A Contribution to Interdisciplinary Research
Contributor(s): Małgorzata Guławska-Gawkowska (Editor), Grzegorz Pawłowski (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: light; metaphysics of light; perception of light; fine arts; celestial bodies; night; sfumato; chiaroscuro; video mapping; icon; Neoplatonism; pre-light; emanation; manipulation; German literature; relativism of symbols; claritas; Thomism; aesthetics
Summary/Abstract: The publication presents a comprehensive and multifaceted picture of light in language, medicine, physics, philosophy, culture and art. By drawing synthesis and organizing knowledge, the book outlines the possibilities for modern discourse on light and opens new fields of exploration. The texts presented in the volume are an absorbing journey through seemingly incongruous disciplines, times and cultures.
Series: Forum Semantyczne
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5960-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5952-8
- Page Count: 280
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Polish
Co laik może w ogóle wiedzieć o świetle?
Co laik może w ogóle wiedzieć o świetle?
(What can a layman know about light?)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Pawłowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:13-34
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:light; luminous phenomenon; linguistic conceptualisation; God; Christ
- Summary/Abstract:The linguistic conceptualisation of the phenomenon of luminosity in modern culture differs from that in ancient culture. This difference concerns mostly the formal layer, which gives rise to problems of equivalence of words and concepts: initial and target. This article discusses these problems on the basis of source texts and their modern translations. Despite the differences in the formal conceptualisation of light, the question arises about the so-called conceptual identity of individual (lexical) concepts, more precisely: about the metaphysical basis for identifying, processing and constructing analogies resulting from the natural and supernatural understanding of the phenomenon of luminosity. This basis guarantees the creation of abstract concepts, such as lightness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Natura światła i jej implikacje dla rozwoju fizyki
Natura światła i jej implikacje dla rozwoju fizyki
(The nature of light and its implications for the development of physics)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Pawłowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:37-48
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:light; geometric optics; wave optics; quantum optics; physics history
- Summary/Abstract:A synthetic view of the history of research on the phenomena of geometric-, wave- and quantum-optics to clarify the nature of Light and the extraordinary influence of these research on the development of the entire modern physics has been made. The most important discoveries and the concept development in this field, from the ancient ideas to modern concepts of split photons, are reviewed. The article shows a cyclical evolution of scientific views and return to earlier concepts in a new forms, which have enriched the physical knowledge with a new ideas, such as quantum, wave-particle duality, relativity, quantum statistics, quantum entanglement or quantum information.
- Price: 4.50 €
Symbolika, metaforyka i frazeologia światła w języku polskim
Symbolika, metaforyka i frazeologia światła w języku polskim
(The symbolism, metaphorics and phraseology of light in Polish)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Guławska-Gawkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:51-72
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:światło; symbol; synaesthetic metaphor; phraseological unit; biblicism
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter deals with the linguistic description of the Polish lexeme światło [‘light’]. Special focus is given to many of the symbolic meanings of that lexeme in quotations from the Bible and it is pointed that such uses have gained the status of catch phrases in the Polish language, while at the same time their use is becoming increasingly secularized. The chapter also presents the conceptualization of the lexeme światło in Polish phraseology on the basis of the "Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN" (‘The Polish Academy of Sciences Great Dictionary of Polish’), the SYNAMET corpus of synaesthetic metaphors, and the National Corpus of Polish. It turns out that światło can activate numerous image schemas, in which it occurs both as a source and a target domain.
- Price: 4.50 €
Blask−odcień−blichtr: Schein
Blask−odcień−blichtr: Schein
(Shine–Shade–Glitter: Schein)
- Author(s):Zbigniew Feliszewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:75-94
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:light; manipulation; German literature; relativizing of symbols
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the social and cultural symbol of light in German literature. Over the centuries the symbol of light has taken various forms, but it had always referred to attitudes and traits like beauty, knowledge and perfection. According to Herbert Marcuse the goal of the literature is to take an antagonistic position toward the existing social order. Based on three works such as "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, "Lux in Tenebris" by Bertolt Brecht and "The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass, this article analyses strategies in German literature aimed at relativizing and undermining or even invalidating the meaning of the symbol of light shaped by the centuries-old tradition. While Goethe relativizes the unambiguous meaning of light in order to perceive the harmony of the universe, Brecht shows social mechanisms leading to manipulation of this symbol. On the other hand, Grass deals, in a great style, with fiction that accompanies the archaic meanings ascribed to the symbols of light.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Jaśniejący obłok, turkusowy wąż, kometa"
"Jaśniejący obłok, turkusowy wąż, kometa"
("Fulgent cloud, turquoise serpent, comet")
- Author(s):Piotr Grzegorz Michalik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:97-112
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:luminous beings; Mexico; Nahua; phenomenology of religion; micromparative studies
- Summary/Abstract:The article is based on author’s fieldwork and ethnographic literature. It introduces beliefs and narratives concerning luminous beings, as disclosed by the contemporary indigenous Nahua from Central Mexico, and early colonial chroniclers. Some of those beliefs and narratives seem to reveal presence of features characteristic of the shamanic complex, consistent with schema outlined by phenomenological currents within classical studies of religion, shaped mainly by the monumental work of Eliade. The fire appears there as an essential element of process of transformation of the luminous beings. Careful microcomparative analysis of diverse versions of the tale of the luminous beings originating both from small, culturally homogenous regions, such as Sierra Zongolica, or Sierra Norte de Puebla, and the Central Mexico in general, unveils an unexpected intricacy of the studied complex of beliefs. The complex is associated with vampiric beings, dwarfs, and broadly understood nagualism. Depending on specific context, the luminous beings might perform various functions and have different atributes. This rules out possibility to describe these beings using essentializing schemas, such as the shamanic complex of Eliade.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ percepcji wzrokowej światła na postrzeganie otaczającego świata
Wpływ percepcji wzrokowej światła na postrzeganie otaczającego świata
(Influence of the light’s visual reception on the perception of the surrounding world)
- Author(s):Wojciech Kołodziejczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:115-131
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:light; light perception; visual dysfunctions; painting
- Summary/Abstract:Disorders of the organ of sight lead to disturbances in perception and perceptions. The author of this article discusses types and sources of these disorders, illustrating them with examples of paintings by respected artists who suffered from eye diseases at different times in their lives. The conclusions that can be drawn from the reception of these examples can be surprising, among others: the characteristic features of the painter’s workshop do not result from his “whim”, but from a dysfunction of the organ of sight.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wybrane aspekty światła w sztuce
Wybrane aspekty światła w sztuce
(Some aspects of light in fine arts)
- Author(s):Boris Schwencke
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:135-161
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:light; fine arts; celestial bodies; chiaroscuro; videomapping
- Summary/Abstract:The phenomenon of light and its reflection in science and culture are multifaceted. The most varied of points of view can also be found in the fine arts. The spectrum ranges from theological and mythological to technical aspects. Different perspectives and associations appear in different epochs. In addition to the fascination for light, similar to the literature, there is also a fascination for phenomena that are commonly associated with the partial absence of light, such as night and twilight and the associated dream and subconscious. Some selected aspects of the miraculous appearance of light and its significance for the arts are considered in this article.
