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Български гласове в чужбина
Bulgarian Voices Abroad

Philosophical Emphases

Author(s): Tatyana Batuleva, Yvanka Raynova, Bianca Boteva-Richter, Anani Stoynev, Nina Dimitrova, Dimitar Tsatsov, Gabriela Kasarova, Plamen Damyanov, Kamelia Zhabilova, Galina Dekova
Contributor(s): Tatyana Batuleva (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialism, Philosophy of Language, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
ISSN: 2960-4060
Published by: Axia Academic Publishers
Keywords: contemporary philosophy; Bulgarian philosophers abroad; Julia Kristeva; Assen Ignatov; Tzvetan Todorov
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the volume "Bulgarian Voices Abroad. Philosophical Accents" is to present the main ideas and achievements of authors of Bulgarian origin - philosophers, intellectuals and cultural figures, who worked mainly abroad, such as Dr. Petar Beron, Radoslav Tsanov, Yanko Yanev, Georgi Gachev, Assen Ignatov, Tsvetan Todorov, Julia Kristeva and others. This "outward looking" view also allows us a reverse perspective: turning the look to ourselves becomes an occasion to see ourselves through the eyes of the other, to rethink the specifics of the foreign and the own/native. The point of view of one who is sufficiently "other", distanced from events and paradigms, can give us an unbiased assessment of them. At the same time, he is sufficiently near to "us" for his analyzes to be relevant to "our" reality as well.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-3-903068-38-4
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-3-903068-32-2
  • Page Count: 300
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: English, Bulgarian, German
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