The Independent. Considerations about the system and the law of the state on the 100th anniversary of the revival of a sovereign Polish state Cover Image
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Niepodległa. Rozważania prawno-ustrojowe w 100. rocznicę odrodzenia suwerennego państwa polskiego
The Independent. Considerations about the system and the law of the state on the 100th anniversary of the revival of a sovereign Polish state

Contributor(s): Aldona Domańska (Editor), Anna Michalak (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, History of ideas, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: law; system; state; independence; system of state organs; administration; sources of law; education; national and ethnic minorities; electoral law; legal system
Summary/Abstract: The year 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of regaining independence of Poland after 123 years of Partitions. Both, the importance of this occurrence and its symbolic purport can not be overestimated. It was a time of exultation and rebirth of national pride. But also, for still forming authorities and the whole nation, it was a time of countless challenges. Difficulties which had to be managed by reformers appeared in every area of life. Although Republic of Poland had risen from three distinct states with diametrically different economic, polical and legal realities, merging those varied parts into one state was still possible by dint of national identity, common culture and history. Sovereignty of the state, retrieved in 1918, was only the beginning of a long and intricate road of reforms which Poles had to go through for the next 20 years. Their goal was not only to retrive internal consistency of the reborn Republic but also to come into being internationally as a sovereign state. Those activities were accompanied on the one hand by the lack of experience or even the necessary knowledge and on the other by a rough, brutal political struggle which sometimes affected the direction of reforms and the rush of their introduction. As a result of such behavior, changes were proceeding with a currently inconceivable pace. However, in just two decades, the Republic of Poland not only was reborn as a state but it also managed to significantly develop and upgrow. We are handing over to you the publication in which we wanted to show how many problems had to be faced by then representatives of the authorities which took action to create uniform organizational structures and a common legal system for the regained state.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-143-0
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-142-3
  • Page Count: 288
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish
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