Иновативно развитие на аграрния бизнес и селските райони
Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas
Conference proceedings
Contributor(s): Julia Doitchinova (Editor), Albena Miteva (Editor), Daniela Ivanova (Editor), Elka Vasileva (Editor), Agnieszka Wrzochalska (Editor), Bojidar Ivanov (Editor), Dimitrios Petropoulos (Editor), Maria Stanimirova (Editor), Zornitsa Stoyanova (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: agriculture; natural resource economics; risk management; land market; land rent; sustainability; resilience; innovations; good logistics practices; regional competitiveness; agribusiness; eco-entrepreneurship; bioeconomic development
Summary/Abstract: The collection includes reports from an international scientific conference „Innovative development of agricultural business and rural areas“, organized by the Department of Natural Resources Economics at the University of National and World Economy in April 2021. The papers are grouped into three sections. In the first section the emphasis was placed on innovative approaches to the development of agribusiness and rural areas, organic farming, risk management, land market and others. In the second section "Innovative business models for development of Agrarian Business and Rural Areas" are the reports on economics and COVID-19, the need for changes in Bulgarian agricultural production, the development of plant production and organic livestock in Greece, strategies and innovations to promote the flexibility of the agricultural production system in Northeastern Bulgaria. A special place is given to state aid in Bulgarian agriculture and innovative procedures of national schemes for Albanian farmers. The third section "Bioeconomy, Green Architecture and Business" includes reports on eco-entrepreneurship, sectoral agri-food value chains - analysis, sustainability and prospects, models and approaches for assessing bioeconomic development, implementation of eco-innovation by farms to provide agro-ecosystem services, etc.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-477-3
- Page Count: 272
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: English, Bulgarian
Българското земеделие в търсене на иновативни подходи, решения и структури
Българското земеделие в търсене на иновативни подходи, решения и структури
(Bulgarian Agriculture in Search of Innovative Approaches, Solutions and Structures)
- Author(s):Julia Doitchinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:13-22
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:innovative approaches; restructuring; greening; association; rural areas
- Summary/Abstract:The report assesses the innovative approaches and conditions under which Bulgarian agriculture operates during the last two programming periods of our country's membership in the EU. The main results and changes in the product and production structures, the tendencies of greening of the production, the problems association of the farmers are presented. The results are part of scientific project DN 15/8 2017 Sustainable multifunctional rural areas: reconsidering agricultural models and systems with increased demands and limited resources funded by the Bulgarian research fund.
Детерминираност на производствените вариации в растениевъдството и прецизното земеделие като средство за управление на риска
Детерминираност на производствените вариации в растениевъдството и прецизното земеделие като средство за управление на риска
(Determination of Crop Production Variations and Precise Agriculture as a Risk Management Tool)
- Author(s):Bojidar Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:23-31
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:production variations; risk management; precise agriculture; assessment; factors
- Summary/Abstract:The agriculture is an industry depending strongly on natural conditions and climate, which are among the main factors causing variations and losses in yields and production. Besides, there are other sources along with natural unfavorable conditions leading to variations in yields, as the most common are the plant diseases, the occurrence of various pests, as well as inappropriate agricultural technologies used by the producers. The reduction and containing the consequences of production risk in agriculture is among the main challenges in the context of the future CAP and the „Green“ deal in the EU for a more environmental friendly agriculture. The precision agriculture should be perceived not only as a tool to improve production efficiency, but also as a tool for managing the risk of inappropriate and bounded production decisions. The aim of the paper is through a deterministic factor analysis to evaluate the impact of various factors influencing the variations in the production of major crops in Bulgaria and to assess the effect that precision agriculture would have to prevent losses from these variations.
Преките чуждестранни инвестиции (ПЧИ) в Гърция в периода 2010 – 2020 г. и тяхното въздействие върху селскостопанския хранителен сектор
Преките чуждестранни инвестиции (ПЧИ) в Гърция в периода 2010 – 2020 г. и тяхното въздействие върху селскостопанския хранителен сектор
(Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Greece in the Period 2010-2020 and Their Impact on the Agrifood Sector)
- Author(s):Dimitrios Petropoulos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture
- Page Range:32-37
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:foreign direct investment; agri-food sector; Greek food market
- Summary/Abstract:Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an international investment in balance of payments accounts. More specifically, it is a category of investments that reflects the goal of establishing a permanent interest, from the establishment of subsidiaries abroad, which are partially or wholly owned by the parent company. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been stagnant for the last decade in Greece. The period under consideration is essentially the period of the global economic crisis and it is particularly interesting how the agri-food sector of Greece reacted. Despite the negative macroeconomic environment, the share of FDI in the agri-food sector is increasing. In the last decade, the agri-food sector is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing sectors of the Greek economy. Foreign companies in the sector are currently showing significant success due to the dynamic growth of the Greek food market over the last decade, but also the access that Greece offers to the markets of Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. An important element is also the recording of FDI in the purely agriculture sector.
