Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019)
Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019)
Contributor(s): Ondřej Dvouletý (Editor), Martin Lukeš (Editor), Jan Mísař (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Review, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Political Theory, Civil Society, Governance, Public Administration, Public Law, Sociology, Economic history, Economic policy, Politics and society, Law on Economics, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research, Geopolitics, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Keywords: Innovation Management;Entrepreneurship;Sustainability;
Summary/Abstract: The 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019) took place on May 30 – 31, 2019 at the University of Economics, Prague. The conference was organised by the Department of Entrepreneurship of the University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic in cooperation with other partners.Sound keynote speakers – Martina Musteen (San Diego State University, USA), Ilan Alon (University of Agder, Norway), Andrew Burke (Trinity Business School, Ireland), Arnim Wiek (Arizona State University, USA), Søren Salomo (Technical University Berlin, Germany) and Roy Thurik (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) discussed the trends in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability. The conference aimed to achieve academic excellence in a regional context and to establish a platform for mutual collaboration, exchange and dissemination of ideas among researchers and professionals.These conference proceedings contain contributions of the conference participants presented during both days of the conference. Authors of papers come from 22 countries all over the world, namely from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and Vietnam. All these contributions have successfully passed the doubleblind peer-review process.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-245-2316-3
- Page Count: 1064
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English
Impact of Personal Characteristics of Human Resources Managers on Implementation of Diversity Management Practices in Egypt
Impact of Personal Characteristics of Human Resources Managers on Implementation of Diversity Management Practices in Egypt
(Impact of Personal Characteristics of Human Resources Managers on Implementation of Diversity Management Practices in Egypt)
- Author(s):Ayman Alshaabani
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:17-30
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Diversity management; leadership styles; age; gender; work experience
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This study aimed to determine which leadership style is more associated with implementing diversity management and which leadership style has more influence on it. Moreover, the study purposed to determine whether there are any differences in the levels of implementing diversity management practices related to the HR managers. Design/methodology/approach: A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the Human resource managers and middle-level managers in the big Egyptian companies the data collected in 2018. The questionnaire was sent online to 150 HR managers, 103 questionnaires were returned with response rate 68.6% the companies' list was taken from the Egyptian exchange market. After collecting data, a face validity, normality test for metric variables, and reliability test were done to check the data validation. One-way ANOVA, hierarchal regression analysis and correlations were applied to fulfill the research aims. Findings: The results showed that implementing diversity management can be determined from the leadership styles, but the age, work experience, and gender couldn't determine this. On the other hand, the age of leaders, their work experience did have an effect on the relationship between leadership style and diversity management, also, it was found that most of the men are transactional leaders, most of the women are transformational leaders. Research/practical implications: The study provides observations from the perspective of an Egyptian emerging economy. Originality/value: This study provided an attempt to figure out the types of leaders prevailing in the Egyptian companies and what the relationship between the leaders’ characteristics and their implementation of diversity management which could be considered a new study in this research area.
Evaluating the Impact of Marketing, Organisational and Process Innovation on Innovation Output of Information Technology Firms: Czech Republic and Estonia
Evaluating the Impact of Marketing,
Organisational and Process Innovation on
Innovation Output of Information Technology
Firms: Czech Republic and Estonia
(Evaluating the Impact of Marketing,
Organisational and Process Innovation on
Innovation Output of Information Technology
Firms: Czech Republic and Estonia)
- Author(s):Henry Junior Anderson, Jan Stejskal
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:31-40
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Marketing innovation; organisational innovation; process innovation; Czech Republic; Estonia
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: As technological innovation has enabled Information technology (IT) to seamlesslymerge into daily routines playing an irreplaceable role in innovation generation and disseminationthe research aims to assess the impact of marketing, organisational and process innovation oninnovation in Czech Republic and Estonia. Design/methodology/approach: Data from Community Innovation Survey (2012-2014) was usedwhilst multiple regression analysis. 395 firms were selected for both Czech Republic and Estonia.These member states were selected due to their dwindling performance on the innovation scalerelative to EU in 2010; IT and information service firms was also chosen as the unit of analysis. Findings: Public funding at the National and European Union level was only significant toinnovation output in Estonia whilst organisational innovation was insignificant in both countries.Process innovation was significant to innovation output although with different direction ofsignificance between both countries whilst marketing innovation variables were also fullysignificant in Czech Republic but partly significant in Estonia. Research/practical implications: The study provides insights into innovation behaviour of theCzech and Estonian companies. Originality/value: Furthering the innovation report of European Union and selectively focusingon the key innovation variables, the paper adds to the literature by detailing the response of theinnovation output of Czech Republic and Estonia to marketing, organisational and processinnovation of IT and information service firms.
Brazilian Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions, Confidence and Competences
Brazilian Students’ Entrepreneurial
Intentions, Confidence and Competences
(Brazilian Students’ Entrepreneurial
Intentions, Confidence and Competences)
- Author(s):André Fleury, Diane Reis
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:41-51
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial competences
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This study aims to evaluate students' entrepreneurial competences, intentions andconfidence, before and after entrepreneurship teaching courses. Emerging in a scenario whereentrepreneurs constantly face a challenging environment, and where the association ofentrepreneurship with economic growth, innovation and job creation are always present. Someresearchers believe that entrepreneurial competences can be teachable, not being innate, aidingentrepreneurs with better results and contributing to a nation’s economic development. Design/methodology/approach: The case study method applied in the research allowsa comparison between different scenarios. The cases studies were developed in two courses,both with the same model and focus on teach entrepreneurship, at the University of São Paulo(USP), in the second half of 2018. Achieving as respond rate 62% in the pre-coursequestionnaire of both courses, and 42% and 51%, respectively, in the post-course questionnaire,with groups of 60 students and 79 students, respectively. Findings: The study discovered that the courses always assist in develop the students’entrepreneurial intention and competences, but they do not always assist in develop theentrepreneurial confidence. The students expect to improve entrepreneurial competences andlearn more about entrepreneurship, by attending the courses. Thus, this study contributes toways of measuring the results of entrepreneurship teaching courses, a currently challenge. Research/practical implications: The research contributed with ways of measuring theoutcomes of entrepreneurship teaching courses. Leaving for future research the investigation ofthe students’ entrepreneurial competences, confidence and intention in other scenarios. Originality/value: This study is original because it explored an unexplored database, evolvinga data collection and analysis, besides being an attempt to measure the outcomes ofentrepreneurship teaching courses, contributing to the entrepreneurship education evolution.
Verification of the Organizational Structure Evolution Model of Retail Trade Organizations Using Cluster Analysis and the Method of Rotated Components
Verification of the Organizational Structure
Evolution Model of Retail Trade
Organizations Using Cluster Analysis and the
Method of Rotated Components
(Verification of the Organizational Structure
Evolution Model of Retail Trade
Organizations Using Cluster Analysis and the
Method of Rotated Components)
- Author(s):Alexander L. Bobkov, Igor V. Denisov, Oxana V. Kuchmaeva, Oksana V. Savchina
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:52-65
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Organizational development; statistical research methods
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Purpose of the study is to clarify the theoretical model of organizational structureevolution, which is based on the hypothesis that two types of organizational structures –sequential and parallel, dialectically replace each other. It is assumed that the growth oforganizations in the transition between two different types of organizational structures hasa different nature – intensive or extensive. Design/methodology/approach: Retail sector enterprises, whose organizational structure islargely determined by separate divisions, are selected. The cluster analysis is chosen asa research method to split the initial data set into groups. In order to clarify the results ofthe cluster analysis, the principal component method is used. For the study, 2,249 retailorganizations of the Czech Republic were initially selected. Findings: The analysis put us to make the following clarifications in the model: a) in thetransition from a parallel organizational structure to a sequential one the growth of anorganization is of an intensive nature, and in the transition from a sequential organizationalstructure, growth is extensive; b) development patterns are determined by three key factors: thesize of an organization, the effectiveness of its activities and the age of an organization. Research/practical implications: The results of the research generally confirmed thehypotheses put forward and showed coincidence with the proposed theoretical model of theevolution of the organizational structure. Originality/value: The use of the proposed model allows owners and managers to morerationally undertake the development of commercial organizations in the long term.
Exploring the Ability of Tomorrow’S Leaders to Support Smart City Projects
Exploring the Ability of Tomorrow’S Leaders
to Support Smart City Projects
(Exploring the Ability of Tomorrow’S Leaders
to Support Smart City Projects)
- Author(s):Djida Bounazef, Nathalie Crutzen
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:66-77
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Level of acceptance; changes, risk aversion; cultural identity; community involvement
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The concept of smart city is more and more explored in different disciplines. Thecitizen and the community in general are highlighted as the core of a successful smart citytransition, in which strategic actors are transforming together a city. However, a dynamiccollaborative model is effective only if communities are accepting and supporting theimplemented projects. To explore this supportive willingness, this paper focuses on the imagethat tomorrow’s leaders, which can be categorized as potential smart citizens, build regardinglocal smart city projects. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative research is developed on a sample composedby 215 tomorrow’s leaders in Belgium. A survey was designed and distributed online askingrespondents to select uncertainties, opportunities and threats that they associate to smart cityprojects developed locally. A factor analysis is proposed to analyze the data. Findings: Smart city projects are perceived as an opportunity to reinforce sustainability, qualityof life and city digitalization. As a result, tomorrow’s leaders are more supportive if they havea clear vision of potential benefits and consequences induced by local smart city projects. Research/practical implications: This research offers new insights on scholars developed byJun and Weare. As for innovative programs, smart city projects need to be aligned to globalsocial expectations and to subgroup-based interest (taking into account the age, the gender andthe cultural identity) in order to reinforce the capacity of the ecosystem to accept change and todevelop an adequate behavior. Originality/value: The paper proposes an original research in the Belgian context, where smartcity policies are focusing on human factors. Thus, these findings help Belgian cities inunderstanding how citizens think and behave in face of a progressive transforming city.
Improving the Methodology for Monitoring Trends in the Digital Development of Economic Systems
Improving the Methodology for Monitoring
Trends in the Digital Development of Economic
(Improving the Methodology for Monitoring
Trends in the Digital Development of Economic
- Author(s):Natalia Buletova, Olga Demushina
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:78-88
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Digitalization index; digitalization trends; servitization of economy; original typology of economic systems
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The authors set a goal to develop a model of investigating and comparing nationaleconomic systems according to the level of their servitization and digitalization. Design/methodology/approach: The research methods include: 1) an author’s structuralanalysis method based on the calculation of coordination indicators by aggregated values Grossvalue added, and supplemented by a method of graphical analysis of the results of measuringintersectoral proportions over time and the author's typology of national economic systems interms of economic development, including digital development; 2) systematization of theresults of international indices of digitization of the economy or public administration systemsfor correlation with the results of structural analysis. Findings: It was found out that the results of structural analysis and a distribution of thecountries according to their economic development are closely correlated with the results ofinternational rankings which proves the validity of the model. Research/practical implications: The research outcomes may be used by governments andresearchers to evaluate and monitor economic development at the national and internationallevel, and construct rankings of countries or regions according to their digitalization level. Originality/value: The presented study is the first attempt to explore economic developmentof the countries according to the level of digitalization (from agrarian to highly industrialservice-oriented, for which the dominant share of services in the structure of GVA and a highlevel of digitalization according to international ratings is typical). The proposed method ofstructural analysis and the model developed by the authors are unique. The only exception isthe digitalization rating of the public administration system (an example of the E-GovernmentDevelopment Index), since it characterizes not the level of servitization the economy and thetrend of its digitalization, but the result of the digitization of governmental functions.
Business Development Patterns of Small Knowledge Intensive Enterprises from Czech Republic
Business Development Patterns of Small
Knowledge Intensive Enterprises from Czech
(Business Development Patterns of Small
Knowledge Intensive Enterprises from Czech
- Author(s):Veronika Bumberová, František Milichovský
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:89-103
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Business development; innovativeness; small enterprises; knowledge-intensive business services
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Generally, there is agreement about the economic benefits of knowledge-intensivebusiness services (KIBS) in the contemporary empirical literature. Therefore, drawing ona survey-based firm-level dataset, identify whether different service-market scenarios areassociated with different innovation and change activities, evaluating the explanatory power oftraditional classifications of the service sector, as well as the heterogeneity is driven by a firm. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical evidence is based on quantitative data throughan email questionnaire from July to September 2017. The basic population gathered fromuniversity database Amadeus after selected selection criteria included 1214 companies,operating in the knowledge-intensive business service sector. The total return rate from thesurvey was 128 valid answers in completely and correctly filled form (return 10.5%). Theanalysis is based on exploratory factor analyze, hierarchical cluster analysis and validationtechniques such as one-way ANOVA and Duncan multiple range test to the original variablesand testing for homogeneity within and differences between clusters. Findings: The analyses indicate four patterns of business development activities. Besidesa conservative category of KIBS in cluster 1, that do not carry out any relevant developmentactivity, we found cluster 2, characterized by market penetration through service modificationof existing services, cluster 3 is represented by new service development and finally, a cluster4 includes service repositioning strategy to the new markets. Research/practical implications: The research contributions of this study are twofold. First,the results have implications for owners and managers involved in business development in theservices industry and second, results could be useful for government efforts to support thedevelopment activities of KIBS as a heterogeneous category.
Litigate or Not to Litigate? Similarities between Visegrad Countries
Litigate or Not to Litigate? Similarities
between Visegrad Countries
(Litigate or Not to Litigate? Similarities
between Visegrad Countries)
- Author(s):Csilla Kohlhoffer-Mizser
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:104-117
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Alternative dispute resolution; mediation; litigation
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This study is focused on the actual status of the Hungarian society in connection withtrials and conflict management. The paper aims to show the possible directions persons candecide in case of conflict. This article aims to summarize the position of mediation, providedthe question litigate or not to litigate? Design/methodology/approach: The approach to the topic is on the basis of statistical datacollected from national statistical office of Hungary, from Ministry of Justice Hungary aboutdisputes and resolutions, the subject scope of the paper is litigation and mediation. Findings: The increase or stagnation of court cases shows a clear representation of society'sattitude to conflict. Results in different contexts do not represent significant differences in theselection of alternative dispute resolution or litigation as conflict management strategies. Thefindings point to a general increase in alternative dispute resolution, while litigation seems tobe on the rise as well at a slower pace. Research/practical implications: It is implicated to have a progressive thinking about conflictresolution. It can be a change in societies to look at conflicts with another aspect. Persons canpractice the “win-win situation” from the beginning of life, it can be implied in education. Forfuture research there is an aim to show every possible level where alternative dispute resolutionis able to effect, practicing nonviolent communication for the success of conflict management.Scholars and entrepreneurs can make use of this research to apply, use and train mediation toolswhen conflicts arise. Originality/value: It is supported by literature that leadership styles are in relationship withconflict management styles. In trust based relationships liability has a significant role, to beliable for our decisions we may recognized as a profit in society, and look at alternative disputeresolution approach as a progress. Conflict can be found in human interactions as well asbusiness interactions. Companies involved in formal conflict, search for lawyers and leadersthat resolve conflict in an efficient way.
Differences between Companies by Size in Access to Financing
Differences between Companies by Size
in Access to Financing
(Differences between Companies by Size
in Access to Financing)
- Author(s):Simona Činčalová, Jaroslav Jánský
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:118-127
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Approaches to financing; working capital; construction; Czech Republic
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine whether approaches to financing based on selectedindicators differ from various size entities in the Czech construction industry in the differentphases of the economic cycle (during economic recession and after). Design/methodology/approach: The statistical data were drawn from two random years 2010and crisis 2014 from all construction companies listed in the Albertina database. In 2010, therewere 9583 businesses in the construction industry and 6846 businesses in 2014. From thedatabase, different indicators were used for two years in construction companies. The paperdeals with indicators working capital and total indebtedness. For all enterprises in the field ofConstruction in the two years 2010 and 2014, the basic statistical characteristics wereprocessed, and the results are based methodologically on paired t-test. Findings: Despite the economic recession, there have been no significant changes in thefunding structure of construction companies. The results of the paired t-tests have not foundany statistically significant differences for the variables Working Capital and Indebtednessthrough the different companies and in selected years (differences over time). Based on t-testsit was found that micro, small and medium enterprises have similar approaches to financing,while the large companies differ. Research/practical implications: The paper contributes to the field from the perspective ofthe Czech construction industry and it explores the differences in financing across the size ofthe companies operating in the industry. This topic clearly deserves further attention whenexamining the construction industry and its approaches to financing through other indicators orother statistical testing. Originality/value: The value of this study is to provide a first step in a detection of differentapproaches to financing in various size of Czech construction companies.
Innovation, Competition & Contingent Work
Innovation, Competition & Contingent Work
(Innovation, Competition & Contingent Work)
- Author(s):Matthijs den Besten, Issam Laguir
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:128-136
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:SMEs; France; temporary work; innovation perception; imprinting
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The benefits of a flexible workforce are widely recognized. Yet, studies of particularworkforce arrangements such as reliance on freelancers show that these arrangements are notadopted in equal measure by all firms. This study looks at the use of non-permanent contractsmore in general. Its aim is to corroborate the supposition that the need for innovativeness andcompetitiveness is what creates a demand for flexibility among firms. Design/methodology/approach: For our analysis, we rely on self-reports with respect toinnovation, competition and the use of alternative labour contracts from a cohort of firms overa period of five years. On the basis of logistic regressions, we assess the impact of a firm’soutlook at the beginning of the period on its propensity to engage flexible labour later on. Oursample comprises some 50,000 small and medium-sized enterprises that were created in Francein 2002. Findings: The results of our analysis confirm the idea that firms facing challengingenvironments are more likely to look for alternative workforce arrangements. In addition to thefirm’s initial assessment of its situation, we found that firms that rely on alternative labourcontracts in the creation phase are more likely to employ such contracts later too. Research/practical implications: Our findings reinforce the association of workforceflexibility with innovation orientation. Considering the impact of early experience andassuming the benefits of flexibility, the findings suggests that instruments should be developedto expose firms in innovative and dynamic environments to alternative work forms right aftercreation. Originality/value: This paper establishes innovation and competition outlook as antecedentsto the employment of contingent work. Thus, it provides a crucial contribution towardsaddressing the wider question how contingent work helps transform initial ambitions into actualoutcomes with respect to innovation and competitiveness.
The Awareness of Digitisation in Strategic Sustainabilty Reporting in Banking
The Awareness of Digitisation in Strategic
Sustainabilty Reporting in Banking
(The Awareness of Digitisation in Strategic
Sustainabilty Reporting in Banking)
- Author(s):Florian Diener, Miroslav Špaček
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:137-150
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Bank; change; digital; digitisation; disruption; financial services; financial technology; fintech; innovation; strategy; sustainability; reporting
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Today’s financial services industry is making a digital transition, especially when itcomes to banking. Due to changing market conditions and stricter legal requirements forinformation duties to stakeholders, this paper focuses on the analysis of mandatory sustainablereporting with a specific focus on strategy. In particular, the perception of a changing marketenvironment through digitisation in the banking sector will be analysed and interpreted. Theframework of the Sustainability Code forms the basis of the analysis. Design/methodology/approach: Firstly, quantitative content analysis of n = 114 sustainabilityreports and, secondly, regression analysis of a total of 1410 codes related to digitisation werechosen as appropriate research methods. Keyword analysis deals with the analysis ofsustainability reports of the German Sustainability Code and its four strategic criteria. Theseare searched and coded for the keyword 'digital'. Based on this, a regression analysis will becarried out following the respective coded sustainability reports. Findings: The findings revealed that, within the legally mandated sustainable reportingrequirements, banks are partially, and not fully, concerned with reporting on digitisation. Itturns out that the focus is on three out of four strategy criteria of the Sustainability Code.Strategical analysis methods are neglected, whereas Materiality, Objectives the Depth of theValue Chain issues receive increased attention. Research/practical implications: With regards to digitisation, the paper identifies a thematicimbalance within strategic sustainable reporting. It turns out that topics are not fully consideredand addressed in a reporting approach prescribed by law, and that there is a high degree offreedom in the information duty to stakeholders. Originality/value: Since sustainable reporting has only recently become mandatory and it isa comparably new reporting approach, this paper focuses on precisely these and makesa contribution to the analysis and further development of the German Sustainability Code andthe associated legal approaches.
Statistical Approach to the Determination of Numerical Values of Risk-Benefit Ratio in Investment Processes
Statistical Approach to the Determination of
Numerical Values of Risk-Benefit Ratio in
Investment Processes
(Statistical Approach to the Determination of
Numerical Values of Risk-Benefit Ratio in
Investment Processes)
- Author(s):Margarita Doroshenko
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:151-160
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Risk-benefit ratio; investment cycle management system; running costs of an investor; planned costs of an investor
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide an investor with practical tools to assessprobabilities and numerical values of the risk-benefit ratio in the investment process based ona statistical approach. Design/methodology/approach: Methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics areused to describe the investment process. The components of this mathematical apparatus areadapted to represent the investment project. The developed practical approach to determiningprobabilities and the risk-benefit ratio based on the analysis of statistical materials reflectingthe progress of capital investment projects over a five-year period should be considered as themethodological basis of a project management. Findings: The main result is the approach to calculating the costs of an investor in theimplementation of the investment project, taking into account probabilities of the risk-benefitratio, which is appropriate to use in determining running costs of investing in projects. Research/practical implications: The results of the study were piloted and put into practice ina number of organizations. This approach made it possible to assess statistic probabilities ofoverriding of running project costs over the planned initially by 1, 1.5 and 2 times. It ensurescost savings at all stages of the investment project by eliminating unjustified averaging of thedesign ratio that does not take into account the risk index depending on the type of objects. Itis appropriate to use the described method of determining the risk-benefit ratio of the project inthe practice of projects investing. Originality/value: The study presented uses a unique set of calculated values and contributesto the expertise of investment management in an investor's decision-making. On the basis ofthe developed methodology an investor is offered a model project management schemeallowing for risk, a successfully operating software package has been developed in the object-oriented programming environment Delphi.
Entrepreneurial Activity in Slovakia: Selected Regional Aspects and the Role of Governmental Environment
Entrepreneurial Activity in Slovakia: Selected Regional Aspects and the Role of Governmental Environment
(Entrepreneurial Activity in Slovakia: Selected Regional Aspects and the Role of Governmental Environment)
- Author(s):Ondřej Dvouletý, Anna Pilková, Juraj Mikuš, Miroslava Rimská
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Governance, Public Administration, Public Law, Public Finances, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:161-172
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Regional entrepreneurship; business activity; barriers of entrepreneurship; governmental environment; global entrepreneurship monitor; Slovakia
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The main aim of our study was to contribute to this increasing body of the regional entrepreneurship literature by a better understanding of the regional entrepreneurial activity in Slovakia as an example of post-communist economy. Design/methodology/approach: We exploit the existing measures of entrepreneurship from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, and we explore the inter-regional differences in the levels of entrepreneurial activity among eight Slovak NUTS 3 regions during years 2011-2015. We also employ the multivariate regression models and empirically investigate the relationship between the business environment and entrepreneurial activity in Slovakia. Findings: The average engagement in entrepreneurship in Slovakia was during the analysed period 16-18% of the economically active population depending on the measure used. The results of multivariate regression models have shown that the overall improvement of the general business environment positively influences the levels of entrepreneurship in Slovakia. Research/practical implications: We believe that such an observation may serve as an encouragement for the further efforts invested in improving business conditions for the established and new Slovak entrepreneurs. We also encourage future researchers to study further other location factors of entrepreneurial activity such as cultural, logistic and socioeconomic variables. Future research might also address the role of entrepreneurial infrastructure and public entrepreneurship and SME policies. Originality/value: The presented study empirically contributes to the body of knowledge on the regional entrepreneurship and the conducted approach towards quantification of the entrepreneurial activity might serve as an inspiration for other scholars.
Forecast of Investment Financing in Russia in Terms of Funding Sources
Forecast of Investment Financing in Russia in
Terms of Funding Sources
(Forecast of Investment Financing in Russia in
Terms of Funding Sources)
- Author(s):Valentina Edronova, Daria Maslakova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:173-182
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Investment financing; finance sources; analysis of tendencies; forecasting
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: the aim of the study is to develop recommendations for assessing the state ofinvestments financing into fixed assets at the regional levels on the basis of differentiation ofsources of funds. Design/methodology/approach: a general scientific system approach to the study of thephenomenon, econometric and statistical methods for leveling time series, their analyticalsmoothing, as well as an extrapolation method were used as the methodological base of thestudy. The empirical base of the study was the official statistics and calculated data obtained bythe authors. Taken together, these research methods ensured the reliability of economic analysisand the validity of the conclusions formulated in the paper. Findings: the proposed methods for analyzing trends and forecasting the volume of investmentsbased on structured approach to investment financing sources allow analyzing the role of eachsource in the dynamics of investment financing, identifying sources with growth potential andnegative dynamics, and evaluating the role of a particular source. Analysis of the quality offorecasts for the federal districts indicates sufficient forecast accuracy and the possibility of itsuse in strategic planning of the socio-economic development of the region. Research/practical implications: the authors proposed a new approach to forecastinginvestment financing, based on differentiating sources of funds. Originality/value: in contrast to the approaches adopted in the Russian practice of forecasting,focused on the integrated forecasting of investments by types of financing (own, state, loan),the author's approach ensures the formation of the forecast in the context of sources of differenttypes of financing for each region. The results can be used by experts and specialists ininvestment strategic planning, in the development of strategic and current investment plans inthe region.
Social Innovations in the Cultural Field: an Essay
Social Innovations in the Cultural Field:
an Essay
(Social Innovations in the Cultural Field:
an Essay)
- Author(s):Daniel Ericsson
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:183-194
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Social innovation; cultural field; entrepreneurship; organizing context; idealistic infrastructure
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This study seeks to shed light on how social innovations are constructed in the culturalfield by probing the phenomenon in relation to the enactment of an opera company in theSmåland region in southern Sweden. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on an ethnographically inspired study, andis written in the form of an essay to capitalize on the genre’s tentative and reflectiveepistemology. Findings: The study illustrates how a specific social innovation in the cultural field is botha product and producer of social innovations, and how social innovation processes could beunderstood as assemblages of social innovations enacted using organizing contexts andidealistic infrastructures. In opposition to the idea that social innovations are solutions to socialproblems, it is proposed that solutions to social problems might represent the unintendedconsequence of deploying various social innovations. It is also suggested that social innovationprocesses in the cultural field is non-linear and irrational in character. Research/practical implications: The discourse on social innovation is largely based ona calculative engineering logic. This logic stands in sharp contrast to creative and artistic logics,and could hamper social innovation initiatives in the cultural sector. There is therefore a needfor a differentiated understanding of social innovation in both theory and practice – anunderstanding that acknowledges social innovation as a construction dependent on specificcontexts, processes, and people. Originality/value: The essay allows the reader to reflect on how social innovations areconstructed in different contexts.
Digital Payments – How New Technologies Disrupt Money Transfer Systems in Africa
Digital Payments – How New Technologies
Disrupt Money Transfer Systems in Africa
(Digital Payments – How New Technologies
Disrupt Money Transfer Systems in Africa)
- Author(s):Kenzie K. Ferguson, Michael Neubert
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:195-207
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Digital payments; fintech; Africa; innovation; finance
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative exploratory multiple case study research is to exploresubject-matter experts’ (SMEs) perceptions of how technology and framework conditionsinfluence and impact the success of digital payment business models in sub-Saharan Africa. Toaddress this purpose, and to be consistent with the qualitative paradigm, a multiple case studymethodology is used to collect data from multiple sources of evidence. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses an open-ended survey to collect data onSMEs perceptions. Data collection happened through semi-structured, qualitative, in-depthinterviews with senior managers and entrepreneurs / owners in the financial technology sector.Data collection took place in Paris in November 2018. The interviews took between 32-46minutes. The answers of the SMEs were imported, coded, and analyzed using NVivo for Mac. Findings: The findings suggest that growth of digital payment systems in sub-Saharan Africamight be driven by network effects and incentives, and a reduction Gourville’s endowmenteffect or status quo bias. The results of this study suggest that infrastructure might key to thesuccess of digital payment services and supportive regulation might be necessary to allow forentrepreneurs to drive innovation and to protect their customers against fraud. Research/practical implications: The FinTech environment is changing rapidly and requiresreview of the changes within the ecosystem of financial technology innovations. This study willhelp FinTech innovators, academics, and policymakers to understand how technology andframework conditions impact payment business models in sub-Saharan Africa. Originality/value: This paper builds on FinTech research and takes a more in-depth look atdigital payment systems in sub-Saharan Africa using Gourville’s (2006) theoretical frameworkon the psychology of new-product adoption. The added value of this study might be suggestionsfor quantitative research and recommendations for providers of digital payment systems insub-Saharan Africa.
Gender Pay Gap in the State Administration of the Czech Republic
Gender Pay Gap in the State Administration of
the Czech Republic
(Gender Pay Gap in the State Administration of
the Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Michael Forman
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:208-219
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Gender pay gap; state administration; Czech Republic
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The most common phenomenon in labour market is inequality of remunerationaccording to gender, also called Gender pay gap. This disproportion in pay has varying degreesall around the world, affecting the global labour market. The firmness of the business sphereand the state administration is quite obvious in this issue. Employee remuneration is veryclosely related to the issue of ethical leadership and human resources management for thefuture. Design/methodology/approach: This article focuses on the analysis of unequal remunerationin the specific environment of state administration in the Czech Republic. Author compared thedata obtained from the Czech ministries from the year 2018 in order to find out gender pay gapin the Czech Republic and then carried out regression analysis on these data. Findings: On the basis of the statistical analysis, it was found that even within the stateadministration of the Czech Republic there are unequal rewarded men and women, which is tothe detriment of the female sex. Research/practical implications: These findings should outline the current state ofremuneration within the state administration of the Czech Republic. Based on these findings,the system could be corrected and adjusted. Originality/value: The present study analyzes the differences in male and female reward withinthe state administration of the Czech Republic. Similar comprehensive information in thepresent form is currently not published anywhere else.
Value Creation through Digital Technologies in Product Development on Russian Telecommunications Markets
Value Creation through Digital Technologies
in Product Development on Russian
Telecommunications Markets
(Value Creation through Digital Technologies
in Product Development on Russian
Telecommunications Markets)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:220-228
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Value creation; predictive testing; resource mining; lifetime value
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze new trends in the development oftelecommunication markets and possible improvements in competitiveness as a result of theintroduction of new digital technologies in management using the example of Russiantelecommunications companies. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives are achieved by studying the moderncharacteristics of the development of the telecommunications market. The sample for studyingis one of the leading companies on the Russian telecommunication market. The main researchmethods are statistics analysis and survey to show new trends in the use of digital technologiesin product development. Findings: The analysis undertaken in the course of research has shown that the use of digitaltechnologies in management has good prospects in value creation but there are big problems inthe involvement of company managers in the process of digitalization. Research/practical implications: The research outcomes and their implications can be usedfor objective assessment of staff performance and quality of e-services. The suggestions forfuture research may include the development of a transparent system of remuneration usingdigital technologies in quality management. Originality/value: The value is to evaluate the results of empirical testing of digital methodsthat can increase the lifetime value of the customer on the telecommunication markets and toassess the involvement of managers in the process of digitalization based on the survey.
Transformation of Business Model of Generating Companies in Russian Energy Sector
Transformation of Business Model of
Generating Companies in Russian Energy Sector
(Transformation of Business Model of
Generating Companies in Russian Energy Sector)
- Author(s):Maria Gorgisheli, Irina Volkova, Anna Yakovleva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:229-241
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Business model; energy sector; generating company
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The paper aims at creation of an effective business model of global generatingcompanies performing on Russian market and to develop a transformation plan of business forone of these companies. Design/methodology/approach: The face-to-face interviews with Russian senior managementof foreign generating companies were conducted to define the strategic development directionsand the key characteristics of target business model. The literature review enables tosystematize knowledge about the challenges of both global and Russian energy market and ofthe energy companies’ strategic initiatives. The analysis assisted to incorporate innovativeelements into new business model of generating companies and to determine the stages of itstransformation, taking one of these companies as an example. Findings: Generating companies’ performance is influenced by Russian energy marketinstitutional features. The key directions for companies’ development are to increase the shareof generating capacity working on RES and to diversify activities. According to these findings,the target business model was created and the scalable plan of refined business model adaptationin a particular generating company was suggested. Research/practical implications: The findings of the paper appear in elaboration of themethodological approach towards the transformation of foreign generating companies’ businessmodels on Russian market. Strategic vision of market evolution and key characteristics ofbusiness acticities will let managers create state-of-the-art business model. Adoption of themodel in diverse foreign generating companies accumulates the data about the challenges ofthis process. This fact might give the ground for future research in this field. Originality/value: Review of the differencies between foreign generating companies’ businessmodel in both global and Russian energy sectors. New business model including renewedelements of Russian generating companies and a plan for business model adaptation.
Nascent Entrepreneurs’ Business Proposals Qualities and Their Relationship to Financial Indicators when Applying for Angel Investment
Nascent Entrepreneurs’ Business Proposals
Qualities and Their Relationship to Financial
Indicators when Applying for Angel
(Nascent Entrepreneurs’ Business Proposals
Qualities and Their Relationship to Financial
Indicators when Applying for Angel
- Author(s):Robert Hanák
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:242-254
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Angel investor; business proposal; financial performance
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: In our paper we investigate angels investors’ decision outcomes about selectionprocesses when evaluating business proposals. Specifically, we examined the relationshipbetween previous entrepreneurial performance measured by financial indicators and: a) abilityto write sound business proposal, b) acceptance by group of business angels investors. Design/methodology/approach: 322 nascent entrepreneurs asked Slovak Business AngelsNetwork for investment by sending their business proposals, 102 of them already had pastfinancial performance. By correlation design we tested if the quality of the business proposal(measured by Canvas business model and human capital) is in the relationship with specificfinancial indicators (profit, sales, ROA, liabilities to assets, growth indicators) and acceptance. Findings: Entrepreneurial competence and professionalism measured by previous financialperformance such as sales, profit, debt, liabilities of assets were not related with the quality ofthe business model (measured by Canvas total score) described in the business proposal.Gatekeeper’s decision to accept or reject a business proposal in the first round of evaluationwas also not related to financial performance indicators. Research/practical implications: Gatekeeper, his team and investors should change theirdecision process. Entrepreneurial competence in generating positive requested financialindicators is different from competence in writing and describing sound business proposal. Originality/value: Entrepreneurial performance and competence measured by summaryfinancial indicators does not leads to the ability to write a high-quality business proposal withwell-crafted business model. Investors’ decision process is suboptimal in the first round.
Fuzziness Versus Randomness in Managerial Project Evaluation
Fuzziness Versus Randomness in Managerial
Project Evaluation
(Fuzziness Versus Randomness in Managerial
Project Evaluation)
- Author(s):Simona Hašková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:255-264
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Project evaluation; fuzzy approach; probabilistic approach; expected present value; fuzzy number
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Identification of analogy and differences between the probability and fuzzy approachis performed in order to determine which procedure is more beneficial for decision-makers inthe field of strategic management and to assess whether the expected present value criterion isa strong guide to the manager's decision. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology provides tools for dealing with uncertaintyin managerial problems in the sense of randomness by means of the probability approach andvagueness through the fuzzy approach. Findings: Information advantages of the fuzzy approach are stated in comparison to theprobabilistic solution. They are exhibited in the application part within the project economicvaluation of the construction and sale of apartment units. The theoretical superstructure rests inthe description of the differences and analogy between the probabilistic and the fuzzy approachto the economic assessment. Research/practical implications: Expected present value is a weighted average whosecalculation deletes the values of the project scenarios; this result carries less information thaninformation from individual scenarios. The fuzzy approach produces limits of possible valueswhose centre value is a subjectively expected value not burdened by managers ́ excessiveoptimism or pessimism in terms of probability occurrence of cash flows in individual scenarios.Knowledge of these limits is useful for investors with different attitudes towards risk and assuch can be beneficial in terms of managerial decision-making. Originality/value: Identification of the interval limits of possible expected value enables toidentify maximum investment expenditure for a lossless project.
