Tożsamość jako proces
Identity as a Process
From Johannes Bobrowski to the Post-German Discourse. Literature – History – Landscape
Contributor(s): Anna Damięcka-Wójcik (Editor), Anna Matysiak (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: narrative identity; Masuria and Warmia; East Prussia; post-German territories
Summary/Abstract: This post-conference monograph consists of texts, whose authors attempt to look at the identity and distinctness formation processes using modern cultural theories in an interdisciplinary way and connecting three fields of knowledge: literary studies, linguistics and culture studies. The area of research encompasses cultural space of former East Prussia, of which the southern part are modern Masuria and Warmia.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6121-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6113-2
- Page Count: 186
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Tożsamość zbiorowa jako zjawisko komunikacyjnojęzykowe
Tożsamość zbiorowa jako zjawisko komunikacyjnojęzykowe
(Collective identity as a communicative and linguistic phenomenon)
- Author(s):Marta Wójcicka, Waldemar Czachur
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:19-38
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:collective identity; language; sign; code; discourse analysis; text; discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this work is to establish what collective identity is from a linguistic perspective. We assume that identity is an important research object if seen as a kind of a specific type of language communication and shared knowledge. Thanks to this knowledge an individual becomes aware of their own distinctiveness and belonging to community. The findings are of theoretical, ordering and designing character. We base our reflections on ethnolinguistics, cultural linguistics, text and discourse linguistics. In the first part of the article we present the arguments for the communicative-linguistic character of collective identity, looking at it from the perspective of sign and code. In the second part, we refer to the rich experience of linguists and present various research methods applied in identity research from the perspective of sign and code.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sąsiedzi, którzy zniknęli
Sąsiedzi, którzy zniknęli
(Neighbors who have disappeared)
- Author(s):Andreas F. Kelletat
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:41-50
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Johannes Bobrowski; East Prussia; Levin’s Mill; seminars on Bobrowski; Kaunas; Jews
- Summary/Abstract:In this memory sketch the author presents his experiences connected with reading Johannes Bobrowski’s books, shows his own attitude to important events of the second half of the 20th century and indicates how he was influenced by Bobrowski’s works. He recalls seminars held for foreign students in Germany and abroad, indicating how different and depending on political and social circumstances the reception of the works by the "Levin’s Mill’s" author was. In the last part of the essay, the author refers to the book "„Dies Kind soll leben“ Die Aufzeichnungen der Helene Holzman 1941-1944" by Margarete Holzman and Reinhardt Kaiser on the holocaust of the Jews from Kaunas. Kaunas was an important town for Bobrowski, it was present in several of his poems, and the poet himself reminds the author of the sketch a young soldier from Holzman and Kaiser’s book.
- Price: 4.50 €
W drodze do Sarmacji
W drodze do Sarmacji
(On the way to Sarmatia)
- Author(s):Leszek Szaruga
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:51-57
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Johannes Bobrowski; Adam Mickiewicz; Sarmatia; Sarmatische Zeit
- Summary/Abstract:The article reconstructs selected aspects of the Sarmathian myth in the works of Johannes Bobrowski. The author of the Sarmatische Zeit, referring to the works of Ptolemy and Herodotus, presents his own experiences connected with the books on the Romantic myth of the North and creates a literary project of a community, whose part is also the area known as East Prussia. The traces of this project – motifs in Bobrowski’s poems and prose – are the object of interpretation in this sketch. They also point to a certain literary affinity between the German writer and Adam Mickiewicz.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nowoczesny projekt tożsamościowy w "Młynie Lewina" Johannesa Bobrowskiego
Nowoczesny projekt tożsamościowy w "Młynie Lewina" Johannesa Bobrowskiego
(Modern identity design in "Lewin's Mill" by Johannes Bobrowski)
- Author(s):Anna Matysiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:59-69
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Johannes Bobrowski; Levins Mühle; identity; narrator; initiation; trickster
- Summary/Abstract:The article attempts to prove the thesis that Johannes Bobrowski’s "Levins Mühle" is part of modern identity project undertaken by the German writer. The author of the article analyses the style, syntax and structure of the narrator, which are used to undermine the formation of the cool and stable picture of the world. These issues are addressed in relation to the circumstances which shaped Bobrowski’s stance: his coming of age on the border of nations and cultures, as well as the context of emerging and formed nationalism and the World War II. The author uses such interpretative tools as anthropological theory of initiation and trickster and those applied in psychology of identity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polsko-żydowska partyzantka Bajla Gelblung i wiersz Johannesa Bobrowskiego "Raport"
Polsko-żydowska partyzantka Bajla Gelblung i wiersz Johannesa Bobrowskiego "Raport"
(Polish-Jewish partisan Bajla Gelblung and Johannes Bobrowski's poem "The Report")
- Author(s):Eduard R. Müller
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:71-84
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Johannes Bobrowski; The Report; Bajla Gelblung
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses The Report, a poem by Johannes Bobrowski, which is a poetic commentary on the photograph of Jewish guerrilla forces, taken after their escape from the transport to the Bajli Gelblung camp and during the interrogation by German officers. Detailed studies of different versions of the photograph, functioning in German, Swiss and French wartime newspapers, along with the signatures and the reprinting in the book edited by Gerhard Schoenberner in 1960, allow to uncover new circumstances of the woman’s arrest and look closely at the specifity of the poem by Bobrowski, which stands out against his other lyric poems.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nacjonalizm i romantyzm w literaturze wschodniopruskiej
Nacjonalizm i romantyzm w literaturze wschodniopruskiej
(Nationalism and Romanticism in East Prussian literature)
- Author(s):Martin Maurach
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:87-103
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:nationalism; East Prussia; Romanticism; E.T.A. Hoffman; Joseph Eichendorff; Ernst Wichert; Felix Dahn
- Summary/Abstract:The article attempts to isolate several trends in the development of nationalistic attitudes in East Prussian German literature on selected examples. It analyses such works as: "The Artus Court" (Dwór Artusa) by E.T.A. Hoffmann, "Die Wiederherstellung des Schlosses der deutschen Ordensritter zu Marienburg" by Joseph Eichendorff, as well as the historizing works of Ernst Wicher ("Heinrich von Plauen") and Felix Dahn ("Kampf um Rom"), which glorified German past in the name of the idea of the nation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Walka o duszę Prus – od Krzyżaków do plebiscytu
Walka o duszę Prus – od Krzyżaków do plebiscytu
(The fight for the soul of Prussia – from the Teutonic Knights to the plebiscite)
- Author(s):Anna Damięcka-Wójcik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:105-119
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Teutonic Knights; Teutonic Order; Rota; Grunwald; Tannenberg; Bollwerk
- Summary/Abstract:The text analyses the archive script of a German propaganda film against the Polonization of East Prussia. The film from the 1920s documents two existing historical narratives: Polish and German. Although in some places they are contradictory, they form a complementary picture of the Polish-German relations as a whole. Both in Polish and German historiography the interpretation of historical facts was subordinated to historical policy. The text analyses German and Slavonic founding myths of Prussia, the white and black legend of the Teutonic Knights and its revival in the 20th century, the examples of historical heroizaition, the omission of indigenous population in the historiography of both countries and Europe in the 1920s propaganda.