Биологичното земеделие – иновативен бизнес модел и възможност за развитие на агробизнеса в регионален обхват
Биологичното земеделие – иновативен бизнес модел и възможност за развитие на агробизнеса в регионален обхват
(Organic Agriculture – Innovative Business Model and Opportunity for Agriculture Development in a Regional Scope)
- Author(s):Marina Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:38-44
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organic farming; region; operators; number; activities
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgarian agriculture is developing in the conditions of private property, economic initiative and free competition. This presupposes the development of entrepreneurial initiatives in the direction of promoting environmentally friendly agricultural practices. The focus of the study is on the regional specifics of an innovative agricultural model and its development potential for strengthening the socio-economic indicators in a specific region. The subject of the analysis is the characteristics of the organic production in the Northeast Planning Region (SIRP) depending on the certified activities and the number of biological operators.
Селски и аграрен туризъм в Полша
Селски и аграрен туризъм в Полша
(Rural and Agricultural Tourism in Poland)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Wrzochalska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:45-51
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:rural tourism; agricultural tourism; Poland
- Summary/Abstract:Rural tourism means the overall tourism economy in rural areas. It covers a number of forms of recreation in rural areas, such as: farm tourism, green tourism, ecological and agricultural tourism. The article analyzes material from own research conducted in 2005, 2011 and for the last time in 2020 in purposefully selected villages in Poland. The conducted researches allowed to make, for example, a profile (types) of the tourists in the rural areas.
Пазар и арендуване на земеделската земя в България – тенденции и перспективи за развитие
Пазар и арендуване на земеделската земя в България – тенденции и перспективи за развитие
(Land Relations and Lease of Agricultural Land in Bulgaria – Trends, Legal Grounds and Prospects for Development)
- Author(s):Maria Stanimirova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:52-57
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:land market; land rent; land price; land use
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents trends in the development of land market rental price in Bulgaria and factors determining the structure of ownership and land use as key determinants of the land value and price. It is essential to support farmers, the legal regulation of land relations and other key factors influencing the land rent paid and the agricultural land market.
Икономическата наука и Covid-19
Икономическата наука и Covid-19
(Economic Theory and Covid-19)
- Author(s):Dimitar Terziev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:61-68
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:economic theory; role of economics; agricultural and natural resource economics
- Summary/Abstract:Economic theory responds quickly to the appearance of Covid-19. Here we are trying to perform a review of the publications on the impact of the pandemic on economy. Our goal is the find answers of questions like: Which economic school dominates these research works? Which is the basic economic unit of analyses? How do the regulations are studied? and finally – types of conclusions and recommendations. Special attention is paid on researches and publications in Agricultural Economics.
Необходимост от промени в българското аграрно производство
Необходимост от промени в българското аграрно производство
(Need for Changes in the Bulgarian Agricultral Production)
- Author(s):Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydjieva, Sonia Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Sociology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:69-79
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:agricultural production; challenges; farms; climate
- Summary/Abstract:The changes in the climate, accompanied by adverse natural phenomena, morbidity of some groups of productive/reproductive animals and others are display of different cataclysms that affect the production results in the agricultural sector. The purpose of the development is to analyse some of the challenges posed by the climate change that the country’s agricultural production is facing and to come up with solutions.
Развитие на растителното производство на Гърция
Развитие на растителното производство на Гърция
(Development of Plant Production of Greece)
- Author(s):Christos Paschalidis, Dimitrios Petropoulos, Stavros Sotiropoulos, Dimitrios Paschalidis, Loukas Papakonstantinou
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:80-90
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:plant production of Greek
- Summary/Abstract:In Greece, the agricultural sector has always been a structural feature of its economic structure and social fabric, as well as a component of the economy and growth, both nationally and much more at the regional level. After the accession of Greece to the EU, agriculture is determined by the rules of European agriculture through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In the domestic economy, the crop production of agricultural sector appears to still have great margins for growth, making efficient use of the favorable conditions of the natural environment of the Greek rural area, as this provides great opportunities for the production of a variety of quality agricultural products. The main cultivated species of Greece are of the Mediterranean type with small differences in their production over the years. The main species are cereals, olives, cotton, maize, grapes, tobacco, oats, potatoes, oranges, peaches and nectarines. Apricots, cherries and peaches are emerging as the „champions“ of agricultural exports. Vegetables, tomatoes, virgin olive oil, oranges are in great demand in many world markets. The European Union is the main destination of Greek agricultural products of plant origin. The paper presents statistics on the main crops in Greece based on the area cultivated, their production, their gross value and the exports of crop products of the agricultural sector.