Principles of Data Definition for the Use of Measuring Governance
Principles of Data Definition for the Use of
Measuring Governance
(Principles of Data Definition for the Use of
Measuring Governance)
- Author(s):Christian Hitz, Milomir Vojvodic, Greyson Wicki
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:265-278
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Governance; principles of data definition; data management; data quality
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This study addresses the principles of data definition for the use of measuringgovernance. The study of data definition principles in the context of the measurement ofgovernance is driven by the exponential growth of data sources accelerated by digitization. Thestudy had two objectives: The identification of the data definition principles (1) and theexamination of indicators of these principles by means of a survey (2). Design/methodology/approach: It was a qualitative research approach for the identification ofthe data definition principles (objective 1). In addition to the scientific findings, interviews werecarried out with Subject Matter Experts (SME). In addition, a quantitative approach was chosento verify the indicators of the principles identified (objective 2). For data collection, >500 endusers of data systems were contacted with a viral invitation. This invitation resulted in 75completed questionnaires, of which a sample size of n=42 could be validated. Findings: The qualitative study identified 17 elementary principles of data definition. TheSME’s ranked these principles. One third of the indicators describes the existence of datagovernance, which is essential for measuring governance. The quantitative study showed thatthe principles for the definition of content play a much greater role than the semantics andsyntax of the Data. The perceived Data Quality is positively correlated with the principles ofdata definition of the Content of Information. Research/practical implications: As data sources continue to grow exponentially, it becomesincreasingly difficult to aggregate them into information and make them comparable. Sincethese sources are not known to each other in advance, the creation of a common denominatorcan only be achieved by establishing principles of data definition. The findings of this studyhelp to define this minimum requirement of information content via principles of datadefinition. Originality/value: This study is based on the research gap of non-uniform data management inthe field of governance risk and compliance literature.
How Enterprising Are Non-Business Students?
How Enterprising Are Non-Business Students?
(How Enterprising Are Non-Business Students?)
- Author(s):Marian Holienka, Jana Holienkova, Péter Gál
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:279-290
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Student entrepreneurship; non-business fields of study; enterprising tendency; personality traits; entrepreneurship education
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Nowadays, majority of attention in entrepreneurship education is still devoted tobusiness students. However, they are quite far from being the most enterprising, showinggreatest business appetite or having the domain substance to build their businesses upon. Thus,we call for a shift of this paradigm. In this paper, we support this suggestion by analysing howenterprising are students in selected non-business fields and what are the factors behind. Design/methodology/approach: We investigate for differences between students in selectednon-business disciplines in enterprising tendency and entrepreneurial characteristics,entrepreneurial propensity and its potential drivers. Our sample, obtained through own datacollection in years 2017 and 2018, comprises of 288 university students from four disciplines(engineering, sports, arts, and pedagogy) studying at four universities in Slovakia. Findings: Our analysis yielded findings on entrepreneurial propensity, enterprising tendencyand personality and entrepreneurship education background of students of sports, arts,engineering and pedagogy. We constructed the hypothetical profiles of the analysed groups ofstudents with respect to the above-mentioned attributes. We suggest that entrepreneurship is anintegral phenomenon in non-business student populations. Research/practical implications: Entrepreneurship is an integral phenomenon in non-businessstudent populations. We suggest further elaboration building on the presented work, includingmore extensive examination, comparisons with business students, extending the scope ofanalysis to other disciplines, or employing more sophisticated statistical methods. Originality/value: Research on entrepreneurship among non-business students is still ratherscarce, especially in case of Slovakia. More importantly, there is a clear lack of systematicattention to entrepreneurship education, training and support in non-business fields. We call forshifting the cliché that entrepreneurship education and support is meant for business students.
Comparison of Portfolios Using Markowitz and Downside Risk Theories on the Czech Stock Market
Comparison of Portfolios Using Markowitz
and Downside Risk Theories on the Czech Stock
(Comparison of Portfolios Using Markowitz
and Downside Risk Theories on the Czech Stock
- Author(s):Zuzana Janková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:291-303
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Portfolio; theory of portfolio; downside risk; markowitz approach
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The paper deals with the comparison of Markowitz and downside risk portfoliotheories and the practical application of both approaches on the Czech stock market. Twoinvestment portfolios of stocks of companies included in the PX index of the Prague StockExchange have been constructed and their results are comparison. Design/methodology/approach: For the purposes of this paper, the secondary research methodhas been chosen based on structured data collection in order to clarify the scientific knowledgeof the modern and post-modern portfolio theory issues. The research part of the paper dealswith eight stocks, which were included in the PX index in the period from 1/2013 to 8/2018.Empirical data are obtained from the official website of the Prague Stock Exchange. Findings: The added value of the paper can be seen in the empirical testing and comparison ofmodern and post-modern portfolio theory in a small capital market with low market liquidity,such as the Czech stock market, since not many of them have been performed yet. Research/practical implications: The comparison of both approaches suggests that riskmeasurement using standard deviation is considered inappropriate in modern portfolio theory.Furthermore, it is evident that the more the instrument departs from the normal distribution, thegreater the differences in the risk assessment will be. Shortcomings of the Markowitz approachare remedied by post-modern portfolio theory that measures risk through downside risk, whichadequately responds to the asymmetry in returns. Originality/value: According to research, it is possible to state that modern theory allocatesstocks to the portfolio stocks with a high return-to-risk ratio. Furthermore, lower ability ofmodern theory to diversify the portfolio has been demonstrated. The post-modern portfolioachieves lower risk rate and greater diversification and seems to be more suitable for creatinga portfolio even in a small and less effective market.
7799Innovative Activity of Enterprises in the Health Care Sector in Cooperation with Other Entities Based on the Example of the Lodz Province
7799Innovative Activity of Enterprises in the
Health Care Sector in Cooperation with Other
Entities Based on the Example of the Lodz
(Innovative Activity of Enterprises in the
Health Care Sector in Cooperation with Other
Entities Based on the Example of the Lodz
- Author(s):Jadwiga Kaczmarska-Krawczak
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:304-318
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Innovation; health care; innovative activity; cooperation
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Innovative processes of enterprises do not only depend on the innovative potential oforganisations building their potential individually, but on the cooperation of enterprises withother entities which allow the activity economization. It is a result of scale of action and sharingthe costs and risk of undertakings. Cooperation between enterprises contributes to constantsearch, as well as to the use of the R&D results, new projects, concepts and innovations inpractice. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research was held within the period of June – July2018 using the survey methodology. Surveys covered the cooperation of enterprises from thehealth care sector within the innovative activity with other entities. Findings: Enterprises from the health care sector pay close attention to scientific research andcooperation in creating innovations with universities and scientific research institutes.Cooperation provides them with a broader access to knowledge and other resources. It allowsthe entry on new markets or the increase of market share. What is more, it allows to achievesynergy and other benefits which an enterprise focused only on itself cannot reach. Research/practical implications: Enterprises from the health care sector pay close attentionto cooperation in the creation of innovations with other entities. Those aspects link to activeinvolvement in innovative processes and the undertaking of actions in this regard, but also toan active attitude in acquiring necessary resources. Originality/value: The article presents new results of research concerning the cooperation ofenterprises from the health care sector within the innovative activity with other entities in LodzProvince, Poland. The author’s contribution to scientific achievements in the economics comesdown to designation of specific directions. Those concern the cooperation of enterprises fromthe health care sector, summary of the cooperation areas of enterprises together with theverification of innovations developed in particular areas of cooperation, and recommendationsin the scope of shaping further cooperation for the fields of science and business.
Digital Entrepreneurship: Reskilling and Upskilling with Mobile Massive Open Online Courses
Digital Entrepreneurship:
Reskilling and Upskilling with Mobile Massive
Open Online Courses
(Digital Entrepreneurship:
Reskilling and Upskilling with Mobile Massive
Open Online Courses)
- Author(s):Ladislava Knihová, Štěpánka Hronová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:319-333
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Digital entrepreneur; digital revolution; innovation; MOOCs; upskilling
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Sophisticated technological solutions and digital transformation representa challenge not only for entrepreneurs and governments but they have considerable implicationsfor education and learning as well. The objective of the research is to particularise the conceptof digital entrepreneurship within Industry 4.0 with regard to the availability of the relevantmobile massive open online courses focused on topics particularly useful for (digital)entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship per se. Design/methodology/approach: In harmony with the research objectives, sequential mixedmethods research, specifically multi-phase research design, has been applied. The researchdesign included the following research methods: quantitative content analysis, exploratoryanalysis, comparative analysis as well as descripto-explanatory study. The scope has beenlimited to two main platforms (iOS and Android) providing current mobile courses in Englishfor (digital) entrepreneurs. Monetization strategies have not been considered. Findings: The authors obtained comprehensive results and identified 242 multimedia mobileeducational courses on (digital) entrepreneurship evidencing a direct connection between thedigital skills for entrepreneurs and the courses' content. The research indicated importantinterrelations of the identified variables evidencing a trend towards higher rating of courses. Research/practical implications: The most remarkable implications are: (a) update on digitalentrepreneurship and related digital skills, (b) survey of mobile educational courses forentrepreneurs by world's most reputable universities, (c) current trends' observation, and (d)suggestions for specific areas of closer collaboration between universities and entrepreneurs. Originality/value: Out of numerous research projects on massive open online courses, severalanalyse entrepreneurship education; however, the presented study fills a research gap focusingon mobile apps as a new platform within massive open online courses. Thus, the in-depthanalysis of data on the above topics has the potential to contribute to the development of digitalentrepreneurship in the Czech Republic and serve academia as a benchmarking tool.
Innovation Typology: Comparative Study on Central European Countries
Innovation Typology: Comparative Study on
Central European Countries
(Innovation Typology: Comparative Study on
Central European Countries)
- Author(s):Lucia Kohnova, Ján Papula, Nikola Salajová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:334-348
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Innovation management; industry 4.0; innovation typology
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this research article is to present the importance of innovation forsustainable development of companies in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This paperpresents the topic of specific types of innovations that are conducted by companies with themain objective focused on analysis of differences among organizations based on the country ofoperation, company size and company maturity. Design/methodology/approach: The research method of data collection in this research wasan extensive survey of enterprises from five EU countries. The research tool was an electronicquestionnaire that was distributed to representatives and management of organizations. Thisresearch was part of a research project, which was realized during the period 2015-2018. Research objectives are achieved with extensive analysis using statistical Chi square testing ofsignificance of differences found among selected groups of companies. Findings: The analysis in our research has shown several differences between analyzedcountries, where Austrian and German companies conducted product innovation significantlymore than Slovak and Czech companies. 54% of large companies have conducted technologicalinnovation recently, while smaller companies conducted mainly product innovation. Growingcompanies conducted all types of innovation more than mature companies. Research/practical implications: The importance of innovation in current dynamicenvironment pushes companies into fast decisions regarding future development. Slovak andCzech companies need to sustain their competitiveness to Austrian and German companiesmainly by increasing product innovations. Large companies may face slower pace of growth. Originality/value: This unique research consisting of 1482 companies provides important viewon differences in behavior of companies. The originality of the research comes from thecomparison of five European countries, where SK and CZ companies are compared to strongereconomies as DE, AT and CH. Identified statistically significant differences provide managersimportant information that can lead to specific actions in their future innovation management.
The Assessment of Labor Resources Quality Improvement Models by Entrepreneurs
The Assessment of Labor Resources Quality
Improvement Models by Entrepreneurs
(The Assessment of Labor Resources Quality
Improvement Models by Entrepreneurs)
- Author(s):Alexandr Kokovikhin, Andrey Yevgenyevich Plakhin, Ekaterina Sergeevna Ogorodnikova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:349-358
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Subjects of small and medium business; labor resources quality improvement models; performance indicators; public-private partnership
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This article presents an analysis of entrepreneur satisfaction with the labor resourcesquality improvement models. The results obtained are of great importance, since they willimprove the efficacy of the regional executive bodies of state power in programs for staffingsmall and medium-sized businesses. Design/methodology/approach: A survey of entrepreneurs on the website of the Ministry ofInvestment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, was conducted from November 2017to January 2019. A total of 3420 questionnaires were sent, filled out and returned. The effect ofusing a particular model on the availability of frames is checked on the basis of the models ofpair regression. Findings: The results of the study allow us to conclude on the greatest impact of public-privatepartnership models while improving the quality of labor resources from the perspective ofproviding entrepreneurial activities. The use of this model will improve the security ofentrepreneurs labor resources. Research/practical implications: It has been revealed that the most effective model regardinglabor resources quality improvement directed at ensuring entrepreneurial activity is through astate-private partnership dual model. The authors proposed an institutional model fororganizing the dual training of labor resources with the participation of large and smallbusinesses. Originality/value: The presented study uses a unique data set for the regions of Russia.Approbation of the method is made on the basis of materials obtained in the course of studiesconducted in 2017-2019.
Aplication of Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting in Business Economy
Aplication of Artificial Neural Networks for
Forecasting in Business Economy
(Aplication of Artificial Neural Networks for
Forecasting in Business Economy)
- Author(s):Andrea Kolková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:359-368
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Artificial neural networks; exponential smoothing; ARIMA; BATS
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The forecasting method is now a whole lot. They are often based on the specificconditions of the given time series, and their methodology is mostly the result of research inscientific centres and universities. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has been very muchdiscussed (hereafter AI). Implementation of AI into enterprise decision-making brings a wholehost of new opportunities and challenges. One of them is certainly the use of AI in forecasting. Design/methodology/approach: The paper after classic models present, the AI-based model,namely the neural networks model, introduce. Subsequently, the models are applied to 166monthly data from year 2008 to 2018. After analysing the data, forecasting ex-post is performedand evaluated according to selected accuracy indicators. After evaluating accuracy, the mostaccurate model for the given enterprise variables is selected and ex-ante forecasting performed. Findings: Benefit of this paper can be seen in particular in the expansion of possible forecastingmethods to ensure the most accurate results of business forecasts. The evaluation of thesuitability of the models is ensured by the best values of the selected accuracy measures. Research/practical implications: The paper confirms the possibilities of using the neuralnetwork method for business time series as the best model with RMSE 0.3134768. In thepractice of specific businesses, the contribution can help with the selection of suitable methodsfor forecasting. In future research, I can focus on other forecasting methods, such as the use ofother AI tools, chaos theory, fuzzy logic, or genetic algorithms. Originality/value: At present, the practical use of neural networks in the corporate economyin the Czech Republic is still an outlying issue. Its wider use in practice requires exploration ofthe use of academic and other scientific institutions. The way in which scientific knowledgecan be accessed through practice can be a wider use of this tool in practice.
Integrating the Principles of Responsible Management Education According to the Needs of CSR Learning
Integrating the Principles of Responsible
Management Education According to the Needs
of CSR Learning
(Integrating the Principles of Responsible
Management Education According to the Needs
of CSR Learning)
- Author(s):Irina Kostadinova, Svilen Kunev, Diana Antonova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:369-380
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Sustainability; CSR; education; PRME implementation model
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: More than ten years after the Principles of Responsible Management Education(PRME), a UN Global Compact Initiative, it is time to review what has been achieved. As aresult of the cooperation among EU universities, an international study was conducted onconsumer needs of Sustainability and CSR training through the integration of PRME. A Con-ceptual model for the educational strategy transformation in business universities is presented. Design/methodology/approach: Descriptive statistics of the results of a study on the PRMEand an Overview of Business Student Needs in CSR at three leading universities from Romania,Bulgaria and Slovenia, are presented. The Linear Modelling of Structural Equations (LISREL)has been used to establish the strength of the correlations between the six basic principles ofPRME and its influential factors applied to CSR training: Purpose, Value, Method, Research,Partnership and Dialogue. Findings: As a result of formulated study hypotheses, based on Global Compact principles,arguments have been put forward to improve the six-step Model for Transformation of the CSReducational processing in business universities (PRMS). After conducting an online study withthe target groups – 153 students from University Politehnica, Bucharest (81); University ofRuse (40), and University of Maribor (32), the data obtained were systematized. Research/practical implications: The impact assessment of university education initiativesincludes, but is not limited to, impact on students - it is important to remember that PRME'smain task is to educate the next generation of responsible business leaders and professionals. Originality/value: A survey questionnaire was used on the sections of the TransformationModel for the PRME (PRMET, 2019), which identified and evaluated the opportunities forraising the results of CSR education. Through an in-depth study of student behaviour,a conceptual model and guidelines for improving university curricula for CSR andsustainability are defined.
Entrepreneurship as a Career Path for PhD Holders in Slovakia?
Entrepreneurship as a Career Path for PhD
Holders in Slovakia?
(Entrepreneurship as a Career Path for PhD
Holders in Slovakia?)
- Author(s):Janka Kottulová, Andrea Jaseňová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:381-393
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Researcher career; career development of researchers; academic entrepreneurs; doctoral entrepreneurs
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The main goal of this paper is to explore entrepreneurship as one of the possiblecareer choices for doctorate holders in Slovakia. The paper also aims to identify the relevantresearch questions and contribute to the creation of future research agenda in the field of bothacademic entrepreneurship research and research focusing on career development ofresearchers. Design/methodology/approach: The paper uses the exploratory approach. We started with thereview of literature covering two focus areas, entrepreneurship as a career option for researchersand academic entrepreneurship, to identify the main concepts linked to the topic. In the nextstep, we selected set of factors related to various aspects of research environment andresearchers’ labour market in Slovakia and discussed their possible impact on the career andentrepreneurship opportunities of researchers. Finally, we focused on the empirical studiesaddressing entrepreneurship of researchers in the Visegrad region. Based on the all collectedsources we suggested the set of questions to be addressed by further empirical research. Findings: Research on entrepreneurship of researchers in Slovakia and Visegrad region ismostly limited to papers addressing “academic entrepreneurship”. Nevertheless, it offersinteresting insights into the motivation of researchers to become entrepreneurs in theenvironment which is not particularly supportive to research- and innovation-basedentrepreneurial activities. Research/practical implications: The paper provides the basic conceptual framework forfurther research on the topic of entrepreneurship as a possible career path for PhD holders inSlovakia. Originality/value: The paper delivers interesting research findings from the perspective ofpost-communist economy.
