor(s):Martyna Dul (Translator), Marta Jakubowska (Translator), Aleksandra Pastuszek (Translator), Justyna Schöntaler (Translator), Magdalena Siwiecka (Translator), Aleksandra Syropolska (Translator), Dorota Wierzbowska (Translator), Klaudia Wojcieszak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:196-207
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
La chiesa salvata dai polacchi: Alessandro Sobieski, Padre Igino da Alatri e la Chiesa di Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini a Roma. Kościół ocalony przez Polaków: Aleksander Sobieski, Ojciec Igino da Alatri i kościół Kapucynów Santa Maria
La chiesa salvata dai polacchi: Alessandro Sobieski, Padre Igino da Alatri
e la Chiesa di Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini a Roma. Kościół ocalony przez Polaków: Aleksander Sobieski, Ojciec Igino da Alatri i kościół Kapucynów Santa Maria
(Church saved by Poles: Aleksander Sobieski, Father of Igino da Alatri and the Capuchin church of Santa Maria della Concezione in Rome)
- Author(s):Francesca Ceci
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:208-215
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Il futurismo italiano in Polonia nel centenario del Manifesto. Futuryzm włoski w Polsce w stulecie Manifestu
Il futurismo italiano in Polonia nel centenario del Manifesto. Futuryzm włoski w Polsce w stulecie Manifestu
- Author(s):Alessandro Ajres
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:216-231
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prima che ci fosse il padiglione polacco alla Biennale di Venezia. Zanim powstał polski pawilon na Biennale w Wenecji
Prima che ci fosse il padiglione polacco alla Biennale di Venezia. Zanim powstał polski pawilon na Biennale w Wenecji
(Before the Polish pavilion at the Venice Biennale was created)
- Author(s):Joanna M. Sosnowska
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:232-245
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
La letteratura italiana nella Polonia rinata. Literatura włoska w odrodzonej Polsce
La letteratura italiana nella Polonia rinata. Literatura włoska w odrodzonej Polsce
(Italian literature in reborn Poland)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Żaboklicki
- Contributor(s):Krzysztof Żaboklicki (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:246-253
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polonia, Italia: due estremi di una vita da scrittore. Polska, Włochy – dwa bieguny życia pisarza
Polonia, Italia: due estremi di una vita da scrittore. Polska, Włochy – dwa bieguny życia pisarza
(Poland, Italy - the two poles of the writer's life)
- Author(s):Gustaw Herling-Grudziński
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:254-261
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Maurizio Pollini e il suo Chopin, prima e dopo la vittoria al Concorso di Varsavia del 1960. Maurizio Pollini i jego Chopin, o karierze pianisty przed zwycięstwem w warszawskim konkursie w 1960 roku i w latach późniejszych
Maurizio Pollini e il suo Chopin, prima e dopo la vittoria al Concorso di Varsavia del 1960. Maurizio Pollini i jego Chopin, o karierze pianisty przed zwycięstwem w warszawskim konkursie w 1960 roku i w latach późniejszych
(Maurizio Pollini and his Chopin, about the pianist's career before victory in the Warsaw competition in 1960 and in later years)
- Author(s):Dario Miozzi
- Contributor(s):Aleksandra Buszta-Bąk (Translator), Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:262-279
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Il teatro italiano nella Polonia contemporanea. Włoska dramaturgia we współczesnej Polsce
Il teatro italiano nella Polonia contemporanea. Włoska dramaturgia we współczesnej Polsce
(Italian dramaturgy in contemporary Poland)
- Author(s):Jolanta Dygul
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:280-295
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ruota della fortuna: i film italiani sugli schermi polacchi dopo il 1945. Fortuna kołem się toczy, czyli włoskie filmy na polskich ekranach po 1945 roku
Ruota della fortuna: i film italiani sugli schermi polacchi dopo il 1945. Fortuna kołem się toczy, czyli włoskie filmy na polskich ekranach po 1945 roku
(Fortune is rolling, that is, Italian films on Polish screens after 1945)
- Author(s):Anna Osmólska-Mętrak
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:296-309
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Compositori ed esecutori italiani al Castello Reale di Varsavia. Włoscy kompozytorzy i wykonawcy na Zamku Królewskim w Warszawie
Compositori ed esecutori italiani al Castello Reale di Varsavia. Włoscy kompozytorzy i wykonawcy na Zamku Królewskim w Warszawie
(Italian composers and performers at the Royal Castle in Warsaw)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Buszta-Bąk
- Contributor(s):Leonardo Masi (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:310-315
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dalla terra italiana alla Polonia – quattro mostre al Museo Nazionale di Varsavia. Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski – cztery wystawy w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie
Dalla terra italiana alla Polonia – quattro mostre al Museo Nazionale di Varsavia. Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski – cztery wystawy w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie
(From Italy to Poland - four exhibitions at the National Museum in Warsaw)
- Author(s):Joanna Kilian Michieletti
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:316-327
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literatur; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Warszawa / Pompei: metamorfosi architettonico-archeologiche. Warszawa / Pompeje: przemiany architektoniczno-archeologiczne
Warszawa / Pompei: metamorfosi architettonico-archeologiche. Warszawa / Pompeje: przemiany architektoniczno-archeologiczne
(Warsaw / Pompeii: changes architectural and archaeological)
- Author(s):Guido Morpurgo
- Contributor(s):Leszek Kazana (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:328-339
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Antonio Paolucci
- Contributor(s):Monika Dunajko (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:340-351
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Scultore dal cuore italico, «Il Sole 24 ore», 12 ottobre 2014, p. 40. Rzeźbiarz o italskim sercu, „Il Sole 24 ore”, 12 października 2014, s. 40
Scultore dal cuore italico, «Il Sole 24 ore», 12 ottobre 2014, p. 40. Rzeźbiarz o italskim sercu, „Il Sole 24 ore”, 12 października 2014, s. 40
(Sculptor with an Italian heart, 'Il Sole 24 ore', October 12, 2014, p. 40)
- Author(s):Pia Capelli
- Contributor(s):Leszek Kazana (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:352-355
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lo splendore del marmo e il volo dell’angelo. La mostra delle opere di Mitoraj a Pisa. Blask marmuru i lot anioła. Wystawa dzieł Mitoraja w Pizie
Lo splendore del marmo e il volo dell’angelo. La mostra delle opere di Mitoraj a Pisa. Blask marmuru i lot anioła. Wystawa dzieł Mitoraja w Pizie
(Marble glow and angel flight. Exhibition of Mitoraj's works in Pisa)
- Author(s):Jerzy Miziołek
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:356-369
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Leonardo da Vinci (1519-2019): il cinquecentenario della morte del Genio (Museo Nazionale di Varsavia: maggio/settembre 2019). Leonardo da Vinci (1519-2019): 500-lecie śmierci Geniusza (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, maj/wrzesień 2019)
Leonardo da Vinci (1519-2019): il cinquecentenario della morte del Genio (Museo Nazionale di Varsavia: maggio/settembre 2019). Leonardo da Vinci (1519-2019): 500-lecie śmierci Geniusza (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, maj/wrzesień 2019)
(Leonardo da Vinci (1519-2019): 500th anniversary of the death of Geniusz (National Museum in Warsaw, May / September 2019))
- Author(s):Jerzy Miziołek
- Contributor(s):Paolo Gesumunno (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:370-373
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
«Ritratto di un giovane uomo»: alla ricerca del capolavoro disperso di Raffaello Sanzio. „Portret Młodzieńca”: w poszukiwaniu zaginionego arcydzieła Raffaella Sanzio
«Ritratto di un giovane uomo»: alla ricerca del capolavoro disperso di Raffaello Sanzio. „Portret Młodzieńca”: w poszukiwaniu zaginionego arcydzieła Raffaella Sanzio
("Portrait of a Young Man": in search of the lost masterpiece of Raffaella Sanzio)
- Author(s):Jerzy Miziołek
- Contributor(s):Barbara Rejmak (Translator)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:374-375
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Italia e Polonia 1919-2019. Bibliografia scelta. Włochy i Polska 1919-2019. Bibliografia wybrana
Italia e Polonia 1919-2019. Bibliografia scelta. Włochy i Polska 1919-2019. Bibliografia wybrana
(Italy and Poland 1919-2019. Bibliography selected)
- Contributor(s):Jerzy Miziołek (Editor), Wojciech Milej (Editor), Barbara Rejmak (Editor)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:376-383
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Indice delle illustrazioni. Spis ilustracji
Indice delle illustrazioni. Spis ilustracji
(List of illustrations)
- Contributor(s):Jerzy Miziołek (Editor)
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), History of Art
- Page Range:384-386
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Polish-Italian diplomatic relations; Italian film; Italian literature; Fiat; Polish-Italian relations
- Summary/Abstract:Bilingual volume published in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Poland and with the Italian Institute of Culture to celebrate the centenary of the Italian-Polish diplomatic relations (1919–2019).Texts by the renowned Italian and Polish authors (translated from Italian to Polish or vice versa) are divided into two parts: “Diplomacy, economy, history” and “Art, film, literature, theatre”. Such division allows to follow the Polish-Italian bonds in different fields, from translation and performance of the Italian tragedies on the Polish stages, to cooperation with the FIAT company. There is also reflection on the Polish-Italian relations in the difficult interwar period and during the Second World War. In this context one text has exceptional significance - that of Vincenzo Mario Palmieri, Italian anatomic pathologist and a member of the international commission that examined the Katyń massacre in 1943.The volume not only for the Italophiles but also for all those interested in the history of the 20th century and in the issues of the international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €