Örgütsel Davraniş Güncel Konular ve Araştırmalar
Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues and Research
Contributor(s): Yasemin Gülbahar (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Business Economy / Management, Communication studies, Sociology, Labor relations, Political behavior, Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Social Theory, Management and complex organizations, Gerontology, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
Keywords: Organizational Behaviour; Management and Organizations; Management and Strategy; Management and Organizational Behavior; Organizational Strategy;
Summary/Abstract: “We do not conquer the lands, we conquer the hearts!” Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. Touching people and working with them is a different metier in these lands, which have embraced the measure of this word and have been associated with a state tradition for more than 2000 years that has measured the key to success with the importance they attach to human behaviour. Organizational Behaviour is to integrate as an entity around a goal and to exhibit behaviour in order to direct the knowledge, skills, energy and resources to the goal. The behaviours exhibited are not only functionally the realization of the purpose, but also an interaction and result of the being shown. For this reason, Organizational Behaviour is the whole of living, needing, changing and developing behaviours. This development shows itself in the Organizational Behaviour literature with different concepts and behaviour patterns from day to day. In this respect, it is an inevitable need for researches in the field of Organizational Behaviour to constantly follow the agenda and be prepared for change due to the living tissue of the field. Based on this need, this book presents current issues in the field of Organizational Behaviour. The book is shaped by presentation of current theoretical knowledge and researches specific to the field by the authors of the academicians who follow and analyze the change rapidly. The book is a work of good effort. Hoping that this valuable work will contribute to those who live their organizational life with passion.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-661-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-661-3
- Page Count: 248
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Turkish, English
Talent Climate
Talent Climate
(Talent Climate)
- Author(s):Ramazan Özkan Yıldız
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Labor relations, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:1-12
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:employees; talent climate; communication; leadership; organizations;
- Summary/Abstract:Talent climate refers to the overall environment, culture, and conditions within an organization that impact the attraction, development, and retention of talented employees. It encompasses factors such as leadership, communication, opportunities for growth and development, work-life balance, and recognition and rewards. Having a positive talent climate is crucial for firms as it can help them attract and retain the best talent, foster innovation and creativity, increase productivity and engagement, and ultimately improve business performance. A strong talent climate can also enhance an organization's reputation as an employer of choice, making it more competitive in the labor market. This study is a conceptual exploration of the issue of talent climate, based on a thorough review of existing literature and theoretical analysis. While it does not offer empirical evidence, the study is notable for its rarity in tackling this relatively obscure topic. By offering a range of perspectives on the meaning and importance of talent climate, the study provides readers with a valuable resource for gaining knowledge and insight in this niche area. The authors' thoughtful commentary and detailed analysis highlight the complexity and potential significance of talent climate as a concept.
Presenteeism at Workplace: A Turkish Idiom “Let Friends See You at Shopping”
Presenteeism at Workplace: A Turkish Idiom “Let Friends See You at Shopping”
(Presenteeism at Workplace: A Turkish Idiom “Let Friends See You at Shopping”)
- Author(s):Halime Göktaş Kulualp
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Behaviorism, Management and complex organizations, Business Ethics
- Page Range:13-23
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Presenteeism; workplace; work behavior; Businesses;
- Summary/Abstract:Businesses are operating in an intensely competitive environment today and they have begun to give importance to human resources rather than material resources in order to survive and to exist at the same time. Therefore, new applications have been started to be researched to use human resources more effectively and to improve working conditions or to reduce inefficient working elements. Presenteeism means that the employee has to go to work for different reasons, appear there but cannot work efficiently. In Turkish, this is explained by the phrase "let your friends see you in shopping", which means "to show off, to pretend to work". Presenteesim has also become one of the topics that have been started to be researched recently as an element that reduces productivity. Presenteeism is an important element that organizations have just realized. So, purpose of this chapter is to introduce the concept of presenteeism and to raise awareness against this negative work behavior.
Liderlikte Lider Takipçi İlişkisi Odaklı Yaklaşımlar
Liderlikte Lider Takipçi İlişkisi Odaklı Yaklaşımlar
(Leader-Follower Relationship Oriented Approaches in Leadership)
- Author(s):Nil Selenay Erden
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:25-56
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Leadership; leader; follower; business;
- Summary/Abstract:Aim of this study is to provide a perspective on the literature of leadership, which keeps an essential place in business research, from the standpoint of more recent approaches that developed after classical views such as the trait approach, behavioral approach and contingency approach. After contingency perspective, researchers came to realize that leaders and their followers establish a one-to-one relationship. In this leader and follower relationship, the leadership style of the leader influence the motivation, job satisfaction and performance of the followers. Those indicators are important due to their link with organizational profitability. In this respect, the first part includes transformational leadership, second part transactional leadership and the last part is leader-member exchange theory. Main point in transformational leadership is the leaders’ change agent role in transforming followers’ to their more developed version. Main point in transactional leadership is the role of the leader in making followers execute their tasks, by using classical methods such as reward and punishment. Full range of leadership model brigns those two theories together and explain leadership effectiveness by fociusing on the dimensional nature of transformational and transactional leadership. Main point in leader-member exchange theory is the in-group and out-group phenomena. The in-group refers to followers that build a strong relationship with the leader. In the out-group, relationship between followers and leader is more formal. Performance results differe between in and out groups, drwaing a conclusion that performance indicators are more positive in in-groups. In this study, every theory is presented ron the same flow; definition, dimensions of leadership and research results. The research results are chosen on the criteria of performance variables. Those variables are grouped under the category of leadership traits and the motivaston, job satisfaction and performance of followers. Keywords related search on correlational studies lead to a summary, focusing on the reflections of related theories to practice.
Başarılı Yaşlanmanın Sosyal Destek Bağlamında İncelenmesi
Başarılı Yaşlanmanın Sosyal Destek Bağlamında İncelenmesi
(Examination of Successful Aging in the Context of Social Support)
- Author(s):Betül Okudur Sabuncu
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction, Health and medicine and law, Demography and human biology, Gerontology
- Page Range:57-75
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Social Support; aging; high quality of life;
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, the concept of successful aging, which means living in a healthy, productive, safe environment with a high quality of life, having a good social environment, and having a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being throughout life, has become important for all individuals. In the literature, there are many variables and studies in different areas associated with successful aging. There are many factors that affect successful aging, such as social support, mental and physical health, general health status, and life activities. The concept of social support, which has an important place among these factors, has been examined within the scope of this study. Within the scope of the study, it was aimed to raise awareness about the contribution of social support to the level of successful aging. In this context, the concepts of social support and successful aging, its scope and theoretical basis were examined, studies on social support and successful aging were mentioned, and the relationship between social support and successful aging was explained. The results of the research were examined and supported by the literature. The results consistently show that higher levels of social support improve people's psychological and physiological health and have a positive effect on successful aging. No study has been found in the domestic literature that associates social support with successful aging. In this context, it is aimed to contribute to the literature.
Sosyal Değişim Teorisi Bağlamında Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Tarihsel ve Politik Bir Bakış
Sosyal Değişim Teorisi Bağlamında Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Tarihsel ve Politik Bir Bakış
(A Historical and Political Overview of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Context of Social Exchange Theory)
- Author(s):Özge Mehtap
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Political behavior, Organizational Psychology, Social Theory, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:77-98
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Organizational Citizenship Behavior; citizenship behaviors; Social Exchange Theory;
- Summary/Abstract:In today's post-modern world, where uncertainty and chaos prevail, rule-based hierarchical organizations are giving their place to businesses where expert power and knowledge, and therefore people, are more important. In these new structures, where continuous change is required, the effect of individuals' behaviors within the organization on performance and the importance of directing these behaviors in a positive way increase even more in order to manage individuals and institutions. In this study, the concepts of organizational citizenship behavior and organizational politics, which are two important research areas of the organizational behavior literature, are discussed over the relationship between each other and on the basis of Social Exchange Theory. Although research on politics in the management literature has increased in recent years, it does not receive the importance it deserves. Researches generally associate politics only with manipulation and behavior aimed at protecting the interests of managers or management. This negative perception leads to an incomplete understanding and explanation of the organizational politics. But political behavior includes both positive and negative behaviors. The policies implemented by the managers and the political behaviors they exert are closely related to the potential and existing organizational citizenship behaviors of the employees. In the context of the Social Exchange Theory, it is seen that the citizenship behaviors of the employees increase to the extent that the managers meet the expectations and needs of the employees.
Takım Odaklı Liderlik Yaklaşımları
Takım Odaklı Liderlik Yaklaşımları
(Team-Oriented Leadership Approaches)
- Author(s):Cem Güney Özveren
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:99-131
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:Leadership; leader; business;
- Summary/Abstract:Liderlik çalışmaları özelinde alan yazında yapılmış birçok çalışma dönemin koşullarının da etkisi ile şekillenmiştir. Serüveni insanlık tarihi kadar eski olan liderlik olgusunun bilimsel çerçeve içerisinde incelenmesi Büyük Adam Yaklaşımı ile başlamıştır. Önceleri liderde bulunması gereken temel özellikler nelerdir sorusuna yanıt aranmaya başlanmış ve bir liderde olması gereken fiziksel özellikler ve kişilik özellikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ancak zamanla bu yaklaşımın lideri tarif etmekte yeteriz kaldığı anlaşılmış ve lideri lider yapan temel faktörün davranışları olduğu noktasında bir kabule varılmıştır. Davranışçı yaklaşımların popüler olduğu aynı dönemde liderin davranışlarını incelemek hususunun daha fazla önem kazanmasına şaşırmamak gerekir ki zeitgeist (dönemin ruhu) kavramı da aslında bu sonucu önemli ölçüde açıklamaktadır. Lider görev odaklı mı yoksa iş odaklı mı olmalı, otokratik mi yoksa demokratik mi olmalı gibi soruların cevabını ararken potansiyel cevabın durumsallık yaklaşımları içerisinde verilebileceği, yani tek bir doğru liderlik tarzının olmadığı ve doğru liderlik tarzını koşulların belirlediği noktasında genel olarak hemfikir olunmuştur. Ancak değişen çevresel koşullar, iş yapma biçiminin ve işe olan bakışın değişmesinin ve teknolojik yeniliklerin etkisi liderlik kavramına çok yönlü bakılması gereğini de beraberinde getirmiş ve liderliğe yönelik güncel yaklaşımlar ortaya çıkmıştır ve çıkmaya da devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada takım odaklı liderliğe dair alan yazında var olan yaklaşımlar ortaya konarak bir sentez yapılmış ve alanda çalışan akademisyenlere ve öğrencilere yararlı bir kaynak sunulması amaçlanmıştır.
A Theoretical Approach to the Concept of Emotional Labor in Organizational Management
A Theoretical Approach to the Concept of Emotional Labor in Organizational Management
(A Theoretical Approach to the Concept of Emotional Labor in Organizational Management)
- Author(s):Koray Barut
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Labor relations, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:133-148
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Organizational Management; labor; emotional labor;
- Summary/Abstract:The stages of transition to the service sector by completing the industrialization processes of developed countries have caused changes in the market, competition conditions and workforce structures. Before this period, the weight of industrial companies in the national economy was considerably higher than other sectors. Today, this situation has brought about the rapid rise of the service sector. Today, it is seen that the largest and most important companies in the world are service businesses. With the development of the service sector, the number of companies producing services all over the world has increased, and a large proportion of the workforce has started to be employed in the service sector. The fact that the service sector has become more attractive to employees and more companies enter the market has further aggravated the conditions of competition. In the study, it is aimed to draw a theoretical framework, especially to look at the concept of emotional labor from a historical perspective.
Örgütsel Araştırmalarda Hikâye Anlatıcılığı: Sistematik Bir Değerlendirme
Örgütsel Araştırmalarda Hikâye Anlatıcılığı: Sistematik Bir Değerlendirme
(Storytelling in Organizational Research: A Systematic Evaluation)
- Author(s):Mehmet Orkun Ünsever, Emine Şener
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Communication studies, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:149-178
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:Storytelling; Organizational Research; organizational communication;
- Summary/Abstract:Storytelling is defined in the literature as a method that appeals to people's emotions, allows the narrators to convey their ideas and information to others, and can have a great impact on employees. Storytelling, which is predicted to be related to many functions of the organization, is frequently used in the literature in areas such as production, marketing, brand management, communication, creating and changing corporate culture and values, and leadership. In this study, in which organizational storytelling is handled as a systematic review, 58 studies that were reached and included in the study by examining the articles and congress papers published between 2000-2023 were evaluated by considering some issues. The articles examined in the study were categorized into 3 groups, taking into account their characteristics, how and where storytelling can be used for organizational purposes, the role of storytelling in intra-organizational communication and information management, and the critical perspective on storytelling. In the conclusion part of the study, suggestions have been developed considering the gaps that are thought to contribute to the studies that can be done in the future and that are revealed as a result of the evaluation of the studies.