- Price: 4.50 €
Warmia i Mazury czy jednak Prusy Wschodnie
Warmia i Mazury czy jednak Prusy Wschodnie
(Warmia and Masuria or East Prussia)
- Author(s):Anna Górajek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:121-129
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:landscape; aesthetics; Warmia and Masuria; nature; lakes; relocations
- Summary/Abstract:The article concentrates on the identity function of the Masurian landscape. It analyses its idealisation in German literature of the interwar period and its nostalgic character in the memoirs from sentimental journeys. For the visitors the landscape is a link between historical East Prussia and the modern region of Warmia and Masuria. As a recognizable distinguishing feature of the region, its landscape is one of the most beautiful in Europe, comparable to those of Provence and Tuscany. The text also describes the changes in the landscape resulting from the migrations after World War II, the economic policy of the Polish People's Republic and the development of tourism in the 21st century, which led and lead to the irreversible devastation of the landscape.
- Price: 4.50 €
Język a tożsamość w biografiach językowych na Mazurach
Język a tożsamość w biografiach językowych na Mazurach
(Language and identity in linguistic biographies in Masuria)
- Author(s):Anna Jorroch
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:131-140
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:identity; borderland; bilingualism; German language; Polish language; Masuria; field research
- Summary/Abstract:The article shows the identity problem of native, bilingual inhabitants of Masuria in relation to the languages they use. It is based on language biographies reconstructed using the interviews recorded during the field research as part of the international research project LangGener. The aim of the research financed by NCN and DFG was to capture differencesin the occurrence of mutual influences within bilingual morphology and syntax in the speech of representatives of two different generations of bilingual persons with regard to socio-linguistic conditions. The article presents original utterances in German and Polish, which show the interlocutors’ experiences connected with language policy on the territory incorporated into Poland after 1945.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tożsamość okiem filologa
Tożsamość okiem filologa
(Identity through the eyes of a philologist)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Sobolewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:141-152
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Warmian dialect; Masurian dialect; Masurian identity; Warmian identity; collective memory
- Summary/Abstract:The paper examines the occurrences and contexts of the pronouns "nasz" and "naski" in the statements of the autochthons from the Warmia and Masuria region. It treats them as linguistic signs of a sense of belonging to a community. It identifies and describes various aspects of this belonging: the relationship with the land and nature, the past, the language, the religion and the system of values shaped by it, the state and its institutions, as well as the dispersed community of the Masurians and Warmians after World War II.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Duchowa współsukcesja”?
„Duchowa współsukcesja”?
("Spiritual co-succession"?)
- Author(s):Rafał Żytyniec
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:153-166
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Regained Lands; expellees; memory culture; regionalism; post-German
- Summary/Abstract:The text discusses the myth of the “Regained Lands” in the Polish People's Republic and contemporary Poland, as well as the historical policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, which was shaped by the Federation of Expellees and subsequent German governments since 1949 until today. In the first part of the text the author describes the genesis, development and revision of the founding myth of the Polish People's Republic in historical context. He recalls the "Message of the Polish Bishops to their German Brothers in Christ" of 1965, Jan Józef Lipski’s thought referring to the critical tradition of Polish patriotism, formulated in 1981 in the essay Two Homelands, Two Patriotisms” and the idea of open regionalism and the Atlantis of the North developed by Olsztyn intellectuals centered around the Cultural Community “Borussia”. The second part of the text analyses historical policy and German memory culture in relation to the 1951 Card of the German Expellees, eastern policy of Willy Brand in the 1970s and the institutionalization of the memory of expulsions through the establishment of the Berlin Documentation Centre in 2021 and controversies surrounding it. The text is a preface to the interview conducted with Karolina Kuszyk, the author of the book "Poniemieckie" in 2021 during the conference “Identity as a Process”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poniemieckie imaginarium
Poniemieckie imaginarium
(Post-German imaginary)
- Author(s):Rafał Żytyniec
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:167-176
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Poniemieckie; Karolina Kuszyk
- Price: 4.50 €