The Role of Social Innovation in Managerial Practice
The Role of Social Innovation in Managerial
(The Role of Social Innovation in Managerial
- Author(s):Petra Krejčí, Jarmila Šebestová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:394-405
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Innovation; social innovation; business practice
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Main goal of the paper is to explain how “business literacy” and activity in area ofinnovations, especially in the social type relates to the length of managers' experience. Is thebusiness experience source of motivation to be innovative? Design/methodology/approach: A primary research was made to get relevant opinion aboutinnovation, innovative activities in several companies in the Czech Republic. A sample of pilot34 interviews was provided with business owners to discuss their “business literacy” in area ofinnovations, especially in social innovations (September - December 2018). Key informationwas evaluated on Likert scale to be able to compare the results. Findings: There were four dependent variables such as age, gender, qualification and length ofbusiness experience. A business experience was chosen in that paper in connection to beingable to describe and realize innovations. It has been found that managers not to have enoughknowledge of innovation and their possible classification. Secondly, their innovative activity isnot based only on business experience, but it is closely connected with managerial education. Research/practical implications: It would be appropriate to explain this issue to managers infirst case, according developed matrix and original classification system based on end-userapproach. Better level of innovation literacy would provide to relevant responses in a futuresurvey. Originality/value: A value could be seen in provided qualitative study, where an innovativeliteracy description and original classification of social innovations was obtained. Thisclassification not have been used before (pure and combined) in any study. Previous studyclassified only types not innovation “impact” presented by pure and combined approach.
Technological and Market Assessment of the Innovative Business Models for Demand Response in the European Buildings
Technological and Market Assessment of the
Innovative Business Models for Demand
Response in the European Buildings
(Technological and Market Assessment of the
Innovative Business Models for Demand
Response in the European Buildings)
- Author(s):Dawid Krysiński, Agnieszka Kowalska, Ricardo Rato
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:406-418
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Demand response; business models; energy efficiency
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This paper presents innovative business model that incorporates the demand response(DR) schemes to the ESCO projects. So far, despite financial barriers, DR aggregators have notcooperated with ESCOs which offer financial support for energy renovations. Thus, the paperdescribes the first joint business model and assesses technological and market opportunities forits practical implementation. Design/methodology/approach: Technological assessment of the business model was basedon CANVAS model and focus group interviews (FGIs) conducted with 31 DR aggregators andESCOs in 2016 in Portugal, Serbia, Spain and UK. Market assessment was conducted basingon quantitative study from 2015 with 112 European Energy Performance Contractors (EPC)who were asked about financial and technological aspects of the renovations. Findings: The optimal peak demand DR scheme minimizing potential peak loads was designed,with close attention to the activities that should be taken by DR aggregators and ESCOs tojointly offer this solution on the market. Moreover, the study identified target markets (mainlySouthern Europe) and found that the motivation of building owners to implement the innovativesolution is influenced by the pressure to reduce energy costs. Research/practical implications: The results show how the DR aggregator and ESCO couldcreate joint market strategy for renovation with the implicit DR scheme. They also suggestwhich markets and drivers should be considered while implementing the business model. Originality/value: This was the original study which evaluated technological and marketopportunities for incorporation of the DR solutions to the ESCOs activities, including strongattention to the communication infrastructure, smart metering devices and users’ behaviours.
Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Managerial Responsibility
Artificial Intelligence in the Context of
Managerial Responsibility
(Artificial Intelligence in the Context of
Managerial Responsibility)
- Author(s):Dušan Kučera
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:419-431
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:AI; anthropology; ethics; social risks
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of the contribution is to identify the sources of the present mostlyuncritical optimism regarding the application of AI, which illuminates the old idea ofrobotisation and the attempt to replace a man with a machine. Design/methodology/approach: The conceptual study aims to identify the philosophical birthof the idea that a person can be understood as a robot or a machine. This idea is subsequentlyanalysed in the light of complex scientific interest with the question, how far the technologicaldevelopment of AI projects represent the separation of scientific approach and its reduction oninformational and mechanical functions revealing the ethical consequences for management. Findings: The study reveals the original philosophical foundations of AI principles and theirpositivist approaches. The application of AI is important for the deeper awareness of managerialresponsibility and new treats for individuals and society in the future. Research/practical implications: The impact of the study rests in the ethical dilemma thatneeds to question the promotion and application of AI. The current treats of possible dual useof robotic technology confirm the need for critical debate among both the academicstechnologists and managers. The challenges for management risks relate to personal autonomy,democratic stability and national sovereignty. Originality/value: Critical analysis about AI in the similar anthropological, managerial, socialand ethical contexts are because of technological positivism and economic expectationssporadic today, especially in the frame of complex management responsibility.
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intent Among Students – Initial Findings from India
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intent
Among Students – Initial Findings from India
(Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intent
Among Students – Initial Findings from India)
- Author(s):Shivam Khetan, Arya Kumar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:432-444
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Entrepreneurship; start-up culture; entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurship education
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Building an eco-system for promoting start-up culture has become one of the keypolicy thrusts of the government to enhance economic growth and create jobs. This study hasattempted to identify the factors that stimulate entrepreneurial intention among students. Design/methodology/approach: The model of this study includes the effect of demographics,contextual factors and the components of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on theentrepreneurial intention of the students. A sample of 158 students participated in a survey,consisting of questions measuring attitude towards entrepreneurship, locus of control, need forachievement, willingness to take risks and entrepreneurial intention. The data was collectedduring three weeks in the month of April 2018. Findings: The findings of the study reveal that need for achievement plays the most crucial rolefollowed by entrepreneurial intentions, locus of control, willingness to take risks andentrepreneurial attitude for inculcating entrepreneurial spirit and mind-set amongst students.MBA students were more prone to entrepreneurial intent when compared to Non-MBAstudents. The study reveals that entrepreneurial education significantly influences studentstowards entrepreneurship and motivate them to become an entrepreneur. Research/practical implication: Our initial observation suggests that formal exposure toentrepreneurship courses and informal outside class activities significantly help in creatingentrepreneurial intent among students. Educational institutions need to focus on building aneco-system conducive for entrepreneurship development. Originality/value: The study is original based on data collected from students pursuing theirundergraduate and graduate studies in different years at Birla Institute of Technology & Science(BITS) Pilani. The study has focused on examining entrepreneurial intent amongst students andimplications of curricula offered to promote students' interest in entrepreneurship.
The Social Responsibility of Professional Football Clubs in the Czech Republic
The Social Responsibility of Professional
Football Clubs in the Czech Republic
(The Social Responsibility of Professional
Football Clubs in the Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Vilém Kunz, Michal Tomčík
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:445-459
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Social responsibility in sport; football; premier league; fortuna league
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide a description of the situation regarding theapplication of CSR principles in professional football, whereby particular attention will be paidto the most significant European league competitions. In addition, the authors have also focusedon ascertaining the current situation in this area with regard to the participants in the Czechpremier football league. Design/methodology/approach: The authors have based this article on the combination of theconclusions of a secondary data analysis, a website content analysis and an empiricalinvestigation based on a series of semi-structured interviews. The main analytical categoriesinvolved the areas of focus for the CSR activities and the methods of CSR communication onthe websites. Findings: It is apparent that significant differences exist between the degree to which theapplication of CSR principles has been included in the management practices of the clubs inthe most significant European league competitions and in the Czech football league. In mostCzech clubs, however, this currently mainly involves the realisation of some partial CSRactivities in the area of charity, but without any links to the clubs’ key management systems. Research/practical implications: The achieved findings may constitute a valuable reflectionon the further targeting of CSR initiatives, not only on the part of the managers of clubs whichare active in the top domestic football league, but also on the part of the representatives of thefootball governing bodies in the Czech Republic. Originality/value: The article’s added value not only lies in the acquisition of the firstcomprehensive overview of the current status of CSR engagement in Czech football, but alsoin the partial comparison with the situation in the Western European football environment.
Product Managers for the Digital and Collaborative Age
Product Managers for the Digital and
Collaborative Age
(Product Managers for the Digital and
Collaborative Age)
- Author(s):Georgy Laptev, Dmitry Shaytan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:460-470
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Product management; competencies; digital; collaboration and design approach
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The objectives of the research are (1) to identify the key universal competencies(qualities, personal characteristics and abilities to carry out professional activities successfully)of product managers to work in digital and collaborative environment successfully, as well asto (2) create effective training program based on human-centered design and project basedlearning approaches for development of these competencies. Design/methodology/approach: The key universal competencies were identified and validatedwith the means of in-depth interviews and working day observation of 57 experienced productmanagers and using content analysis and expert assessment. The training program based ondesign thinking and project based learning approaches to develop such competencies of nascentproduct managers was created. To evaluate the effectiveness of the program the pre- and post-surveys of the 20 nascent product managers were administered with 95% response rate. Thedata was analyses using statistical method, i.e. calculation of the mean, standard deviation,mean difference and a paired t-test. The research was held in 2018 and took 5 months for allstages. Findings: Empirical research revealed the key universal competencies of product managersinvolved in innovative product development and working in digital and collaborativeenvironment. The design thinking, project based learning in combination of usage of a digitalrapid prototyping technique have proven to be effective tools to develop these competencies. Research/practical implications: The competencies identified in our initial research can beused in Assessment Centre method for (1)identifying people who are potentially capable forprofessional activity in the field of management of innovative product development, and for(2)assessment of existing product managers to evaluate their effectiveness. Originality/value: Presented study demonstrates the set of key universal competencies ofproduct managers and contributes to identify, assess and train people for professional activityin management of innovative product development using agile, lean and system design thinkingformats and modern digital rapid prototyping technique.
Eu Law on the CSR Reporting – Puzzling Maze?
Eu Law on the CSR Reporting – Puzzling Maze?
(Eu Law on the CSR Reporting – Puzzling Maze?)
- Author(s):Radka MacGregor Pelikánová, Robert Kenyon MacGregor
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:471-480
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Corporate social responsibility (CSR); EU law; annual report; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Despite a decades-long discussion about corporate social responsibility (“CSR”),there is not much known about the exact evolution and meaning of the current EU law on CSRreporting. The two objectives of this paper are identifying and critically assessing this evolutionand then to recognize and address interpretation challenges. Its satisfaction is critical for theunderstanding, interpretation and application of the EU law on CSR reporting. Design/methodology/approach: The authors have recognized a myriad of perceptions of CSRand CSR reporting duty. They have conducted a holistic and interdisciplinary research andteleological interpretation of legislative sources, including the official EU database Eur-Lex,and have indentified key law instruments, namely ten critical Directives, and their provisionsand juxtaposed them. They have pointed out overlooked discrepancies, attempted to resolvethem, and discussed the implied dynamics and their impact. Findings: The perception of CSR reporting has been evolving in a more complex and piecemealmanner than is generally assumed. Due to the lack of the permanent consent on the CSRreporting duty, instruments of the current EU law are fragmental and inconsistent.Circumstances have shaped them while bringing different priorities and terminology. Research/practical implications: Our critical and comparative review of the evolution andstatus quo of the EU law on CSR reporting shows discrepancies and a lack of commondenominators. The legal framework is unclear; consequently EU businesses have to fumble. Originality/value: The presented overview and assessment is a pioneering attempt to help, ina unique manner, to assess the legislative will and the meaning of the CSR reporting duty.
Evaluation of Temporal Growth of Russian Cities
Evaluation of Temporal Growth of Russian Cities
(Evaluation of Temporal Growth of Russian Cities)
- Author(s):Inna Manaeva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:481-493
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Spatial economics; urban growth; zipf’s law; gibrat’s law; cities of Russia; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The development of a regional policy framework shifted the topic of the role of cities to the focus of the current scientific and political agenda. The purpose of the article is to analyze the stability of the urban system of Russia using the Zipf's law and assess the growth of Russian cities using the Gibrat’s law. Design/methodology/approach: Zipf’s law, Gibrat’s law were used as methodological tools; the exponential function was estimated using the ordinary least squares method. We used official statistics and archival materials. Findings: For the analyzed period 1897–2014, the value of the Zipf coefficient increased from 0.64 to 1.2. Consequently, the urban system of Russia can be considered as stable, the population is unevenly dispersed in small and medium cities. The process of urban growth over the period 1897-2002 was ambiguous: until 1970, small cities grew faster than large ones, as the population migrated from the village to small cities within the region’s borders. Since 1989, large cities have been growing faster than small ones, since the process of population migration from small to large cities has been taking place. The development of urban systems is influenced by external factors, which makes it possible to manage their sustainable development with the help of political and economic instruments. Research/practical implications: The results will serve as the basis for the formation of political recommendations and allow us to evaluate the correctness and effectiveness of government regulation measures aimed at achieving a balanced and sustainable development of Russia's urban systems and the development of program-design mechanisms for managing urban structures. Originality/value: The analysis used archival census data of the XIX century in Russia. A comparative analysis of demographic dynamics in the context of federal districts for the cities of Russia has not been conducted before; the Gibrat’s law is empirically analyzed using nonparametric methods for the first time and is directly related to the results of estimates of the cities’ size.
Elements of Organizational Structure Supporting Ethical Management of Organizations
Elements of Organizational Structure
Supporting Ethical Management of
(Elements of Organizational Structure
Supporting Ethical Management of
- Author(s):Radim Maňák, Vendula Fialová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:494-504
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Business ethics; tools of business ethics; ethics program
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The paper focuses on the usage of the elements of organizational structure supportingthe ethical management of organizations in the Czech entrepreneurial environment. The aim ofthe paper is to perform a pilot study in order to identify the range of these elements oforganizational structure used in companies in the Czech Republic and to verify conditions forfurther research. Design/methodology/approach: To fulfill the aim of the paper a questionnaire form wasapplied among the respondents (N=54) with a response rate of 71.25 %. The data were collectedbetween the 1st of November and the 20th of December 2018. The acquired empirical dataregarding the use of the organizational structure elements in the Czech Republic wereconfronted with theoretical premises from Czech and Slovak literature. Findings: Most of the examined elements of organizational structure supporting ethicalmanagement rarely occur in the Czech entrepreneurial environment. The ombudsman and codeof ethics are the only elements found in the researched environment. Further, it was found thatthe number of employees has an impact on the results. Finally, the opportunities and conditionsfor further research projects were verified. Research/practical implications: The research shows that the elements of organizationalstructure supporting ethical management are established in the Czech entrepreneurialenvironment, especially code of ethics and ombudsman. But there is still a substantial deficit inusing these elements in the Czech entrepreneurial environment compared to their theoreticaldescription in Czech and Slovak scholarly literature. As regards companies, it implies that theuse of these elements can bring them an advantage as their importance felt by participants isrelatively high. Also the pilot study verified that the research intention was well designed forfurther research projects. Originality/value: The main contribution of the paper consists in gaining empirical data aboutthe usage of organizational structure supporting ethical management in the Czechentrepreneurial environment.
The Impact of Innovations on Enterprise Productivity in Russia
The Impact of Innovations on Enterprise
Productivity in Russia
(The Impact of Innovations on Enterprise
Productivity in Russia)
- Author(s):Oleg Mariev, Natalia Borisovna Davidson, Karina Nagieva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:505-518
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Innovations; productivity; R&D; firms; economic policy
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Innovations are a source of long term economic growth for the countries. Innovationsdefine competitiveness of business, and in a broader sense, they can solve a great number ofsocial and economic problems. Therefore the issue of innovations and their role in the economyis highly important. The aim of our work is to estimate the impact of innovations on productivityof enterprises in Russia and to reveal the determinants of innovative activity. Design/methodology/approach: Our research is based on Business Environment andEnterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) for the years 2012-2014 and covering 1564 Russianenterprises. CDM model applied in our research involves three steps of estimation and allowsto take into consideration various groups of factors affecting investment into R&D, and thenimplementation of innovations. Findings: The results of econometric analysis show positive significant returns innovations forproductivity of all firms. Positive impact of obstacles associated with investment into R&Dprobably arise because firms involved in innovative activities face greater difficulties due tospecific features of institutional environment. Besides, practically all ways of collaborationfacilitate increase in innovative sales relatively more than firms’ own ideas. Research/practical implications: Our research contributes to understanding firms’ innovativeactivities. The role of various groups of factors on the firm and regional level is studied. Resultsprovide useful information both for improvement of management activities at the firm level andfor designing economic policy measures for innovative environment in the regions and in thecountry overall. Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, CDM model allowing to deal withendogeneity of innovations has not been applied to study innovations and their results for theRussian enterprises of different technological groups yet.
Clustering Russian Regions by Innovative Outputs Using a Multi Indicator Approach
Clustering Russian Regions by Innovative Outputs Using a Multi Indicator Approach
(Clustering Russian Regions by Innovative Outputs Using a Multi Indicator Approach)
- Author(s):Oleg Mariev, Andrey Pushkarev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:519-533
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Innovation activity; Russian regions; innovative output; cluster analysis
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: In this research, we aim to discover empirically the similarity of Russian regions in terms of innovation activity forming several groups of them. Design/methodology/approach: We are using clustering technique, namely hierarchical clustering and map Russian regions based on the cluster memberships, which provides measure of similarity between all regions of Russia. We employ the region-level dataset of 83 Russian regions for the period from 2010 to 2015. Findings: We find overall strong stratification of the Russian regions, with most of the Russian regions falling into clusters with low innovation outputs. We also find that over the time cluster memberships do not change for low-innovative regions, while for more innovative ones they do. It may imply that regions with higher innovative outputs increase them significantly faster than other regions. Research/practical implications: Our research contributes to better understanding of Russian regional development and has implications for regional policy decisions. We argue that stimulating innovations in leading regions may be beneficial for development of the neighboring regions as well, due to spillover effects. We understand the limitations of the research and propose to investigate further the innovation inputs, as it may provide insight on why regions are performing the way they are. Originality/value: This paper uses multi indicator approach to assess similarities in innovative output of the Russian regions. Our results provide an original insight of the current state of the innovations and their geographical distribution in Russia. This research may be of a practical use to the managerial decisions, connected to the location choice, as well as for adjusting current innovative policy in Russia.
