Expressing the Truth - Selected Interviews From Radio Deutsche Welle Cover Image

Izricanje istine – Izabrani intervjui iz programa Radija Deutsche Welle
Expressing the Truth - Selected Interviews From Radio Deutsche Welle

Contributor(s): Sonja Biserko (Editor), Goran Bojović (Editor), Andrej Smodiš (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Christian Theology and Religion, Politics, History, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Media studies, Geography, Regional studies, Criminal Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Applied Linguistics, Political Sciences, Civil Society, Governance, Communication studies, Sociology, Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Military policy, State/Government and Education, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Studies in violence and power, Nationalism Studies, Sociobiology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Eastern Orthodoxy, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, EU-Legislation, Politics of History/Memory, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji
Keywords: Serbia; BIH; Croatia; Montenegro; Kosovo; transition; politics; media; human rights; economic policy; military policy; EU integration; education system; ideology; nationalism; corruption; religion; crimes; criminal law; governance; secret police;
Summary/Abstract: Many books have already been written about how Serbia reacted to the challenge at the beginning of the Third Millennium. In front of the reader is a book that stands out from the crowd because of who, when and what is said in it. On the airwaves of Radio Deutsche Welle, 149 intellectuals, predominantly of Serbian nationality, but also foreigners who deal with Serbia professionally, spoke in 169 interviews about the situation in Serbia mainly after October 5, 2000. By definition, the critical, individual opinion of economists, historians, doctors, diplomats, and artists rounded off the worrying picture of the whole. Speaking independently of each other, the interlocutors of Radio Deutsche Welle reveal the reality of Serbia, which is significantly different from the official reality. Marked as a peaceful revolution, as a new beginning for Serbia, as its historic chance to stop wasting time, with the undivided support of the European Union and the United States of America, October 5, 2000, when the consensual autocrat Slobodan Milošević was removed, was ambiguous. the event. Great hopes were raised; created unrealistic but explainable expectations; the apparent unity of intentions of the main actors was achieved. But, by itself, October 5, 2000 did not represent the balance of what happened in the previous 15 years, and even less a clear projection of Serbia in the future. The attempt made by Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić in this direction was brutally stopped by his murder. Legalism was the new name for the large-state project of the 1990s, which led Serbia to disaster, and the Serbian national and state issue to a dead end. The dismantling of Slobodan Milošević's regime could only occur as a consequence of discontinuity with that policy. … Collected in this book, they represent an important testimony that binds the ruling structures in Serbia. The reality cannot be ignored if there is a political will to change it and to stop the regression of Serbia.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-7208-183-1
  • Page Count: 369
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Priznati stvarnost, prihvatiti odgovornost

Priznati stvarnost, prihvatiti odgovornost
(Admit reality, accept responsibility)

Intervjui (2000-2001)

Intervjui (2000-2001)
(Interviews (2000-2001))

Intervjui (2002-2003)

Intervjui (2002-2003)
(Interviews (2002-2003))

Intervjui (2004-2005)

Intervjui (2004-2005)
(Interviews (2004-2005))

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