Innowacyjność w praktyce pedagogicznej. Tom I: Teoria i praktyka
Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Vol. 1: Theory and practice
Contributor(s): Urszula Szuścik (Editor), Renata Raszka (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education, School education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: innovativeness; the formation and education of the youngest children; theory and practice; pedagogical reflections
Summary/Abstract: A monograph which is presented in two volumes, entitled “Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Theory and practice”. Vol. 1 and “Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Pedagogical reflections in theory and in practice”, Vol. 2, constitutes an original treatment in terms of broadly conceived innovativeness in pedagogical theory and practice. The publication contains considerations devoted to the role of a teacher-innovator in the creation of the didactic-educational process, of the care-related and organisational functioning of the kindergarten and the school, and hence to the necessity of the education of future teachers toward innovative thinking in the process of education. The publication also contains examples of innovation drawn from pedagogical practice in kindergarten, in 1-11 classes (of the elementary school), as well as of the education of future teachers of pre-school children and the teachers of early school education.
The publication is intended for a broad group of teachers and researchers who are sensitive to the changing social and cultural environment, in which theoreticians and practitioners engaged in the creation of the process of education of children constantly find themselves. It constitutes a compendium of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of innovative activities in the work with a child. The monograph may constitute a source of inspiration for appealing didactic solutions associated with children for students, teachers and parents.
Series: Pedagogika, Dydaktyka
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3104-1
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3103-4
- Page Count: 190
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Polish
Nauczyciel innowator XXI wieku jako organizator środowiska uczenia się
Nauczyciel innowator XXI wieku jako organizator środowiska uczenia się
(21st century teacher-innovator as the organiser of a learning culture)
- Author(s):Lidia Wollman
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:11-24
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:learning environment; teacher; learning power
- Summary/Abstract:The author defines learning as a key competence of the twenty first century and describes an effective learning environment based on Chris Watkins’s views on learning contexts. The author also describes the physical, social and psychological climate of the classroom as well as the educational context of learning. Taking all into account, as well as Guy Claxton’s Building Learning Power, the author determines the role and tasks of an innovative teacher in an environment conducive to developing students’ learning capacities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Innowacje nauczycieli jako liderów organizacji i zarządzania praktyką pedagogiczną
Innowacje nauczycieli jako liderów organizacji i zarządzania praktyką pedagogiczną
(Teachers as Leaders of Organizational and Educational Practice Management and Their Innovations)
- Author(s):Krystyna Duraj-Nowakowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:25-37
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:teachers’ innovations; educational leader; organization of educational practice; practice management; effectiveness of innovations in practice
- Summary/Abstract:Introduction: Author’s Individual Presumptions of Pedagogical and Pedeutological Problems of the Paper 1. Organization and management of teachers-educational leaders’ school practice 2. Organizational and management processes’ and effects’ innovations in the professional activity of teachers as school leaders 3. Teachers’ as leaders of micro-educational practice innovations Conclusion: from innovation to creativity during teachers’ organization and management of selfeducation and education.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polimorficzne wymiary generowania innowacji w edukacji – wątki rozproszone
Polimorficzne wymiary generowania innowacji w edukacji – wątki rozproszone
(Polymorphic dimensions of generating the innovation in the education – dispersed motifs)
- Author(s):Maciej Kołodziejski, Małgorzata Przybysz-Zaremba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:38-49
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:education; innovation; creativity; educational change
- Summary/Abstract:The deliberations of authors concern the dimensions of generating the innovation in the education. The innovation is a process requiring many treatments of people, the institution and creating the situations stimulating the creativity of an individual, which was indicated in the text. Pedagogical innovations are connected with a holistic structure of school system school with its constitutive elements which require the change and improvements in all of the areas of the correct completion of the educational process.
- Price: 4.50 €
O potrzebie kształcenia studentów pedagogiki do innowacyjnego myślenia o procesie edukacji w kontekście nabywania kompetencji komunikacyjnych
O potrzebie kształcenia studentów pedagogiki do innowacyjnego myślenia o procesie edukacji w kontekście nabywania kompetencji komunikacyjnych
(The need for training future teachers toward innovative thinking about the process of education in the context of the acquisition of communication skills)
- Author(s):Beata Oelszlaeger-Kosturek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Communication studies, Preschool education, School education
- Page Range:50-66
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:teachers’ communication skills; acts of communication; children’s spontaneous speech
- Summary/Abstract:The text „The need for training future teachers toward innovative thinking about the process of education in the context of the acquisition of communication skills” presents some of the innovative aspects of the educational process in the context of acts of communication initiated by both teachers and students in turn. A model of classroom communication is proposed which takes into account different levels of communication and types of activities and actions taken by the teacher. It also takes into account the sender and the recipient of the message. The need for teaching communication skills to pedagogy students – future teachers – is highlighted, so that they are prepared to receive and effectively use the information coming to them from students in the form of spontaneous speech (questions and statements).