State Support and Prospects for the Development of Agriculture In Russian Regions
State Support and Prospects for the
Development of Agriculture In Russian Regions
(State Support and Prospects for the
Development of Agriculture In Russian Regions)
- Author(s):Maria Markhaichuk, Natalia Kovalenko, Andrey Chekunov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:534-545
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:State support efficiency; agriculture; subsidies; development program; incentives
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate whether agricultural production increases dueto state support in the programs and activities on development of agriculture in Russian regions. Design/methodology/approach: Authors have collected data on 85 Russian regions for the2013-2017 years from Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS)of the Russian Federation. Panel regressions with fixed effects were employed to estimate theimpact of state support funds amount on the increase in agricultural production using up to threeyears lag. Findings: The regression analysis confirmed statistically significant positive impact of statesupport on the agriculture production in Russian regions. The study showed that state supportfor agriculture is highly effective in the short term, however, its impact increases over time. Research/practical implications: The study results can be used to justify the increase in thebudget funds expenditure to support agriculture, taking into account Russia’s WTOcommitments. Also, they can find practical implications in the formulation of state and regionalprograms for the development of agriculture and other industries for future periods. Originality/value: This study stands out from other studies on the effectiveness of state supportfor agriculture in the Russian Federation by the fact that there were no significant researches,which would confirm a strong positive effect of the support being implemented. The studyproved that state support for agriculture in the Russian Federation has positive effects in shortand medium term.
Intellectual Capital as a Basis for Innovative Development
Intellectual Capital as a Basis for Innovative
(Intellectual Capital as a Basis for Innovative
- Author(s):Maria Markhaichuk, Natalia Kovalenko, Andrey Chekunov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:546-563
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Regional intellectual capital; innovations; VAIC; the Russian federation
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the link between intellectual capital andinnovative development on the example of Russian regions. Design/methodology/approach: Authors have collected data on 85 Russian regions for the2013-2016 years from Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS)and Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation. Panel regressions with randomeffects were employed to estimate impact of intellectual capital, VAIC and their componentson the indicators of regional innovative development. Findings: The regression analysis confirmed significant and positive impact of intellectualcapital, VAIC, and their components on the indicators of innovative development of Russianregions. Human capital and its effectiveness have stronger impact on the innovativedevelopment of Russian regions than other components of intellectual capital and VAIC. Research/practical implications: The study results can be used by state bodies in theformation of innovative development strategies for future periods and in the development ofmeasures to achieve the targets of the current strategy. Originality/value: This study empirically proved positive impact of intellectual capital, VAICand their components on innovative development of Russian regions.
Measuring the Level of Sustainability in a Small and Medium Companies: EAN Sustainability Index Case
Measuring the Level of Sustainability in a
Small and Medium Companies: EAN
Sustainability Index Case
(Measuring the Level of Sustainability in a
Small and Medium Companies: EAN
Sustainability Index Case)
- Author(s):José Alejandro Martínez Sepúlveda, Dario Mauricio Reyes
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:564-577
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Index; sustainable entrepreneurship; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The analysis of the impact of the concept of sustainability in the companies generallyuse a big number of indicators; however, is very common to measure the appropriation ofsustainability into the companies as specific aspects that make up sustainability (environmental,social or economic) and not with an integral vision (triple bottom line). Design/methodology/approach: This situation leads to the fact of being impossible to generatea consistent follow-up, from a statistical perspective, on the evolution of the degree ofappropriation and impact of sustainability as a tool for improving business effectiveness, sincethe qualitative parameters are subject to a highly subjective approach by those who collect theinformation, also highlighting the development of different indices that may provide partial ornon-integral interpretations on the subject. Findings: The present research proposed and analyzed previous research criteria and variablesto determine how these qualitative and quantitative variables can be used as inputs in an indexthat allows measuring objectively and under a series of standard criteria, the degree ofappropriation and implementation of sustainable production in small and medium companies. Research/practical implications: The present case study was developed as exploratoryresearch, for to generate an analysis and relationship basis of the measure factors, and to collectdata about the economic, environmental and social indicators for SMEs in Colombia. Originality/value: The EAN Sustainability index is the first sustainability indicator that, fromthe measurement idea for one incubator, can be used for SMEs in Colombia, and the work withthe economic development secretary of Bogotá is a preliminary proof of it.
Cultural Diversity and Innovation: The Case of the Czech Republic in Comparison to the EU
Cultural Diversity and Innovation: The Case of
the Czech Republic in Comparison to the EU
(Cultural Diversity and Innovation: The Case of
the Czech Republic in Comparison to the EU)
- Author(s):Manuel Mayerhoffer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:578-588
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Diversity; innovation; Czech republic; EU
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Given the controversial impact of cultural diversity on a firm’s innovative capacity,the objective of this study is to explore the relationship of cultural diversity to innovation ona country level in the 2018 European Innovation Scoreboard among EU countries in accordancewith the research of Zhan et al (2015). By linking the findings to diversity management, thecase of the Czech Republic is considered specifically. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the 2018 European InnovationScoreboard data on the innovative potential of nations which has been correlated with thepercentage of foreigners to a nations’ population. To test for significance, linear regression hasbeen employed. The scope was to investigate a potential linkage of cultural diversity andinnovation on a country level, which could prove beneficial for the theoretical field, as well asprovide implications for practitioners towards diversity management. Findings: The analysis indicates significant and mostly positive correlations of a nation’spercentage of foreigners to various factors from the European Innovation Scoreboard includingacademic research activities, venture capital investments, marketing and organisationalinnovations, as well as knowledge-intensive activities and their export. Research/practical implications: The research emphasizes the need for stronger considerationof cultural diversity in relation to innovation and emphasizes the opportunities for Czechbusinesses. Suggestions for further research focus especially on the inclusion of culturaldiversity as a variable when comparing innovation performance on a country level. Originality/value: The presented study contributes to the field by further investigating therelationship of cultural diversity and innovation and proposes the inclusion of the demographiccomposition as an additional factor in country-level analyses of innovative potential. Theinclusion of cultural diversity is so far missing in the European Innovation Scoreboard.
Social Entrepreneurship and the Honourable Businessmen: Old Ethical Business Performance in a New Coat?
Social Entrepreneurship and the Honourable
Businessmen: Old Ethical Business Performance
in a New Coat?
(Social Entrepreneurship and the Honourable
Businessmen: Old Ethical Business Performance
in a New Coat?)
- Author(s):Hartmut–Heinrich Meyer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:589-603
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Business ethics; social entrepreneurship; honourable business man
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Publications on business ethics or social entrepreneurship make often references tothe honourable businessman for the definition of ethical values in entrepreneurship. Inreviewing the essence of the contribution, one arrives to the impression that the ethical valuesdetermining entrepreneurial behaviour are only presented in a new coat. For this reason the twotypes of entrepreneurs have been compared to analyse whether the ethical values have changedin its meaning as guidelines to conduct entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives of the paper were achieved by a qualitativecontent analysis of 25 different sources in the literature dealing with corporate socialresponsibility, social entrepreneurship and the honourable businessman. The method employedwas based on a qualitative research method of Mayring. Findings: The prime difference can be found in the constitutional relationship between theentrepreneur and society. Whereas the honourable businessman performs a business to build upa personal fortune and to redistribute some of it later in the form of donations, the socialentrepreneur starts to seek more a mutual benefit between the business and itself. However,both types of entrepreneurs seek long-term business relationships with their business partners. Research/practical implications: The image of an honourable businessman which has beenpartly transferred to a social entrepreneur could set new standards within entrepreneurialmarketing to promote entrepreneurial interest and intentions. As society values sustainabilityand ethical standards highly, the image of the honourable businessman could set guiding marksfor entrepreneurship during start-up as well as setting up sustainable business relationships. Originality/value: The main value of the study is the systematic evaluation of ethical values inas determinants of entrepreneurial behaviour in a qualitative holistic approach.
Nascent Social Ventures and Their Quest for Legitimacy: An Exploratory Study of Organizational Emergence
Nascent Social Ventures and Their Quest for
Legitimacy: An Exploratory Study of
Organizational Emergence
(Nascent Social Ventures and Their Quest for
Legitimacy: An Exploratory Study of
Organizational Emergence)
- Author(s):Moriah Meyskens
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:604-614
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Social entrepreneurship; legitimacy; organizational emergence; social ventures
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This study examines why some social ventures become organizations and others donot by examining the relationship between the conforming and strategic processes to starta social venture and venture launch. Design/methodology/approach: This is a longitudinal study of 48 nascent social ventures thatparticipated in entrepreneurship competitions in the United States from 2005 to 2009. Based ona legitimacy perspective, the study assess the factors that predict organizational emergence byconducting a content analysis of social venture business plans, a follow-up survey, and thenhierarchical logistic regression to examine the hypothesized effects. Findings: The exploratory findings suggest that elements of both conforming and strategiclegitimacy individually predict organizational emergence. Particularly lead entrepreneur,organization team, and impression management behaviors are important. While prior researchon nascent commercial ventures finds strategic legitimacy important and a diminished role ofconforming legitimacy, this study suggests that conforming legitimacy at the earliest stagesincreases the likelihood of social venture launch, which might be due to the more complex andunknown institutional environment of social ventures. Nascent social ventures might rely moreon the lead entrepreneur and organizational team to successfully emerge. Research/practical implications: The findings suggest initial evidence into the important roleof conforming legitimacy and impression management for the organizational emergence ofnascent social ventures. It suggests that the lead entrepreneur and organization experience aswell as understanding how to manage impressions are important skills for nascent social ventureorganizational emergence. Future studies might analyze the role of conforming and strategiclegitimacy of ventures and their institutional context and their role in organization emergence. Originality/value: This study contributes to scholarship on social entrepreneurship byproviding one of the few longitudinal empirical studies of nascent social ventures, whileproviding insight into the role of process dimensions on organizational emergence in socialventures.
Urbanization Dynamics of European Coasts: Implications for Innovation Policy
Urbanization Dynamics of European Coasts:
Implications for Innovation Policy
(Urbanization Dynamics of European Coasts:
Implications for Innovation Policy)
- Author(s):Andrey Sergeevich Mikhaylov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:615-623
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Coastal economy; coastal region; coastal cluster; sustainable cities
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Article focuses on studying the worldwide patterns of coastalization and urbanizationin the scope of Europe. The research objective is to verify the hypothesis of increasing densityof population and economic activity taking place across European coasts, providing the factsand figures for regional development and innovation policies. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on analyzing the development dynamicsof 172 coastal regions of 29 European countries over a five-year period. The scale of regionsconsidered corresponds to the second level of a common classification of territorial units forstatistics of the European Commission. The indicators considered include data on averageannual population and gross regional product (GRP) in purchasing power parity (PPP), as wellas labor productivity dynamics and regional land use efficiency. Findings: The results confirm an inflow of population to coastal areas, which is slightly abovethe total average. The labor productivity values are also higher than the total average, indicatinga greater share of high value-added activities. However, the identified growth in population isaccompanied by decreasing share and growth rates of GRP (PPP) values. Research/practical implications: The development dynamics identified suggests theresidential and industrial favorability of the coastal zone. Regional development and innovationpolicies should be place-sensitive and adaptive, focusing on retaining leadership in marineexpertise for supporting ocean and maritime economy with high-tech services. Originality/value: Growth of concentration in human activity across coastal areas is consideredin national and pan-European policy papers. Yet, there is little evidence on the deployment ofcoastal sprawl specifically in the context of Europe. Current paper fills this gap by providingdata on urbanization dynamics of European coasts.
Spatial Patterns of Innovation Geography: Knowledge Generation Domain in Russia
Spatial Patterns of Innovation Geography: Knowledge Generation Domain in Russia
(Spatial Patterns of Innovation Geography: Knowledge Generation Domain in Russia)
- Author(s):Andrey Sergeevich Mikhaylov, Irina Yu. Peker
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:624-637
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Knowledge economy; innovation geography; university research; innovation space
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The study is designed to capture the patterns in the spatial distribution of knowledgegeneration domain in the Russian Federation. The main objective of the paper is to assess thelevel of regional divergence in the context of the knowledge economy and to evaluate theintegration of public higher education institutions (HEIs) into regional innovation systems. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on quantitative and qualitative analyses ofstatistical data of the National university ranking and the Russian cluster observatory project.The HEIs are clustered into quartiles by the aggregate score acquired in the ranking and groupedby regions. Knowledge capital of regions is compared to industry clusters. Findings: Results confirm a significant accumulation of knowledge capital in the two majorcities of the country – Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, both in terms of quantity and quality.With that, all major urban agglomerations feature HEIs in the ranking. Some regions activelyinvolve HEIs in collaboration with industry, while others are not despite similar focus. Research/practical implications: Publicly funded HEIs are a major resource of regionalauthorities to strategize on innovation development. Awareness of complementarities andinvolvement of knowledge-generating institutions and industry clusters enables to grasp theactual status of the regional innovation system, and enable adaptive policy measures. Originality/value: This is the first empirical study in the context of Russia that uses the dataon quality assessment of national HEIs form the knowledge geography perspective.Universities are considered as the contributors to the knowledge capital of regional innovationsystems, while the methodological approach applied enables to evaluate their potential andactual inclusion in collaboration with industry clusters.
Spatial Econometrics: Sustainable Urban Development - Transport Infrastructure Development and Real-Estate Values
Spatial Econometrics: Sustainable Urban Development - Transport Infrastructure Development and Real-Estate Values
(Spatial Econometrics: Sustainable Urban Development - Transport Infrastructure Development and Real-Estate Values)
- Author(s):Györgyi Nyikos, Attila Béres, György Jablonszky, Tamás Laposa
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:638-654
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Public infrastructures; urban transportation analysis; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: M4 metro line has been the biggest transport infrastructure project in Budapest in thepast decades. Taking into consideration the size and importance of the project, scientificliterature owes the evaluation of its economic impacts yet. This paper seeks to address this needwith the exploration of the impact of the new metro line on real estate prices. Design/methodology/approach: To assess the economic effect of the M4 projects on the valueof nearby properties, the method of counterfactual impact evaluation was combined withmeasuring the utility increase with the change of property prices. The research sample coversten subway stations and more than 25.000 dwellings in five districts of Budapest, the analysiswas made for the 2007-2015 period. // Findings: When examining the nearby properties at the M4 metro line stations in Budapest, wehave found mixed results for the property prices. The new stations exert a positive effect onlyin those areas which were not connected directly to the existing underground lines. // Research/practical implications: I is worth to consider using these results when adoptinga decision on further directions of transport development in Budapest. Nevertheless there isroom for future research focused on the sophistication of distance measurement, the quality ofthe apartments and the examination of other, especially private development processes besidesthe metro investment. // Originality/value: The paper presents original research in the field of economic effects of theM4 subway project. As it has been shown in the case of the M4 line, several stations have failedto generate additional economic value. This information is most useful for the planning of futuretransport infrastructure projects.
The Relationship between Decision-Making Style of Entrepreneurs and Their Financial Literacy
The Relationship between Decision-Making
Style of Entrepreneurs and Their Financial
(The Relationship between Decision-Making
Style of Entrepreneurs and Their Financial
- Author(s):Jasmina Okičić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:655-668
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:General decision-making style inventory; financial literacy; entrepreneurs
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The objective of this study was to examine the relation between decision-makingstyles used by entrepreneurs and their respective financial literacy. Design/methodology/approach: The research was designed as a quantitative study withGeneral Decision-Making Style Inventory (Scott & Bruce, 1995) used. The OECD INFE CoreQuestionnaire (2011) was mainly used for measuring financial literacy. Using the purposivesampling technique, 51 entrepreneurs were selected. Research was conducted in Bosnia andHerzegovina during the first quarter of 2017. To gain better understanding of relationshipbetween entrepreneurs’ financial literacy and their decision making styles we use descriptivestatistics, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings: Results indicate significant association between rational decision-making style andfinancial behaviour, attitude and financial goals in business. The available evidence seems tosuggest that rational decision making style of entrepreneurs predicts their financial behaviourand financial attitudes. Research/practical implications: Findings suggest that entrepreneurial activities may beraised via enhancing particular skills in respect to different decision-making tools andtechniques. These results may produce useful pieces of information which might be helpful inthe creation of entrepreneurship education and training programs. Originality/value: To date, a considerable body of research has sought to understand thedecision-making styles and financial literacy of entrepreneurs. However, the present study isa pioneer attempt dealing with an in-depth analysis of relationship between those two concepts.Findings suggest that entrepreneurial activities may be raised via enhancing particular skills inrespect to different decision making tools and techniques
The Phenomenon of Entrepreneurship Among Students
The Phenomenon of Entrepreneurship Among
(The Phenomenon of Entrepreneurship Among
- Author(s):Karolina Palimąka
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:669-676
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Entrepreneurship; starting a business; students; Poland
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study was to answer the question what factors determine the tendencyto set up their own business among students of the University of Information Technology andManagement in Rzeszów (Poland) – both in the group of students declaring the willingness tostart a company, and among the undecided. In addition, the answer to the question whetherthere is a relationship between the declaration of willingness to establish a company and gender,or, according to them, professional experience, appropriate education and the market are anindispensable criterion determining the establishment of their own company. Design/methodology/approach: Data collected during the among 447 students in May 2017at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. Only 394 responseswere used for analyses, which were subjected to cross-checking according to the relevantvariables. The chi-square test were used to verify the occurrence dependence of variables. Findings: The conducted research shows that there is a dependence between the declaration ofstarting own business and gender, but professional experience or adequate education is not anessential criterion that determines the decision to start up a business. Among the surveyedstudents, the idea and the desire to be independent have the biggest impact on the decision. Research/practical implications: The obtained results determine the decision to continue theresearch in order to get an answer to the question - if the motives to set up your own companyare the same from the perspective of people determined to set it up, and those who are notinterested in this option - which has an even greater impact on such declaration. The results ofthe analyses carried out in this way will allow to adapt educational activities towards theincrease in interest in starting their own business. Originality/value: The research presented here uses its own set of data. In addition, they area pilot experiment of a conducted research in the international field.
Innovations for Sustainable Protein Systems
Innovations for Sustainable Protein Systems
(Innovations for Sustainable Protein Systems)
- Author(s):Ari Paloviita
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:677-686
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Sustainable innovations; sustainable entrepreneurs; protein system; food industry
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Introduction of new, alternative protein sources and products for replacingconventional animal products requires many innovations at the product level and the systemlevel. However, less attention has been given to analyzing the emergence of entrepreneurial andbusiness responses to sustainable protein system. The purpose of the paper is to analyze theopportunities and challenges in food processing related to sustainable protein systems from theperspective of sustainable innovations and sustainable entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach: Thematic qualitative interviews were conducted in Finnishfood manufacturing companies during the first half of 2018. Nineteen (19) interviews wereconducted, of which sixteen (16) were face-to-face and three (3) by telephone using a semi-structured guide. Half of the companies represented traditional and established protein industry,whereas the other half represented alternative smaller-scale protein industry. The tape-recordedinterviews were transcribed, coded and analyzed using qualitative content analysis andabductive coding scheme. Findings: The interviewees of the traditional protein industry generally favored incrementalinnovations, adjustments and improvements, whereas the interviewees of alternative proteinindustry emphasized more radical and systemic innovations. It was generally agreed that theglobal long-term challenges, including climate change and population growth, will provideincreasing opportunities for a more diverse variety of protein sources and products. Research/practical implications: Sustainable protein innovations can be incremental, radical,sustaining or disruptive, but their contribution to sustainable protein system differ. Futureresearch could study in more detail the practices of providers of sustainable protein innovationsand investigate spatial and cultural embeddedness of protein innovations. Originality/value: Academic implications of the study lie in the exploration of the relevanceof protein issues in the context of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship literature.Practical implications of the study relate to raising awareness towards sustainable proteininnovations in terms of new business models, value offerings and entrepreneurial practices.
Interregional Tourism Flows Modeling as the Response to Optimise National Competitiveness
Interregional Tourism Flows Modeling as the
Response to Optimise National Competitiveness
(Interregional Tourism Flows Modeling as the
Response to Optimise National Competitiveness)
- Author(s):Ekaterina Panarina
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:687-702
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Tourist activities; regional competitiveness; tourism development trends; mathematical modeling in economics; modeling of financial and investment decisions
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The objective of this research is forecasting regional tourist activities in Russia basedon economic-mathematical modeling of interregional tourist flows. Design/methodology/approach: The study employed a quantitative research methodologyusing both primary and secondary data drawn from Rosstat (Russian Federal State StatisticsService). For modeling of interregional tourism flows within national economic territory themethods of mathematical application were used with quantitative evaluation and forecasting.A formal model and empirical evidence are presented. To describe domestic tourism,a destination-origin matrix based on Marketing-mix elements is constructed, the coefficients ofa tourist attraction for different Russian regions are calculated. Design and methodology weredrawn based on the analysis of the numerous thematical research papers of national andinternational authors. Findings: As a result of research, the definition of a “tourist region” was specified, tourismdevelopment trends studied, a regional touristic competitive rating of Russian territories wascompiled. The suggested economic mathematical approach allowed to evaluate interregionalchanges of tourist flows influenced by growth of population income, tourist services qualityand prices. Research/practical implications: These findings might be used in regional developmentaccording to governmental regional social-economic development programs. This work will beinteresting for private and state decision makers in tourism and hospitality to help Russia toleverage its huge but greatly under-rated and untapped potential as an attractive touristdestination. Originality/value: The value of this work is enabling modeling of management decisionstowards to the trends in the development of tourism regions in Russia. Using methods ofmathematical application, we could build a comprehensive model for evaluation and predictionof interregional tourist competitiveness and obtain the results with a correspondence of thestudies’ objective.
Organizational Culture – A Factor of Innovativess in Homestay Accommodation Services: The Case of a Croatian Island
Organizational Culture – A Factor of
Innovativess in Homestay Accommodation
Services: The Case of a Croatian Island
(Organizational Culture – A Factor of
Innovativess in Homestay Accommodation
Services: The Case of a Croatian Island)
- Author(s):Nadia Pavia, Marta Cerović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:703-715
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Homestay accommodation; organizational culture; innovative offer; hospitality; destination
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Homestay accommodation is an important form of tourism accommodation offer andtourist trends indicate that the demand for it is constantly growing. In comparison to the otherforms of accommodation, it is less formal, treating the guests in specific manner. The purposeof this study is to research the impact of organizational culture of homestay accommodationproviders, in combination with destination offer as supporting system, on the creation ofinnovative homestay accommodation services. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted using the questionnaires sent tothe homestay accommodation providers in island of Krk in Croatia in 2018, May. Insight gainedfrom the study should help familly business owners to enhance the competitiveness andimprove innovation of the homestay accommodation. 98 valid questionnairs were collected andused for empirical analysis. Findings: The research results indicate that all families possess their own, inherentorganizational culture. Observing the family as a business system, it comes to the understandingthat the organizational culture in homestay accommodation is matched with family culture andsupported by appropriate set of destination offer which plays important role in innovating ofhomestay accommodation services. Research/practical implications: The study has confirmed that family culture is a foundationof the organizational culture of homestay accommodation and is interconnected withdestination offer. Originality/value: The value of the paper is seen in findings indicating that innovative serviceof homestay accommodation stems from the organizational culture of the owner and hisengagement in offering destination services to the guest and making connections with serviceproviders in order to create quality tourism product. The paper is enriching the scarce literaturein the field of homestay accommodation services.
Preffered E-Promotion Strategies of International Hotel Chains – Insights and Evaluation
Preffered E-Promotion Strategies of
International Hotel Chains – Insights and
(Preffered E-Promotion Strategies of
International Hotel Chains – Insights and
- Author(s):Loris Pilar, Iva Slivar, Tamara Floričić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:716-732
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Online promotion; hotel chains; european union; internet marketing in tourism; marketing communication
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The main objective of this paper is to identify, the most successful element of theonline promotional mix for hotel chains in the EU. Its purpose refers to understand promotionalstrategies by learning from the top hotel chains. Design/methodology/approach: This paper focuses on online promotion of hotel chains in theEU, its techniques and tools for communicating with the tourism market especially theirinvestments in SEO and AdWords, two of the most prominent online promotional techniques.The research is based on observation and analytical evaluation of web sites of hotel chains. Thiswas realised by using special digital tools with which promotional mix elements were evaluated.The research was conducted in July and August 2018 and the sample covered the ten largestEuropean hotel chains, evaluated through 37 indicators arranged into 6 main groups. Findings: The research findings show that the most notable tools and techniques of onlinepromotion for hotel chains in the EU are SEO, AdWords and Direct Marketing. Respectively,success of a particular online promotional tool is proportional to the investment made in itincluding monthly costs for a specific online promotional tool. Research/practical implications: The Internet is becoming one of the most important channelsfor marketing communication, making the constant development of online promotional strategyone of key elements of success. Future research should investigate how innovative promotionalstrategies impact SME in hospitality and the challenges of their application. Originality/value: The answer to the question “Which tools and techniques should be used andwhat promotional activities should be conducted?” supports the purpose and present maincontribution of the paper.
Senior, Youth And Women Entrepreneurship In the European Regions
Senior, Youth And Women Entrepreneurship In the
European Regions
(Senior, Youth And Women Entrepreneurship In the
European Regions)
- Author(s):Anna Pilková, Juraj Mikuš, Ján Káčer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:733-745
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Inclusive entrepreneurship; regional development; inclusive growth; entrepreneurial activity
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The study aims to empirically investigate characteristics of regional distribution ofinclusive entrepreneurship in Europe through the selected less represented segments (seniors, women,youth) and to identify how the selected factors influence the extent to which the underrepresentedgroups are engaged in entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on Global entrepreneurship monitor (GEM) data(both APS – adult population survey and NES - national expert survey data) and the GDP per capitain PPS. A pooled sample of individual-level APS GEM data of 30 European countries for the periodof 2011 to 2016 was used. The sample is weighted to be representative. K-Means clustering using Hartigan and Wong algorithm was applied to divide countries into clusters based on constructedinclusivity indices of seniors, women and youth. Findings: We have identified four clusters among the studied European countries. Based on theiranalysis in the context of economic and entrepreneurial environment, and individual entrepreneurialcharacteristics, we found that opportunity perception increases with a higher level of the studiedenvironment. A better environment in combination with individual entrepreneurial characteristics,encourage especially seniors to start their businesses, while youth under these circumstances, preferto use employment opportunities. However, youth are more involved in entrepreneurship under weakeconomic and entrepreneurial conditions. Women do not seem to be significantly influenced neitherby economic and entrepreneurial environment nor individual entrepreneurial characteristics. Research/practical implications: Our findings provide information for policy makers. Presentedresults may help to improve the environment, and formulate strategies on inclusive entrepreneurshipand employment policy, which depend on the regional development stage and the level ofentrepreneurial involvement of the selected underrepresented groups. Future research should addressinclusive entrepreneurship further in the context of socioeconomic and cultural variables. Originality/value: The paper offers a value by providing a unique insight on inclusivity ofentrepreneurial activities in Europe, by breaking down the GEM-based analysis of female, youth andsenior entrepreneurship to regional levels.
Reinvestment Possibilities and Evaluation: A Literature Review
Reinvestment Possibilities and Evaluation:
A Literature Review
(Reinvestment Possibilities and Evaluation:
A Literature Review)
- Author(s):Pavla Pokorná, Jarmila Šebestová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:746-759
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Business policy; company; equity financing; reinvestment; company segmentation
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The topic of the research was selected in view of the prosperity and growth of firms andthe lack of information in the policy of reinvestment companies in general. The question arises if thissituation also affects the company's profit-sharing policy in some way. Design/methodology/approach: The first step is to map possible ways how reinvestment is definedand calculated in the current literature. A bibliometric analysis on existed studies was made to findout a logical pathway to describe determinants, closely connected with reinvestments. A sum of 3,635records in total was obtained from Web of Science database, to be compared. Secondly, articles withfinancial ratios had been reviewed and compared to choose appropriate set of indicators. Findings: Six key ratios were identified within first phase to be able to frame a further researchactivity by Modified IRR, Average IRR, Economic value added, Discounted economic value-added,Modified NPV and Annualised Net Present Value. A bibliometric analysis had shown three keyproblems such as (a) no ties between different financial indicators (internal ratios and ratios based onstock market); (b) lack of financial planning and the connection with equity financing; (c) no tiebetween financing ang equity financing for innovation, no other areas of reinvestment possibilitiesare discussed in review articles. Research/practical implications: A reinvestment as a term relates to financial controlling inEuropean countries and it relates to profitability and liquidity ratios. Further primary research mustfocus on dynamic investment ratios evaluation, connected with determinants which were identified.These results can be a source for financial strategy directions for company development. Originality/value: A wide bibliometric analysis (3,635 sources), which confirm non-unifiedapproach for reinvestment definition and ratios for reinvestment evaluation. This topic can serve asstart point to uncover the current trend of money flows and possible strategy in enterprises with properindicators.
Path Dependence and Regional Paths of Process Changes in the Russian Industry
Path Dependence and Regional Paths of Process
Changes in the Russian Industry
(Path Dependence and Regional Paths of Process
Changes in the Russian Industry)
- Author(s):Svetlana Rastvortseva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:760-770
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Evolutionary economic theory; path dependence and breaking; technological relatedness; proximity index; the regions of Russia
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The regional economy depends on the structure of industrial production which has beenestablished earlier. This study makes it possible to determine the hi-tech spheres in which theentrepreneurship is going to develop more successfully. The purpose of the investigation is todetermine the technological proximity of the industrial production branches with the high-techeconomy sector for further defining the egress from the previous development path. Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine possible egress of the region from theprevious development trajectory there has been proposed a method of proximity evaluation betweenthe high-tech sector and the existing structure of industrial production in the region. Thecharacteristics of high technologies relatedness to other industry branches in the Russian regions havebeen defined. Findings: For the Russian regions it was determined that less than 30% of sub-branches can beconsidered as connected with the high technology sector - 25%. The regions having the comparativeadvantages in the high-tech types of industry and sectors related thereto have been revealed. We havedemonstrated that individual regions can progress through investment into interregional connectionsand entrepreneurship domestic innovations. Research/practical implications: Considered as the investigatory contribution of the paper can bethe alternative proposed to the comparative advantage index in the form of a localization coefficientto be used at evaluation of the technological proximity of industrial branches. The results of this studycan be of benefit to representatives of the regional managerial bodies in the course of the economicpolicy development in the sphere of entrepreneurship. Originality/value: Proposed in the article is a method for evaluation of technological proximity ofindustry branches which differs from the traditional use of the localization coefficient. The calculatedproximity indexes make it possible to determine such high-tech industries to the development ofwhich there are the necessary prerequisites in the region, i.e. the technologically similar industrialproduction is under development.
Are There Any Economic Impacts of Business R&D Support? The Case of the Czech Republic
Are There Any Economic Impacts of Business R&D
Support? The Case of the Czech Republic
(Are There Any Economic Impacts of Business R&D
Support? The Case of the Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Tomáš Ratinger, Vladislav Čadil, Sylvester Amoako Agyemang
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:771-782
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:R&D support; economic impacts; econometric approaches; generalized propensity score matching
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: In recent years, evaluation of economic effects of R&D policies has become a key issue inpolicy debates. This paper contributes to these debates and aims to evaluate impacts of Czechprogramme TIP supporting R&D in private companies on the economic performance of supportedenterprises. The programme running in the period of 2009-2016 targeted on knowledge basedcompetitiveness strengthening through R&D activities. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis is based on the counter-factual econometric approach.Because an appropriate control group could not be found among the unsupported companies, a so-called generalized propensity score matching (GPSM) was used. Two data sources were used:monitoring data of the TIP programme and economic data from the database Bisnode-MagnusWeb.The impact of R&D support on the firms’ performance was measured by output indicators: grossvalue added, profit and productivity. The analysis covered economic performance of 335 (i.e. 53%of supported firms) in the period of 2009-2015 using 2008 as a base year and 2013-2015 as an endperiod. Findings: Treatment effects are diverse depending on firm sizes. Generally, the R&D support effectsare positive and more substantial in small and medium firms while there are no such effects confirmedfor large firms. The support could only impact positively on the output (profit, productivity and grossvalue added) of small firms only after reaching a certain minimum threshold of the support whereasoutput diminishes for medium firms after a point of saturation. Research/practical implications: This paper results could be useful for policymakers and R&Dfunding providers because it provides evidences about microeconomic impacts of programmes,namely it shows the differentiated effects of public interventions in relation to the size categories ofbeneficiaries. Originality/value: The paper aspires to contribute to the ongoing debate on appropriate quantitativemethods for impact evaluation. The analysis confirms that GPSM approach provides logicaloutcomes and if the investigation is situated to the right time period after the programme isaccomplished it has potential to bring insight in the effects than the standard dichotomous model.
Measuring Scaling-Up Awareness among Incubator Mentees
Measuring Scaling-Up Awareness among Incubator
(Measuring Scaling-Up Awareness among Incubator
- Author(s):Vivek Sharma, Sudhir K. Jain, Kusha Sharma
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:783-794
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Incubation applicants; engineer entrepreneurs; scaling-up awareness entrepreneurial challenges; early stage recklessness
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The technology students in India are upbeat about the innovative environment in theirinstitutions while government wholeheartedly supports their entrepreneurship zeal in hope of supporttowards the gaping demand-supply mismatch, in job availability. The present work intends to explorethe naivety of technical innovators towards entrepreneurial challenges after a successful start. Design/methodology/approach: The awareness of scaling-up challenges among fresh applicantsseeking tenancy at these incubation centres, is an important parameter of knowledge for mentors ofincubation centres in academic institutions. This could be a roadblock in a nation’s plans to growprivate organisations and generate jobs. Data from 40 such applicants to incubation programs atIndian Institute of Technology, Delhi, were collected in 2018, to carry out a pilot study towardsexploration of naivety of technical patent holders regarding entrepreneurial careers. The work useda battery of self-generated statements about scaling-up of successful start-ups, addressed to applicantsof a technological incubator. Findings: The pilot study has thrown back three factors which have been named as ‘FutureReadiness’, ‘Early Stage recklessness’ and ‘Zeal for Growth’. The clubbing does point to researchedthemes like; (1) financial recklessness at initial stage of ideation by offering partnership in exchangeof meagre investments. (2) too much of individualism in decision making. Research/practical implications: The work has been carried out with a clear aim to generate a toolfor mentors at business incubators of academic institutions, which can assist the mentors in assessingthe need for scaling-up readiness right at start-up stage. The factors, once finalised, can be used fora pre-post analysis of the mentorship programs, with respect to the effectiveness of the scaling-upinformation disseminated during the mentorship program. Originality/value: The challenges of scaling-up the initial success of new business are distinctlydifferent from those faced by start-ups. Literature has reported many tools to assess the mentoringneeds of start-ups. The present attempt is aimed at facilitating the mentee readiness about the scaling-up needs, likely to come their way.