Örgütlerdeki Politik Davranışların Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi
Örgütlerdeki Politik Davranışların Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi
(An Overall Evaluation of Political Behaviors in Organizations)
- Author(s):Mehmet Yildirim
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics, Political behavior, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:179-200
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Political Behaviors; Organizations;
- Summary/Abstract:This study evaluates the concept of political behavior, which can be described as non-role behaviors that individuals or groups consciously display in order to protect or obtain their personal interests. In order to accomplish this, the concept of political behavior, the areas where it occurs, its dimensions, the factors that facilitate its emergence, and its consequences are discussed first. Afterwards, it was discussed whether political behaviors could be prevented or not, and it was attempted to contribute to the literature by making a few suggestions for future researches and practitioners by addressing the gaps in the political behavior literature that have not yet reached sufficient satisfaction in local literature. It is evident from the results of the study that the local literature has not yet reached sufficient satisfaction regarding studies examining the relationship between political behavior and factors such as personality traits, leadership styles, power sources, psychological capital, working conditions, career goals, and political behavior. Further, no study has been found in the local literature that deals with the relationship between political behaviors and generational differences. Therefore, this relationship is considered an important gap in literature that needs to be filled.
Örgütsel Kayırmacılık
Örgütsel Kayırmacılık
(Organizational Favoritism)
- Author(s):Gökhan Karadirek
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:201-229
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:nepotism; favoritism; organizations; business; social life;
- Summary/Abstract:The history of favoritism is a very old social, organizational and individual problem. This problem is still up to date as it was in the past. In fact, the negative effects of favoritism today are remarkable. In recent scientific studies, favoritism is shown as the source of some problems in business and social life. Nepotism and cronyism, which are the types of favoritism, are known to have some negative effects on the organization and the employees who are not favored. Nepotism and cronyism, which are related to favoritism, can reduce the level of job satisfaction and productivity of employees. Nepotism or favoring someone can reduce internal motivation and performance. Trust and image of the organization can be damaged due to nepotism in the organization. As a result of employees leaving the job, there may be an increase in the turnover. Organizational favoritism can affect other stakeholders of the society. The negativities caused by nepotism are reflected in the quality and quality of the work done by the employees and their relations with other people in social life. In addition, favoritism in employment, promotion and rewards is a frequently encountered situation. This reveals that the strategies and plans related to human resources within the organization are ignored. The quality of kinship and friendship relations is also important in organizational favoritism. Depending on the type of organization, some people have priority. Being a family member or friendship, peer-friend relationship level can be considered as a criterion for nepotism, especially when promoting and rewarding in family businesses. In such cases, it is known that the level of education, talent, experience and past achievements are not given much importance. Another basic type of favoritism other than organizational favoritism is political nepotism. If political favoritism is in question, it is possible to face employment discrimination and unfair rewards. By using the opportunities provided by the political status, the interests of some individuals and political groups can be protected and some benefits are provided to them. Although favoritism seems like a pleasant situation for the discriminated party, it is generally not welcomed by the society. It is possible to find injustice and/or inequality in all kinds of favoritism. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about justice and equality in environments where there is nepotism.
Çalışanların İş Yeri Motivasyonları Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Çalışanların İş Yeri Motivasyonları Üzerine Bir İnceleme
(A Study on Workplace Motivation of Employees)
- Author(s):İsmet Kutay Sırıklı, Yeliz Pekerşen
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:230-248
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Employees; Workplace Motivation; motivation;
- Summary/Abstract:This academic study on work motivation provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that contribute to employee motivation in the workplace. The study highlights the importance of understanding both internal and external sources of motivation, as well as the complex interplay between these sources. The authors argue that a deeper understanding of work motivation is essential for improving employee performance and well-being. The study identifies several key factors that contribute to employee motivation, including goal setting, feedback, growth and development opportunities, work-life balance, and recognition and rewards. The authors suggest that these factors can be used to design effective motivational strategies that align with organizational goals and values. The study also explores various work motivation theories, including self-determination theory, expectancy theory, and goal-setting theory. The authors argue that while these theories have contributed significantly to our understanding of work motivation, they also have limitations. For example, some theories may not be applicable in all contexts or may require significant revisions to fit the data. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into work motivation that can inform organizational policies and practices aimed at improving employee performance and well-being. The authors suggest that future research should focus on developing more comprehensive models of work motivation that take into account both internal and external sources of motivation. They also emphasize the need for more empirical research to validate existing theories and identify new factors that contribute to employee motivation in different contexts.