Динамично развитие на биологичното животновъдство в Гърция
Динамично развитие на биологичното животновъдство в Гърция
(Dynamic Development of Organic Livestock in Greece)
- Author(s):Christos Paschalidis, Dimitrios Petropoulos, Stavros Sotiropoulos, Dimitrios Paschalidis, Loukas Papakonstantinou
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:91-98
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:biological agriculture; organic farming; production livestock
- Summary/Abstract:Increased consumer sensitivity to food safety issues, as well as environmental concerns, have contributed to the development of organic farming in recent years. Organic livestock is growing but recording lower rates. The reasons for the stronger growth of agriculture versus livestock, is that agricultural products are widely consumed, cheaper, and require easier procedures for certification against livestock products. In Greece, organic livestock, such as sheep and goat farming, cattle breeding and beekeeping use organic production methods because they rely mainly on extensive cultivation, but there is also the necessary know-how. The pastures and meadows of the country are used effectively for organic farming because they do not use fertilizers, pesticides and there is a great biodiversity of flora. Organic pig farming is significantly behind. The ever-increasing demand for organic livestock products, as the significant growth rates of the total number of farmers, engaged in organic livestock in recent years, create the conditions for auspicious prospects for the future of organic livestock in Greece.
Стратегии и иновации за насърчаване гъвкавостта на земеделската производствена система в Североизточна България
Стратегии и иновации за насърчаване гъвкавостта на земеделската производствена система в Североизточна България
(Strategies and Innovations to Foster Farming System Resilience in Northeast Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Mariya Peneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:99-108
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:sustainability; resilience; innovations
- Summary/Abstract:The main production system in Northeast Bulgaria: arable (grains and oleaginous) production, faces many and different challenges. The study revealed that climate change, labour force availability and frequent changes in the policies are key issues of consideration for the future capacity of the system to provide private and public goods. The paper aims to present and assess the possible strategies which enable the arable farming system resilience and which key drivers are innovations. Conclusions for future improvements are formulated which should encourage adaptation and/or transformation of the studied system increasing its resilience.
Състояние и тенденции на логистиката в българския агробизнес
Състояние и тенденции на логистиката в българския агробизнес
(State and Trends of Logistics in Bulgarian Agrobusiness)
- Author(s):Marusya Linkova, Elitsa Lazarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:109-118
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:logistics agrobusiness; regional development; good logistics practices
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to identify criteria for good logistics practices in the development of agribusiness in Bulgaria. The thesis is that the construction of logistics chains is a market reaction of the business for efficient use of available resources and generation of added value, contributing to cohesion between the regions in the national economy.
Възможности за развитие на лозаро-винарския сектор в област Видин чрез създаване на регионални брандове на винен туризъм
Възможности за развитие на лозаро-винарския сектор в област Видин чрез създаване на регионални брандове на винен туризъм
(Opportunities for Development of the Wine Sector in Vidin District Through the Establishment of Regional Wine Tourism Brands)
- Author(s):Vladimir Dimitrov, Daniela Dimitrova, Iliyan Simeonov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Tourism
- Page Range:119-127
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:grapes; wine; tourism; brands; wine routs
- Summary/Abstract:In the Vidin region, wine grape production is a traditional livelihood. Several local wineries have already opened their doors to visitors.The development of the wine sector and the tourist potential of Vidin district were analyzed. Ideas for creating regionals wine tourism brand in the form of thematic routes in the region were proposed. Offering and promoting this type of regional brands is a prerequisite for attracting more visitors and for realizing synergies in the direction of stabilizing and expanding local business.
Държавните помощи в българското земеделие
Държавните помощи в българското земеделие
(State Aid in Bulgarian Agriculture)
- Author(s):Damyan Kirechev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:128-140
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:aid; state aid; agriculture; CAP
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the nature, principles and role of state aid for agricultural holdings in Bulgaria. The eligibility of state aid is considered as a tool to support the incomes of agricultural holdings and the legal aspects in their implementation. State aid implementation schemes and their impact on growth are analysed.
Безработица и заетост в селските райони на Република България
Безработица и заетост в селските райони на Република България
(Unemployment and Employment in the Rural Areas of The Republic of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Angel Sarov, Ivan Boevsky
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Agriculture, Labor relations, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:141-149
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:rural areas; employment; unemployment; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:The depopulation of rural areas in Bulgaria is proceeding at a faster rate than in non-rural areas. This process produces significant negative effects, consisting in deepening the demographic crisis, hampering the functioning of labour markets, health, education and social services. Our research objective is to produce a descriptive and dispersion analysis of employment and unemployment in rural areas in Bulgaria and on this basis we compare them with those in urban areas. In conclusion, the hypotheses are verified, for the significant individual deviations of values from the average within the indicator group determine differences between employment and unemployment between rural and non-rural municipalities, and that differences in employment and unemployment rates between rural municipalities predetermine the significant differentiation in the rural areas themselves.