- Price: 4.50 €
Światło a muzyka
Światło a muzyka
(Light and music)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Naliwajek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:165-199
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:light; music; metaphor; analogy; sensory landscape; perception; experimental psychology; semiotics; optics; acoustics; cross-modal; cognitive synergy; artificial general intelligence
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes different stances on music-light relationships from historical and methodological perspectives and aims at verifying to what extent the hypothesis on the ontic semantic base of cross-modal correspondences is possible to be proven as far as music and light are concerned. The analysis of questions pertaining to metaphor and analogy was deemed as necessary point of departure, as they constitute methods most commonly used to associate both domains and to describe ways of perception of light and music. The historical review of attitudes toward analogy and metaphor is to show various functions and effectiveness of these perceptual mechanisms, which take into account the intuitive element in science, until today. Examples of conceptualisation of both notions by composers, combined with the latest results from experimental psychology and artificial intelligence research, prove that analogies created between light and sound are a natural way the mind functions, supporting complementary perceptual mechanisms and that they can be used for creative solutions of both scientific and artistic composers’ questions.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Claritas creatio est"
"Claritas creatio est"
("Claritas creatio est")
- Author(s):Paulina Tendera
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:203-231
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:claritas; Tomism; aesthetics; figurative sculpture
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is an attempt to draw attention to selected philosophical issues from the border of ontology/metaphysics, aesthetics and the creative process. First of all, I will emphasize the non-physical nature of claritas light, which is the main source and inspiration for the entire European tradition of light metaphysics. I will present the concept on the example of sculptures by Grzegorz Gwiazda.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ikona odblaskiem neoplatońskiej metafizyki światła
Ikona odblaskiem neoplatońskiej metafizyki światła
(Icon as reflection of the neoplatonic metaphysics of light)
- Author(s):Maria Magdalena Dylewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:235-244
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:icon; neoplatonism; Prelight; emanation
- Summary/Abstract:The early phase of the iconoclastic dispute is characterized by St. John of Damascus defence of images. In the sphere of philosophical justifications, his apologetical treaties are based on Christian neoplatonism, mainly under the influence of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. The theory of image as referring to its prototype (pattern), revealing the reality of God and being the intermediary of God’s grace for the faithful, who contemplate the image, can be understood only in the context of a hierarchical vision of reality. According to this vision the lower beings are conditioned by the higher beings and at the same time are their images. The relation of the image and its prototype is a relation of the participation. At the basis of the hierarchy of beings understood in this way, Plotinus places the most highest being identified with the nature of light, emanating from itself successive lower stages as to some extent its own reflections.
- Price: 4.50 €
Światło jako obraz odzwierciedlający specyfikę teleologiczną myślenia o świecie i człowieku w Biblii Hebrajskiej
Światło jako obraz odzwierciedlający specyfikę teleologiczną myślenia o świecie i człowieku w Biblii Hebrajskiej
(Light as an image reflecting a specific teleology of thinking about the world and humans in the Hebrew Bible)
- Author(s):Joanna Nowińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:247-270
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:light; image; God; teleological aspect; Hebrew Bible; purpose
- Summary/Abstract:The use of the image of light in the Hebrew Bible to reflect the question of the purpose of the world and humans is a typical Semitic way of capturing the specificity of God’s thought that does not limit it to verbal expressions but leaves room for its diverse components. Placing the image of light in the context of interpersonal relationships with humans makes it possible to grasp the emotions accompanying the image, and works in favour of interiorization of the content. The light offered to humans reveals God’s intention to enable them to know the purpose of the world and their own existence. When accepted, the light will emanate through human attitudes, thus revealing and drawing towards YHWH. First, God’s intention for human life is revealed to the recipient of light; then the recipient is given the opportunity to choose the path leading to their indicated destination. This is accompanied by images of light showing God’s entry into the history of the world and heralding the achievement of the goal, right up to the crossing of the border of death. At the end of the formulation of the teleological thought using the image of light in the Hebrew Bible is the call from Isaiah 60:1: ‘arise, shine, for your light has come’, urging us to react to the recognition offered today.
- Price: 4.50 €