- Price: 4.50 €
Obszary deficytów twórczych działań nauczycieli dzisiejszej szkoły
Obszary deficytów twórczych działań nauczycieli dzisiejszej szkoły
(The area for creative deficits of teachers in modern school)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Zalewska-Bujak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education
- Page Range:67-77
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:school; teacher; standardization; tests
- Summary/Abstract:Many researchers into Polish education put forward the thesis that it has a bureaucratic orientation and yields to the pressure of technological-economic rationality. Yielding to outer pressure and influence, many teachers apply the administrative direction in their work, which consists in paying a lot of attention to absolute fulfilling what is imposed and subjected to unceasing control. One of meticulously fulfilled requirements is the care for learners’ high scores in external tests. This proves how important for teachers’ professional practice becomes standardization in the measurement of teaching and learning achievements (with simultaneous marginalization of such significant and undoubtedly demanded educational components as individualization, subjectivization, etc.). A small section of the author’s extended analyses is presented in this study in the form of free interviews with teachers who describe what they experience in their daily professional routine.
- Price: 4.50 €
Refleksyjna praktyka źródłem kompetencji nauczyciela dla wspierania rozwoju dziecka
Refleksyjna praktyka źródłem kompetencji nauczyciela dla wspierania rozwoju dziecka
(Reflective practice as a source of teacher’s competences for supporting child’s development)
- Author(s):Jolanta Bonar, Anna Buła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:78-87
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:reflective practice; teacher’s competences
- Summary/Abstract:The text is an attempt to show that reflective practice, in which researchers, students and teachers (supervisors of students’ placements) are participating, can contribute to the development of practical – moral as well as technical competences of teachers. Thanks to this competences they can support the child’s development. The conclusions are based on experiences gathered during the realisation of the educational project: ‘To get to know – to understand – to experience. Practical preparation for work as the early education teacher.’
- Price: 4.50 €
W poszukiwaniu metod wspierania aktywności edukacyjnej dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym (na podstawie analizy wybranych programów kształcenia zintegrowanego)
W poszukiwaniu metod wspierania aktywności edukacyjnej dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym (na podstawie analizy wybranych programów kształcenia zintegrowanego)
(In search of methods contributing to the educational activity of children at a younger school age (based on the analysis of selected programmes of integrated education))
- Author(s):Elżbieta Marek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education
- Page Range:88-103
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:education programme; activation methods; revalidation methods; methods of work with capable pupils
- Summary/Abstract:In modern pre-school and early school education there function quite a few curricula. In accordance with the regulation of the minister of national education of June 8, 2009, each of them should comprise methods of attaining objectives in compliance with work individualization. In this connection, I have made a qualitative analysis of selected education programmes from the point of view of methods contained therein in order to answer the following questions: which programmes propose the most interesting methods of work with children and whether the proposed by them methods of instruction are innovative in their character or connected with traditional solutions as well.
- Price: 4.50 €
Studenckie praktyki pedagogiczne jako przestrzeń realizacji działań twórczych
Studenckie praktyki pedagogiczne jako przestrzeń realizacji działań twórczych
(Practical teaching experience of pedagogy students as a space for implementation of creative activities)
- Author(s):Jadwiga Oleksy
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:104-115
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:innovation; creativity in teaching practices; integrated education
- Summary/Abstract:Practical teaching experiences are regarded as a crucial aspect in shaping of a professional competence of pedagogy students. Equipped with a theoretical knowledge students have opportunities to test this knowledge whilst applying it in a course of the actual teaching practices. Implementation of practical exercises, which often go beyond the boundaries of the scripted scenarios, can prove to be a tough experience. Such practical opportunities become a trail of creative exploration, research and effective actions that generate educational environment in which children are encouraged to fully utilize their potential. Pedagogy students through reaching for innovative teaching solutions become promoters of changes, which mobilizes them to enrich their work performances as well as compels them to reflect on a choice of individual teaching career path. The considerations made herein are oriented on an actual teaching experience in a frame of possibilities and circumstances influencing implementation of creative activities in the educational institutions, which become a work field for students specializing in integrated early childhood education and preschool education.
- Price: 4.50 €
Innowacje w teorii i praktyce wczesnoszkolnej na Ukrainie
Innowacje w teorii i praktyce wczesnoszkolnej na Ukrainie
(Innovations in the theory and practice of early school education in Ukraine)
- Author(s):Teresa Giza
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education
- Page Range:116-127
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:innovation in education in Ukraine; innovation classification; examples of innovations in the initial education
- Summary/Abstract:Article shows interpretation of category “innovations in education” in Ukraine. Problem of changes in different fields of life in this country is important because of political/structural transformation since 1991. In pedagogical theory and practise we can see tendency to go back to the post war ideas as well as using different country ideas. Also there are some new ideas. Innovative solutions in primary education are connected with changed in 2012 national standards of teaching primary education and new technologies.
- Price: 4.50 €
W poszukiwaniu skutecznej koncepcji kształcenia nauczycieli języka obcego dzieci
W poszukiwaniu skutecznej koncepcji kształcenia nauczycieli języka obcego dzieci
(Searching for the effective model of educating children’s foreign language teachers)
- Author(s):Gabriela Kapica, Kornelia Solich
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Foreign languages learning, School education
- Page Range:128-141
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:children’s foreign language education; schedule of two-speciality studies in pedagogics and glottodydactics; the graduate’s profile; the desirable competences of the graduates
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is an attempt to make a theoretical analysis of the system of educating specialists in teaching foreign languages to children. We have described here the project of the undergraduate (bachelor’s degree) studies, taking into special consideration the educational, teaching and glottodydactic competences of the students. We have also shared reflections about selected issues of the organization of foreign language learning in early age.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jak pomóc dziecku stać się przedszkolakiem. Proces adaptacji do środowiska przedszkolnego
Jak pomóc dziecku stać się przedszkolakiem. Proces adaptacji do środowiska przedszkolnego
(How to Help a Child Become a Kindergartner: The Adaptation Process to the Kindergarten Environment)
- Author(s):Dominika Duraj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Preschool education
- Page Range:142-155
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:child; parents; adoption; kindergarten education; early adaptation programme
- Summary/Abstract:The beginning of kindergarten education is a breakthrough moment in the life of every three-year old child. This is the time of many changes. Every change in the life of a three-year old child brings interesting, cheerful experiences, but sometimes they are painful, hard, or even traumatic. Children who begin kindergarten education represent a different level of adaptation skills. In order to give a toddler “soft landing” in kindergarten, it is important to prepare him/her properly. Therefore, to be ahead of needs of children and parents, adaptation classes have been implemented in kindergartens as a standard action. The aim of these classes is mainly to prevent negative experiences, which are connected with the beginning of education. It depends on us – parents and teachers – if we facilitate the child’s entrance into the new environment, which kindergarten is, in a mild way, in the feeling of security and respect for other people.
- Price: 4.50 €
Skuteczna diagnoza jako podstawa pomocy pedagogicznej dzieciom w przedszkolu
Skuteczna diagnoza jako podstawa pomocy pedagogicznej dzieciom w przedszkolu
(Effective Diagnosis as a Basisi for Pedagogical Assistance Provided to Kindergarten Children)
- Author(s):Barbara Cygan
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:156-169
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:disorders; difficulties; diagnosis; development
- Summary/Abstract:This thesis is concerned with the issue of diagnosis at kindergarden and its role in the early detection of problems/retardaitions/disharmony or other developmental disorders children may have at this age. Pre-school diagnosis supported by observation can often be the first analysis on the basis of which the development of a child is determined as normal or abnormal. It is the duty of teachers to take action supporting the development of a child diagnosed with problems/retardations/disharmonies or disorders in order to reduce them. The faster children are diagnosed, the faster actions can be taken in order to help them to reduce problems/retardations/disharmonies and delays allowing children to function properly in family and social life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Innowacyjna działalność placówek wychowania przedszkolnego na przykładzie Przedszkola Miejskiego nr 10 w Bytomiu
Innowacyjna działalność placówek wychowania przedszkolnego na przykładzie Przedszkola Miejskiego nr 10 w Bytomiu
(Innovative Activity of Pre-School Education Establishments on the Example of Municipal Kindergarten No. 10 in Bytom)
- Author(s):Anida Szafrańska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:170-181
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:educational innovation; aims of innovation; good practices; cooperation
- Summary/Abstract:The text presents some issues related to the teachers’ creative activity. It refers to educational innovations which may include every aspect of teaching, education, care and organization of education. The article presents in detail the innovative activities of the Municipal Kindergarten No. 10 in Bytom. The program „Teachers and Parents Together” refers to the cooperation between teachers and parents. Its range covers the entire preschool community. It focuses on improving the quality of work in the kindergarten in the field of cooperation with the parents. The program is an example of good practices in the field of preschool education.
- Price: 4.50 €