Employer’S Responsibility in the Context of Company Occupational Pension Schemes in the Czech Republic and Germany
Employer’S Responsibility in the Context of
Company Occupational Pension Schemes in the
Czech Republic and Germany
(Employer’S Responsibility in the Context of
Company Occupational Pension Schemes in the
Czech Republic and Germany)
- Author(s):Thomas Schiller
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:795-804
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Employer’s responsibility; occupational pension schemes; opting out
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: To prevent old age poverty in the Czech Republic and Germany, this paper contributes tothe debate on increasing the employer participation rate in the occupational pension schemes on offer.As such, we analyze whether, in recent years, employers have acted in accordance with their corporatesocial responsibility by offering occupational pension schemes and adequately informing theiremployees. Design/methodology/approach: The basis of this research was a cross-sectional data set consistingof three independent questionnaires which addressed employers and their employees. Therandomization applied ensures a comparative study between employers and employees. Findings: The survey highlights a large information asymmetry between the employers and theemployees. The employers act responsibly by, in general, providing occupational pension plans,although the participation rate is low. The employers also make use of extensive informationcampaigns on the subject. Nevertheless, the employees in the Czech Republic remain largelyuninformed, with the situation in Germany only slightly better. Research/practical implications: The information asymmetries suggest that the employers’ existinginformation strategies fail to provide their employees with sufficient financial knowledge. Thisasymmetry should be addressed by a two-fold strategy; improving the training of employees abouttheir financial situation and by using automatic enrollment with the possibility of opting out. Originality/value: Based on a cross-sectional study, the predominant information asymmetries wereidentified as the major practical problems in both the Czech Republic and in Germany. This studycontributes to the growing literature by focusing on the German and Czech labor markets with regardto an employer’s corporate social responsibility.
The Role of Organizational Culture for Information Technology Management in Digitalization
The Role of Organizational Culture for
Information Technology Management in
(The Role of Organizational Culture for
Information Technology Management in
- Author(s):Marcel R. Sieber
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:805-819
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Organizational culture; information technology; information technology management; digitalization; platform economy
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The following paper discusses the challenges and benefits of the Fourth IndustrialRevolution for information technology management and the corresponding impact on organizations.Exploring the relationship between organizational culture and information technology managementin the era of digitalization, it aims to find a model and hypotheses for further study. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a literature review in the research field ofinformation technology management with a focus on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, digitalization,and organizational culture. It structures the findings and develops a conceptional model about theeffect of corporate culture on information technology management. Findings: Although the cited literature hardly examines organizational culture, the review showsseveral notes of culture-related topics. The paper structures these perceptions along the dimensions“behaviors,” “artifacts,” “norms,” and “values.” It proposes the dimensions’ direct relationships withsuccess in digitalization as well as mediated effects between them. Research/practical implications: The study closes a gap in the research of the industry and the fieldof information technology management. It contributes to the discussion and awareness of the impactof organizational culture in information technology. Further research needs more exploration of thetopic, the models, and theory as well as empirical tests of hypotheses. Originality/value: The paper reflects the role of organizational culture in the information technologyresearch where a shortcoming is observable. It reshapes a layered architecture of corporate cultureand proposes an adapted model for the effects of organizational culture on information technologymanagement in the era of digitalization.
The Universal Dimensions of Industry 4.0 Maturity Models from the Business Informatics Perspective
The Universal Dimensions of Industry 4.0 Maturity
Models from the Business Informatics
(The Universal Dimensions of Industry 4.0 Maturity
Models from the Business Informatics
- Author(s):František Simetinger
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:820-833
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Industry 4.0 maturity model; strategy; business informatics; balanced score card
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This paper is focused on the identified gaps in the Industry 4.0 maturity models forassessment of companies and enterprises readiness. The main output of this paper is a discussionof these gaps, identification of possible causes and solutions, and their integration into the conceptof IT management paradigm for Industry 4.0. Design/methodology/approach: The literature review has a goal to identify the actual situationand solutions for the identified gaps in the areas as economic management, corporate governance,leadership, management, and education. As the following step, the inputs from the literature reviewwere used for adaption of modern management methods which can be used within businessinformatics in the context of Industry 4.0. Findings: The concept of Industry 4.0 requires significant changes in the concepts of managementand governance of business informatics and its surrounding environment. It is needed thetransformation of the relationship from dependency to the regular partnership between businessinformatics and its organization and enabling of the innovative culture. Research/practical implications: The proposed concept is relevant for responsible decision-makers and leaders in the organizations which consider the implementation of Industry 4.0concepts. It helps with the identification of new perspectives to the existing relationships and howto adapt the business informatics to the Industry 4.0 concept. Originality/value: Another concept with a similar aim of focus is not available yet. Based on gapsin the Industry 4.0 maturity models, it provides a new approach to issues which are constantlygetting higher importance. These issues require multidisciplinary solutions and possible way isprovided in this paper in a form of the new concept of IT management paradigm.
Teleworking as a Modern Method of Work
Teleworking as a Modern Method of Work
(Teleworking as a Modern Method of Work)
- Author(s):Pavel Sládek, Tomáš Sigmund
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:834-846
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Teleworking; homeworking; home office; mobile teleworking
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of this paper was to find out the attitude of students of economic fields towardsteleworking and their awareness of the related issues and to analyse the historical development oftheir opinions. Wider consequences were also drawn from the results. Design/methodology/approach: We conducted a survey to achieve our purpose. A group ofrespondents was randomly selected and then the respondents were randomly selected out of thegroup. The respondents comprised 108 university students. We analysed the results by means ofthe descriptive statistics and the analysis of correlation. Findings: Given the fact that the research has been carried out with university students, thenumbers of people aware of the concept of teleworking are relatively low. The implementation ofteleworking is also not very frequent. The data vary considerably according to age and level ofeducation of respondents. The results from the years 2002 and 2019 are similar. The entrepreneursshould offer their potential employees a combination of classical work and teleworking and theyshould be especially sensitive towards woman in maternity leave who would opt for teleworkingto stay in touch with their work. Research/practical implications: Our results can help both those interested in this style of workand managers because students will be their potential employees. Students should be moreinformed about the options, benefits and drawbacks of teleworking at their universities. Employersshould be encouraged to offer this type of work to their employees. Originality/value: There are only a few researches pursuing this type of issues. Usually theawareness of the concept, benefits and drawbacks of teleworking is considered for granted. Theresearch of the respondents’ attitude towards teleworking is also relatively rare. The benefit of thiswork is among other things its so-called longitudinal approach.
The Importance of Social Competencies for the Development of Creative Organisations
The Importance of Social Competencies for the
Development of Creative Organisations
(The Importance of Social Competencies for the
Development of Creative Organisations)
- Author(s):Aneta Sokół, Karolina Drela, Agnieszka Gozdek
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:847-861
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Social competencies; creative organisation; creativity
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the article is to present theories that refer to the impact of social competencieson creativity in creative organisations. The considerations have become the basis for formulatingthe research hypothesis: recognizing and knowledge about the pattern of social competenciesfavours to the development of creativity in creative organisations. Design/methodology/approach: The research procedure was based on literature studies in thefield of social competencies, creativity and creative organisations and in the empirical part surveyswere carried out - a questionnaire regarding Creative Life Orientations and questions regardingsocial competencies were used. Findings: The research carried out in this article allowed to indicate the components of socialcompetencies that are essential for the development of creativity, including creative organisations.Their indication will allow the organisation to create such conditions that will support thedevelopment of creativity by strengthening selected social competencies. Research/practical implications: Undertaking this subject allowed to notice some deficiencies intheoretical and empirical analysis in management sciences, which can be described as a practicalgap. In connection with the above, the conclusions of the research concerned the development ofrecommendations aimed at showing and then directing the development and its strengthening, soas to shape a specific pattern of social competencies that will support the development of creativity,and thus creative organisations. Originality/value: The results from the study allowed to indicate the pattern of socialcompetencies conducive to the development of creativity in creative organizations.
Risk Evaluation of Incremental Innovation in Logistic Information System
Risk Evaluation of Incremental Innovation in
Logistic Information System
(Risk Evaluation of Incremental Innovation in
Logistic Information System)
- Author(s):Adam Sorokač, Luca Rigali
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:862-873
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Risks; incremental innovation; automation’s means with ICT
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The portfolio of automation tools with information communication technologies isextensive. We know many tools for their implementation, but insufficient reputation and mistrustin the digitization of production processes inhibit progress in obtaining information aboutmanufacture processes within Industry 4.0. One of the known toll is the implementation ofincremental innovation in logistic information system. Design/methodology/approach: For the implementation of incremental innovation (3I model)have been used this case presented 2 years ago. The incremental interdisciplinary innovation model– 3I model describes the process of introducing automatization tools with ICT into the logisticsinformation system. Each step in the process is analyzed as a risk of nonobservance of the model‘sstep. Follows the minimization of risks and case studies to illustrations procedure. Findings: Risks have been identified in introducing incremental innovations into the logisticsinformation system. Risks were categorized as reversible an irreversible. Research/practical implications: According to the 3I model, a case study model with identifiedrisks of introducing incremental innovations in the construction of buildings and structures wasbriefly formulated. Originality/value: Risk identification leads to the prevention or elimination of this risks. We canpredict the origin only of known risks. If the risk arises, then the risk categorization in the articledetermines whether the risk can be rectified or the innovation process should be interrupted.
Youth Labour Market in Slovakia: From Education to Self-Employment
Youth Labour Market in Slovakia: From
Education to Self-Employment
(Youth Labour Market in Slovakia: From
Education to Self-Employment)
- Author(s):Paulína Stachová, Magdaléna Musilová
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:874-886
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Youth unemployment rate; self-employment; education system; labour market
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the paper is to provide an insight into the relation between the educationsystem in Slovakia and position of young people on the labour market after finishing their studies,with special focus on the readiness of young people to start their self-employment. Design/methodology/approach: The research is based on the analysis of secondary data,searching for relationship between the youth unemployment rate and number of self-entrepreneursin the group of young people under 30 years. The reason of the analysis is to find out if self-employment could be interpreted as a solution to the problem of high youth unemployment rate. Findings: There is logical assumption that increase in the self-employment activity of youngpeople is connected with the decrease of their unemployment rate. The correlation analysis forSlovak data proves negative relation between those two. It seems that the exerted effort to prepareand motivate young people to become entrepreneurs has positive effects on the labour market andSlovak economy as a whole. Research/practical implications: The further research is needed, but already from the presentedpartial results could be clearly seen the need for bigger linking of education system with practiceand greater emphasis on acquiring business skills during studies. Originality/value: The paper contains the partial results of the research which contributes to thediscussion of how education system can lead to improvement of the position of young people onthe labour market.
Evaluation of Cluster Policy in Russia. Analysis of Publicly Supported Innovative Territorial Clusters
Evaluation of Cluster Policy in Russia. Analysis
of Publicly Supported Innovative Territorial
(Evaluation of Cluster Policy in Russia. Analysis
of Publicly Supported Innovative Territorial
- Author(s):Ekaterina Stepanova, Elizaveta Kolchinskaya
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:887-899
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Cluster; cluster policy; cluster policy impact assessment; innovative territorial clusters
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Today many programs supporting clusters are introduced in Russia and other countries.The purpose of the research is to provide a relevant quantitative study assessing the effectivenessof cluster policy. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper, the effectiveness of Russia's cluster policy isanalyzed using regression analysis. The survey covers data on 516 Russian enterprises divided intotwo groups: companies from supported clusters and firms that are members of similar but notsupported clusters. To the classical variables of Cobb-Douglas production function (companies’revenue, number of workers, capital of the company) we added cluster program dummy variable.The main question of the research is whether companies in supported clusters operate moreeffectively than other companies. Findings: The analysis provided quite interesting results. It was found that governmental supportwhich was received by 27 innovative clusters didn’t have any effect on the revenue of thecompanies. This means that Russian innovation clusters work equally efficiently, regardless ofwhether they have government support. Research/practical implications: We have not found short-term effects on the enterprisesassociated with the supported clusters. The obtained results indicate that cluster policy conductedfrom 2012 to the present time requires adjustment. In this regard, the authors proposerecommendations on further implementation of cluster policy. Originality/value: We have described the production function of Russian companies which workin the clusters. We have found that there is no significant effect on companies' output fromgovernment supporting of the clusters in Russia. Effectiveness of cluster policy has never beenevaluated empirically before this research.
Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies on Online CSR Communication
Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies on Online
CSR Communication
(Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies on Online
CSR Communication)
- Author(s):Richard Szántó
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:900-908
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Corporate social responsibility; communication; corporate web pages; longitudinal analysis
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been changing since its creation.As the concept has been evolving, new definitions were born, and academics and practitioners havechanged their focus over the years. In this paper longitudinal studies dealing with online CSRcommunication are reviewed to explore general tendencies and patterns. Design/methodology/approach: In order to find longitudinal studies on online CSRcommunication within EBSCO Database related papers were sought. In addition, a furtherinvestigation was made with Google Scholar search engine to find more relevant papers aboutonline CSR communication. At the end of the search process, 7 articles were identified. Theselected longitudinal studies together cover a period between 2003 and 2017. Findings: The longitudinal analyses that were selected used similar research methodologies. Allstudies applied a content analysis where researchers were looking for predefined keywords andcategories on corporate websites. Findings suggest, that communicating about CSR activities andprinciples on corporate websites is evident for larger companies in the western world, and it isbecoming the norm in other parts of the world as well. The salience of different CSR topics on thewebsites, however, has been changing, and there are no constant key themes that would have beendominated the online CSR disclosure in the last 15 years. Research/practical implications: By analyzing longitudinal studies researchers and practitionersmay have deeper insights about (online) CSR communication, and they can predict futuretendencies of the field. Originality/value: Although research on internet-based CSR communication is abundant,longitudinal studies are rare. To the best knowledge of the author, this paper presents the firstattempt to perform a comprehensive review of these studies.
Innovations or Modernisation? The Implementation of Agricultural Progress in Individual Farms in the Region of Lower Silesia
Innovations or Modernisation? The
Implementation of Agricultural Progress in
Individual Farms in the Region of Lower Silesia
(Innovations or Modernisation? The
Implementation of Agricultural Progress in
Individual Farms in the Region of Lower Silesia)
- Author(s):Barbara Szczepańska, Jacek Szczepański
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:909-921
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Innovation; agricultural progress; biological progress; individual farms; lower Silesia; Poland
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This article concerns the implementation of agricultural progress in individual farms. Itsaim is an attempt to answer the question whether the development of Polish individual farms takesplace through absorbing innovations of biological type or through modernisation expressed in thepurchase of new agricultural machinery. Design/methodology/approach: A holistic approach to studying agricultural progress wasapplied. The data comes from quantitative surveys conducted among individual farmerswho manage farms from 5 to 300 ha. 200 structured interviews with farmers were conducted(124 questions). The data analysed comes from surveys conducted in 2013 in Lower Silesia. Findings: The farmers declared that after Poland's accession to the EU, first of all, they madechanges in the field of applied plant protection products, in equipping the machinery park and onlyat the end of changes in the use of new varieties of agricultural plants. There are two ways ofexplaining this state of affairs: 1) The productivity and competitiveness of agriculture is determinedby farms over 20 ha, there are less than 10% of them. In other farms, their owners combine farmwork with commercial work or social sources (The Characteristics of Agricultural Holdings 2010:56). 2) The tractors have been before - but are also today a factor significantly affecting the statusof a good farmer in the rural community. Research/practical implications: The studies have shown little knowledge about biologicalprogress. Farmers do not share about benefits resulting from the application of biologicalinnovations, they do not know that kind of programs. Originality/value: The work presents its author’s own research which is an attempt to analysethe process of implementing agricultural progress in farms.
Performance Measurement Systems: Approaches and Problems of SMES
Performance Measurement Systems:
Approaches and Problems of SMES
(Performance Measurement Systems:
Approaches and Problems of SMES)
- Author(s):Maroš Šlenker, Zuzana Papulova, Silvester Krčméry
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:922-933
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Performance; Performance Measurement System; SME
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the research was to evaluate the level of application of the performancemeasurement systems (PMS) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in Slovakia. Design/methodology/approach: We gathered the data by a questionnaire survey conducted in the2018. We analysed and evaluated the data using three nonparametric methods – Kruskal-Wallistest, Dunn's test and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Our sample consisted of 253 SMEsoperating in Slovakia. Within the framework of the theory, we tried to set the main problematicareas in SMEs by already published findings and then by comparing them to our results. Findings: The level of implementation of PMS in SMEs is still very low, although we could findsome positive and interesting improvements of SMEs towards the studied topic. In general, thereis insufficient number of complex PMS specifically designed for SMEs. Only a small number ofSMEs has experiences with PMS or specific tools designed for performance measurement andevaluation. The major reasons are linked to the understanding of importance and benefits of suchsystems, they have lack of knowledge and information about implementation and also lack of time,human, material and financial resources. Research/practical implications: Major outcomes of the paper are connected to identification ofreasons why SMEs do not apply PMS and also to identification of factors causing problems in thisarea in general for SMEs. We pointed out certain benefits that can help SMEs to improve theirperformance and competitiveness connected to performance measurement and evaluation. Ourrecommendations are also linked to the increase of interest and education of managers in this areaand to the development of more suitable approaches or specific tools that can better match theconditions of SMEs. Originality/value: We set the original research and present current findings on the approaches ofSMEs towards performance measurement in Slovakia with the intention to provide their managerswith suggestions for improvements.
Social Marketing Campaigns Carried Out by Brand. A Case Study
Social Marketing Campaigns Carried Out
by Brand. A Case Study
(Social Marketing Campaigns Carried Out
by Brand. A Case Study)
- Author(s):Beata Tarczydło
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:934-946
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Social Marketing; Brand; Social Campaigns Under the Brand; IKEA Case Study
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The article was motivated by the question about the role of branded social marketingcampaigns in management practice? The purpose of the qualitative research was to obtaininformation on whether and what social marketing campaigns are conducted under the Ikea brandand what results they bring. Design/methodology/approach: Literature studies, meta-analysis of available online sources, andown qualitative studies using case study, participant observation, and online content analysis werecarried out. Information search focused on the following problem areas: What social marketingcampaigns are conducted under the Ikea brand? What issues do they concern? Who carries themout, for whom, with whom? What activities are involved? What are their results? Findings: The discussion and qualitative research confirmed that the brand’s social marketingcampaigns are an important management tool in the age of sustainability practices. The articlepresents Ikea’s social marketing campaigns: “Familiarised”, “The Room”, “Next-DoorNeighbours”, “Playing is serious business”, and “Ikea at COP24”. Branded social marketingcampaigns bring multiple benefits to all stakeholders. Research/practical implications: The analysed social marketing campaigns conducted by Ikeaconcern important issues: social issues, the problem of domestic violence, creating opportunitiesfor spending time in a constructive way, caring about children’s right to develop, also throughplaying which educates, lets them grow, and brings happiness, plus environmental issues and thoserelated to sustainable management and activities. Originality/value: The conducted literature and empirical studies contribute to expandingknowledge and practical skills in the area of sustainability. Branded social marketing campaignsincrease the effectiveness of personified brand management. The need to use them is determinedby current market conditions and new management paradigms. The discussed examples mayconstitute a model for other marketers.
