Deliberation: The Path of Dismantling the #StateCapture in Macedonia. Policy Reflections on Macedonia 2016-2018
Deliberation: The Path of Dismantling the #StateCapture in Macedonia. Policy Reflections on Macedonia 2016-2018
Author(s): Katerina Kolozova, Gordan Georgiev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Political Theory, Civil Society, Government/Political systems, Security and defense, Politics and society, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation, Sociology of Law, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: Институтот за општествени и хуманистички науки – Скопје
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-608-4755-18-0
- Page Count: 52
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English
- eBook-PDF
- Sample-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction