Forgotten princes? The Sulkowski family in the eighteenth-twentieth century Cover Image
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Zapomniani książęta? Sułkowscy w XVIII–XX wieku
Forgotten princes? The Sulkowski family in the eighteenth-twentieth century

Contributor(s): Dariusz Michał Nawrot (Editor), Grzegorz Madej (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Cultural history, Political history, Social history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), 18th Century, 19th Century
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: The following chapters of the work have been devoted to the fate of the representatives of different lines of the Sułkowskis from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. Adam Perłakowski outlined not only the subsequent stages of Aleksander Józef Sułkowski's political career, but also the source of economic power that allowed maintaining the family's splendour in the next generations. Jiří Brňovják, in turn, presented heraldic studies on the coats of arms and titles that had been bestowed upon Prince Aleksander Józef by Maria Teresa. Michał Zwierzykowski discussed the strategy of building the position of the family that was adopted by Prince August Sułkowski, and which enabled him and his brothers to receive the highest honours in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Grzegorz Madej presented the figure of Prince Franciszek Sułkowski, and juxtaposed two inventories of the Bielsko castle from 1786 and 1804, which facilitated getting to know the scope of the reconstruction of the prince's residence. Dariusz Nawrot recalled events in the life of Prince Jan Nepomucen Sułkowski during his greatest activity, when he aspired to play the role of the leader of the Polish uprising in New Silesia in 1807. Dawid Madziar presented the occurring at the same time beginnings of the military career of Prince Antoni Paweł Sułkowski, who was the organizer and a colonel of the 1st (9th) Infantry Regiment of the Polish Army in 1806 and 1807. In turn, Jarosław Czubaty recalled the figure of Antoni Paweł Sułkowski in the context of the circumstances surrounding his resignation from the position of the Supreme Commander in 1813. Miha Preinfalk presented the figure of Jožef Baron Dietrich, the source of his fortune and the circumstances surrounding the marriage of the Baron’s daughter with Prince Sułkowski. Piotr Kenig described the military careers of the consecutive family members in the Habsburg army. Jakub Krajewski presented the husbandry of the Princes’ forests in Bielsko and in the neighbourhood from the 18th to the early 20th century. Mojca Rjavec described the history of the line of the Sułkowski family connected with Bresternica near Maribor. Grażyna Sokół written an account of the complicated history of the Princes’ archives, which are invaluable for researching into the history of the Sułkowski family (From the introduction).

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-922-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-921-4
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Czech, Polish, Slovenian
Aleksander Józef Sułkowski – u źródeł potęgi rodu

Aleksander Józef Sułkowski – u źródeł potęgi rodu
(Aleksander Józef Sułkowski – the sources of the power of the family)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Heraldika Alexandra Josefa Sułkowského. Vizualizace titulárního vzestupu polského magnáta ve světle říšských a českých panovnických privilegií

Heraldika Alexandra Josefa Sułkowského. Vizualizace titulárního vzestupu polského magnáta ve světle říšských a českých panovnických privilegií
(Aleksander Józef Sułkowski’s heraldry. The representation of the titular advancement of a Polish magnate in the light of imperial and royal privileges)

  • Price: 4.50 €
August Sułkowski i strategia budowy pozycji rodu . Od książąt na Bielsku do senatorów Rzeczypospolitej

August Sułkowski i strategia budowy pozycji rodu . Od książąt na Bielsku do senatorów Rzeczypospolitej
(August Sułkowski – the strategy for the establishment of the position of the family. From princes in Bielsko to senators of the Polish Republic)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Inwentaryzacja bielskiego zamku po śmierci księcia Aleksandra Józefa Sułkowskiego w 1804 roku

Inwentaryzacja bielskiego zamku po śmierci księcia Aleksandra Józefa Sułkowskiego w 1804 roku
(The stock of the Bielsko castle after the death of prince Aleksander Józef Sułkowski in 1804)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Jan Nepomucen Sułkowski w powstaniu na Nowym Śląsku w 1807 roku

Jan Nepomucen Sułkowski w powstaniu na Nowym Śląsku w 1807 roku
(Jan Nepomucen Sułkowski in the uprising in New Silesia in 1807)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Początki kariery wojskowej księcia Antoniego Pawła Sułkowskiego

Początki kariery wojskowej księcia Antoniego Pawła Sułkowskiego
(The beginnings of Antoni Paweł Sułkowski’s military career)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Honor czy defetyzm? Dylematy Antoniego Pawła Sułkowskiego na tle wyborów Polaków w 1813 roku

Honor czy defetyzm? Dylematy Antoniego Pawła Sułkowskiego na tle wyborów Polaków w 1813 roku
(Honour or defeatism? Antoni Paweł Sułkowski’s dilemmas in the context of the decisions of Poles made in 1813)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Jožef baron Dietrich in njegove povezave z rodbino Sulkowski

Jožef baron Dietrich in njegove povezave z rodbino Sulkowski
(Baron Josef Dietrich and his connections with the Sułkowski family)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Pod dwugłowym orłem. Sułkowscy w armii Habsburgów w latach 1746–1918

Pod dwugłowym orłem. Sułkowscy w armii Habsburgów w latach 1746–1918
(The double-headed eagle coat of arms. The Sułkowski in the Habsburg army in the years 1746–c1918)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Lasy książęce w Bielsku-Białej i okolicy

Lasy książęce w Bielsku-Białej i okolicy
(The princely forests in Bielsko-Biała and its vicinity)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Plemiška družina Sulkowski v Bresternici pri Mariboru v 20. stoletju

Plemiška družina Sulkowski v Bresternici pri Mariboru v 20. stoletju
(The Sulkowski noble family at Bresternica near Maribor in the 20th Century)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Przyczynki do dziejów zespołu Archiwum Książąt Sułkowskich w Bielsku w zasobach Archiwum Państwowego

Przyczynki do dziejów zespołu Archiwum Książąt Sułkowskich w Bielsku w zasobach Archiwum Państwowego
(A contribution to the study of the history of the body of documents of the Archive of the Sułkowski Princes in Bielsko in the collections of the State Archive)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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