Innovation and Flexibility in Services Provided by Manufacturing Companies
Innovation and Flexibility in Services Provided
by Manufacturing Companies
(Innovation and Flexibility in Services Provided
by Manufacturing Companies)
- Author(s):Eva Tomášková, Lucie Kaňovská
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:947-956
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Services in manufacturing companies; innovation; flexibility; electrical engineering companies; Czech republic
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Manufacturing companies are positioning themselves increasingly as providers ofservices and solutions to their products in order to satisfy the customers’ various needs and wishes.The paper presents the results of a research investigating the items related to innovation andflexibility of services among electrical engineering companies in the Czech Republic. The aim ofthe paper is to find out if innovation and flexibility in services provided by manufacturingcompanies have a positive impact on the customers. Design/methodology/approach: To address the research objective, the questionnaire in the formof the Likert scale was prepared to gather information about services. A total of 60 SMEs from theSouth Moravian region of the Czech Republic participated in the survey during 2014. This is a firstempirical research focused on this area held among the electric engineering companies in the CzechRepublic. Findings: The main findings show that there is no direct impact of flexibility and innovation inservices on customers, but it can be said that flexibility and innovation perceived by customers arestill affecting, although less than we expected. Research/practical implications: In some areas, innovation and flexibility had strong positiveimpact on customers and there was certainly no negative impact. Even if there is no direct impactof flexibility and innovation on customers here, it can be said that flexibility and innovation bycustomers are still affecting, although less than we expected. Managers will certainly not defraudthemselves if they put emphasis on innovation and increasing flexibility for services offered bymanufacturing companies. Originality/value: There is still little information about understanding the service issue inmanufacturing companies. Therefore, the paper is focused on innovation and flexibility in servicesprovided by manufacturers in the Czech Republic.
Strategy Orientations and the Performance Effect in International New Ventures
Strategy Orientations and the Performance
Effect in International New Ventures
(Strategy Orientations and the Performance
Effect in International New Ventures)
- Author(s):Rosalina Torres-Ortega
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:957-967
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:International new ventures; market orientation; innovation; networks; performance
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This paper examines how the strategy orientation for international new ventures (INV)affects business performance, measured by customer performance and financial performance, inthe context of Spanish firms, and whether this effect varies between the strategies. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses data collected by web survey in a sample surveyof a data set of 92 INV. The technique of confirmatory factor analysis is used to test themeasurement properties of the study constructs. Subsequently, a structural equation modelingprocedure is used to test the research hypothesis developed on the basis of the literature review. Findings: The results show that the strategy orientations have a positive and significant effect onperformance in INV in customer and financial performance. The study findings indicate that thestrategy that had higher effect in the performance is the MO. Research/practical implications: From a business practice perspective, this research suggestedthat INV managers may adopt multiple strategies to attract and retain customers in differentmarkets, and positive effect in performance. Originality/value: Although strategies are well explored in management literature with positiveeffect for companies, this study advances the domain of international entrepreneurship intoexploring the effect of multiple strategies to achievement of superior performance in theinternational new ventures.
Factors Affecting the Timeliness of Financial Statements: Empirical Research in Vietnam
Factors Affecting the Timeliness of Financial
Statements: Empirical Research in Vietnam
(Factors Affecting the Timeliness of Financial
Statements: Empirical Research in Vietnam)
- Author(s):Hung Tang Tri, Phuong Thi Kim Tran, Ngan Le Vu Thanh
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:968-978
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Timeliness of financial statements; audit report lag; financial information quality
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The timeliness of financial statements is a critical characteristic and a necessarycomponent of relevant financial information that is receiving augmented attention byaccounting standard setters and regulatory authorities worldwide. Thus, this research aims tovalidate what factors affecting the timeliness of financial statements of Vietnamese listedbuilding material companies. Henceforward, it will significantly contribute to the quality offinancial statements particularly and the development of Vietnamese capital market generally. Design/methodology/approach: The data is collected from annual financial statements of 66building material companies listed on Viet Nam Stock Exchange (including HOSE and HNX)from 2013 to 2017. Then, research data is handled and analyzed by a multiple regression withOLS, FEM and REM model to descript the reliability and validity of research result. Findings: The result reveals that some factors such as board independence; board experience;and profitability have positive relationship with timeliness of financial statements, whereas thetype of financial statements; the duality of CEO; the foreign ownership and the leverage havenegative relationship with timeliness of financial statements. Furthermore, the findingsillustrate that there were no relationships between board size; board diligence; company sizeand the audit report lag. Research/practical implications: The paper identifies factors having the relationship with thetimeliness of financial statements of building material companies listed in Vietnam. From then,these companies’ managers and investors can consider these issues before making relevantdecisions. Further, the consecutive board of Viet Nam Stock Exchange also focuses on thispaper to enhance transparency of capital market as well as researchers can refer to it for theirstudies. Originality/value: This research broadens the knowledge on financial information quality, thetimeliness of financial statements particularly in Vietnamese capital market. Thence, the qualityof financial statements is augmented and investors as well as users will get benefits from it.
What are the characteristics of Syrian refugee enterpreneurs in Turkey?
What are the characteristics of Syrian refugee enterpreneurs in Turkey?
(What are the characteristics of Syrian refugee enterpreneurs in Turkey?)
- Author(s):Neslihan Gokce Uygur
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:979-991
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Syrian; refugee; Turkey; characters; entrepreneurs
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics of Syrian refugeeentrepreneurs. When the literature is examined it is seen that there is not efficient studies. Theissue of Syrian refugee entrepreneurs is a very young field for this reason Turkish economy,individuals, steakholders, society and new researchers might have benefit from this study. Design/methodology/approach: The participants of the study were Syrian entrepreneursSMEs owners in Turkey. Data were collected from 15 participants by snowball technique in2018. The interview was undertaken by demographic questions and a closed ended format byface to face interview in their business places. During the interviews, the answers were codedand categorized. The research has been made in 4 months. Interviews took approximately30 minutes. The data transcribed to the papers by hand writing. While entrepreneurship hasbeen taken ex post, it bases "risking thing" and seeing it ex ante. Findings: It has been determined that the Syrian refugee entrepreneurs have initiated theformation of business with risk. From the results the authors elaborate Syrian refugeeentrepreneurs faced obstacles in the formation of jobs, but they don’t give up on their desire tostart a business. Research/practical implications: This study reveals several practical applications worthy offuture study. The findings enhance the understanding how Syrian refugee entrepreneurscontributes in their new hosting environment. It might be valuable to further examine whatcharacters of Syrian refugee entrepreneurs have. The study will contribute to local literature. Originality/value: The paper provides evidence of the performance of Syrian refugeeentrepreneurs. The study examines to determine which characteristics of refugees haveincreased entrepreneurial spirit.
Regulatory Conditions for Peer-To-Peer Lending for Small and Medium Businesses
Regulatory Conditions for Peer-To-Peer
Lending for Small and Medium Businesses
(Regulatory Conditions for Peer-To-Peer
Lending for Small and Medium Businesses)
- Author(s):Augustinus (Stijn) van der Krogt, Cecilia M. T. López Badano
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:992-1003
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Peer-to-peer lending; crowdlending; marketplace lending; fintech; small and medium business
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This research analyses the importance of the collective financing model known asPeer-to-Peer Lending for Business (PPL-B) for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Inparticular it evaluates the impact of the national regulatory framework and the use of alternativecredit risk assessment models applied by PPL-B on the credit access for SMEs. Design/Methodology: This research is based on a multiple case-study and the analysis ofsecondary information resources including 11 academics articles and 7 international researchreports on the topic. The research scope is limited to a 5-year period (2013-2018) and looks atfour referential countries in this sector including the United States, United Kingdom, China andGermany. Findings: PPL-B has become an important alternative source of financing for SMEs in theUSA, UK and China. It furthermore suggests that the country-specific regulatory frameworkapplied to PPL-B has an important impact on its growth and access to it for SMEs in thesecountries. Also, that the use of alternative data sources as applied by PPL-B platforms hasa positive effect on the credit approval rates in the USA and China. Research/practical implications: The paper has direct implications for policymakers who canlearn that SMEs can benefit from PPL-B if governments set up regulatory frameworks cateredspecifically for this sector. The paper informs investors and SMEs that the use of alternativedata sources contributes to higher credit approval rates for SMEs. This research has severallimitations due to the lack of data on the PPL-B sector and its impact on SMEs. To addressthese challenges, future research is to focus on in-depth country-specific studies that compareSMEs’ credit access through traditional banking institutions and PPL-B platforms. Originality/value: This research responds to current lack of multiple-country studies thatanalyse the key factors to effective credit access for SMEs through PPL-B.
Data Stewardship Leadership Impact on Vertical Integration in Governance Program
Data Stewardship Leadership Impact on
Vertical Integration in Governance Program
(Data Stewardship Leadership Impact on
Vertical Integration in Governance Program)
- Author(s):Milomir Vojvodic, Christian Hitz
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:1004-1016
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Data economy; data stewardship; leadership; data governance
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The study examines the impact of data stewardship leadership on vertical integrationin data governance programs. There is an ongoing challenge of insufficient involvement ofbusiness users in data governance workflows and vertically integrate stakeholders froma systems level and functions level. This impacts the success of the program. Design/methodology/approach: To test the hypotheses, a quantitative method with StructuralEquation Modelling and Partial Least Squares (PLS) in SmartPLS is used. The empirical dataare collected from 56 data management professionals involved in recent General DataProtection Regulation projects associated with customers’ data in larger organizations acrossEurope. The data collection took place during December 2018. Findings: Research findings show that there is an effect of Data Stewardship Leadership onVertical Integration. Research/practical implications: Effective data governance provides a means to obtain utilityfrom controlled data use, which is crucial in the data economy underway. In order to providevalues to traditional information management, governance demands success with itsmechanisms for involvement and alignment with business stakeholders. Originality/value: This work attempts to contribute to filling the gap in the scientific body ofknowledge on data governance with empirical evidence of organizational practice needed forsuccessful implementation of the program.
Analysis of Companies Operating in the Construction Industry in the Czech Republic Based on Kohonen Networks – Identification of Leaders in the Field
Analysis of Companies Operating in the
Construction Industry in the Czech Republic
Based on Kohonen Networks – Identification of
Leaders in the Field
(Analysis of Companies Operating in the
Construction Industry in the Czech Republic
Based on Kohonen Networks – Identification of
Leaders in the Field)
- Author(s):Jaromír Vrbka, Petr Šuleř, Jakub Horák
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:1017-1028
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Kohonen network; construction industry; cluster analysis; leaders in the field; national economy
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Construction industry is a very important part of a national economy. Naturally, insuch a field a large number of business entities operate. Each of these entities has to measureits financial stability and to predict the future development. Design/methodology/approach: Within analysis, leaders in the field of construction industryare identified. For the purpose of the analysis, data entries of the financial statements obtainedfrom 12,584 companies operating in Czech construction industry in 2016. Using Kohonennetworks, cluster analysis is carried out. Findings: It can be stated that a relatively small group of companies strongly influences theconstruction industry development and thus the development of the entire national economy.The identified group of leaders of the construction industry consists of 59 companies out ofa total of 12,584. This represents 0.47% of all companies that were active in the sector duringthe 2016. Research/practical implications: A relatively small group of companies has a very highimpact on the development of the construction industry, we can say that this group has a majorimpact on the development of the entire national economy. Based on the result, we can deducethat the future development of the construction industry can be predicted based on the resultsof 59 enterprises. We should, for example, verify whether the representation of companies inindividual clusters will change over time. Originality/value: This contribution aims to analyse the entire construction industry in theCzech Republic using a modern innovative method, artificial intelligence – Kohonen networks.Leaders of the industry were identified. As a predictive tool, the analysis of 59 enterprises isvery positive. What is negative, however, is that the fluctuations in outputs (caused bywhichever reason) may result in a fluctuation in the entire branch of the national economy.
CSR of the City-Forming Enterprises of Nuclear Industry in Russian Monocities
CSR of the City-Forming Enterprises of Nuclear
Industry in Russian Monocities
(CSR of the City-Forming Enterprises of Nuclear
Industry in Russian Monocities)
- Author(s):Ekaterina Zaitseva, Galina Alekseevna Bannykh, Svetlana Kostina, Vladimir Zapariy
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:1029-1039
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Single-industry city; corporate social responsibility; city-forming enterprise; nuclear industry
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of the atomic industryenterprises of the Russian Federation on the development of single-industry towns as part ofthe implementation of corporate social responsibility. Design/methodology/approach: In this article, the authors rely on the provisions of theconcept of corporate social responsibility and the concept of "single-industry cities". The studyinvolves the use of methods for the thematic analysis of theoretical and regulatory documents,as well as a method for analyzing statistical data on the implementation of certain areas ofcorporate social responsibility of the city-forming enterprises of the Rosatom state corporation.The article uses data on 20 mono-cities in which the city-forming enterprises of the nuclearindustry of the Russian Federation are located. Findings: The authors conclude that the construction of atomic industry enterprises in theterritory of the Russian Federation was often associated with the formation. A specific featureof these single-industry towns is their closed nature due to the strategic or defensive nature ofthese enterprises, for example, nuclear power plants. These enterprises remain for single-industry towns the only large business and, accordingly, a source of local budget revenues, aswell as jobs. Rosatom has a single CSR policy for all enterprises. At the same time, each city-forming enterprise takes part in the life of single-industry towns in accordance with local needs. Research/practical implications: We have considered how a social infrastructure is beingcreated, the development of the territory and its human potential is taking place thanks to theactivities of the town-forming enterprises of the nuclear industry. Originality/value: The article makes a scientific contribution to the study of the role of city-forming enterprises in the single-industry towns of the Russian Federation.
Prospects of Development of Innovation Clusters. A Case of Russia
Prospects of Development of Innovation
Clusters. A Case of Russia
(Prospects of Development of Innovation
Clusters. A Case of Russia)
- Author(s):Ekaterina Zaitseva, Galina Alekseevna Bannykh, Svetlana Kostina
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:1040-1051
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Innovation cluster; innovation; university; triple helix; territory development; four-link helix; new industrialization
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The main research objective is the analysis of the features and prospects of thedevelopment of innovation clusters in Russia with the participation of universities. Design/methodology/approach: Case study is the main method to allow the authors to analysedevelopment of innovation clusters in Russia from the role of universities in it point of view(concept of triple helix). Analysis of regulatory documents allowed to determine the legal modelof interaction between participants of innovative clusters, analysis of statistical data – to revealthe effectiveness of their functioning. Findings: The creation of innovation clusters is not a universal mechanism for raising the levelof a country's global competitiveness and should occur only with strict control by the state andthe mandatory participation of universities, only in those industries and regions where thecreation of a cluster may be appropriate. However, only tough measures of state support for thedevelopment of clusters are not enough; a transition to a catalytic model of cluster policy isnecessary. Research/practical implications: Most of the innovation clusters in Russia are formed „fromabove“, they lack the “need from below” and real regionalization and municipalization. Fortriple helix model it is necessary to solve problems related to increasing the possibilities of civicinteraction, enhancing potential through new formats. Communication of the university withthe business should be real and expressed in specific orders, common projects and even goals. Originality/value: Non-participation of the population, spontaneous formation of humanpotential and the use of universities as a continuation of the vertical of power are features of thesituation in the Russian Federation. Understanding and assessing the role of universities inmodern cluster and innovation policy of Russia is one of the ways to solve the existing problemsof its innovative development.
Explore Entrepreneur's Personal Very First Export Decision Based on Bounded Rationality
Explore Entrepreneur's Personal Very First
Export Decision Based on Bounded Rationality
(Explore Entrepreneur's Personal Very First
Export Decision Based on Bounded Rationality)
- Author(s):Yi Zhang, Utz Dornberger
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:1052-1064
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Export decision; entrepreneur; bounded rationality; entrepreneurship; export behaviour
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: This exploratory research first anatomizes entrepreneur ́s personal very first exportdecision processes. Major export decisions (MEDs) are treated as the basic components of thedecision process. The second step is to find out possible differences between first exportdecisions and subsequent export decisions with respect to the sequence and frequency of MEDs. Design/methodology/approach: We apply an in-depth case study approach. The data ofdecision processes of three entrepreneurs in different industries was collected through semi-structured interviews in 2017 and 2018. We applied a method to support interviewees ́ recallprocesses. Information related to MEDs was extracted to form the process data. We comparedthe sequence and frequency of MEDs in our cases with previous research conclusions. Findings: First, in all cases, there is at least one MED, which was made more than once in thedecision process. Second, none of the interviewed entrepreneurs had made the choice of localrepresentative. Third, although the export-production decision was not treated as MEDs by theprevious study, all interviewed entrepreneurs have expressed its importance. Without it the firstexports could not have been done. Our findings complement previous research conclusions. Research/practical implications: Entrepreneur ́s first export decision is unique. It influencessubsequent internationalization behaviours. Future researches and policymakers should payspecial attention to it. Instead of focusing on a single MED, future studies and export promotionprograms should apply a holistic approach to study and practically support the completedecision process that contains many MEDs, so that decision-makers can carry the exportprocess through to the end. Future scholarly works are needed to explore the cognitive processof reaching those MEDs in real-life to develop methods to support the decision-making process. Originality/value: The unit of analysis of our study is entrepreneur ́s complete personal firstexport decision process. Based on bounded rationality, it is necessary to study export decisionson the individual level.