Конкурентоспособност на селските райони и ключовата роля на иновациите
Конкурентоспособност на селските райони и ключовата роля на иновациите
(Competitiveness of Rural Areas and the Innovations as a Key Driver)
- Author(s):Silvia Tomova-Zaharieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Sociology, Economic development
- Page Range:150-157
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:regional competitiveness; innovations; rural areas
- Summary/Abstract:There are many challenges which rural areas face in Europe and Bulgaria as their sustainable development is determined by variety of factors and policies. One of the key factors, currently identified, are innovations – economic, social, institutional. Innovations are also crucial for the competitiveness of rural areas in a World of globalization. The paper presents the two concepts and investigates the interrelationships and strategies which may integrate competitive advantages and innovative solutions for rural development.
Иновационни процедури на национални схеми за албански фермери
Иновационни процедури на национални схеми за албански фермери
(Innovative Procedures on National Schemes for Albanian Farmers)
- Author(s):Pjerin Shoshi, Etleva Dashi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, National Economy, Agriculture, Economic policy
- Page Range:158-165
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:ARDA; National Support Scheme for the Agricultural Sector and Rural Development; on-line application; COVID; importance of new application procedure
- Summary/Abstract:COVID-19 situation affected all countries in the world and Albania as well. Under this optic it was an emergency to find new ways on supporting farmers with their applications on national schemes. The paper is based on measuring the effects of aid that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has provided to farmers, through its innovative procedures for the national schemes. So through face-to-face questionnaires we identified how the online application procedure affected Albanian farmers from public support during the quarantine period from March 2020 till January 2021. Subsidies are intended to increase farmers' incomes, but also to increase competitiveness. The agricultural sector is supported through subsidies because without this support farmers cannot compete with the prices of imported products3. We observed that new procedures permitted the farmers to apply normally into the National Support Scheme, although movement restrictions were placed by the government during the studied period.
Диверсификация на дейността с отглеждане на месодайни говеда – възможности, перспективи и начини на финансиране
Диверсификация на дейността с отглеждане на месодайни говеда – възможности, перспективи и начини на финансиране
(Meat Cattle Breeding Diversification of the Activity – Opportunities, Prospects and Methods of Financing)
- Author(s):Milen Vlaev, Desislava Manova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:166-172
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:meat cattle breeding; agribusiness; diversification; financing
- Summary/Abstract:Diversification of Agriculture business is a key factor for the sustainable development. Except as a main production, beef cattle breeding, a sub-sector in husbandry, can be developed very successfully as an additional activity to a large part of the sectors of the agricultural business. Different perspectives for successful upgrading can be considered, depending on how this activity will fit into the core business (as part of the vertical or horizontal production chain) in order to finance them successfully.
Стандартизация на устойчиви земеделски практики
Стандартизация на устойчиви земеделски практики
(Standardization of Sustainable Agriculture Practices)
- Author(s):Elka Vasileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:175-183
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:standardization; multi-model standardization; sustainable agricultural practices; voluntary sustainable standards
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the mechanisms for standardizing sustainable agricultural practices, such as the emergence of responsibility towards the environment and society. They are defined as the voluntary commitments of various actors in the global value chain (producers, consumers, processors, retailers, etc.) and are usually structured around a particular agricultural product. The report analyzes Voluntary sustainable standards as viable business practices with the support of relevant stakeholders, includng private sector, public sector and civil society actors. From the point of view of the concept of multi-model standardization, it has been concluded that these „de facto“ standards seek solutions to specific problems related to the imposition of sustainable development in the agricultural sector.
Еко-предприемачеството в перспективата на новата обща селскостопанска политика
Еко-предприемачеството в перспективата на новата обща селскостопанска политика
(Eco-Entrepreneurship in the Perspective of the New Common Agricultural Policy)
- Author(s):Konstantin Stoyanov, Darina Zaimova, George Zhelyazkov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture
- Page Range:184-189
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:eco-entrepreneurship; organic farming; CAP
- Summary/Abstract:Following an initial postponement, another reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is expected to enter into force in early 2023. Along with the new priorities that have emerged, including achieving of the objectives of the European Green Deal, the ecological approach in agriculture will be of key importance for entrepreneurs. Based on the current state of eco-entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, the report will examine some important aspects in view of the new conditions of the CAP and the future challenges faced by farmers.
Българското биопроизводство за програмния период на ОСП 2014 – 2020 г.
Българското биопроизводство за програмния период на ОСП 2014 – 2020 г.
(Bulgarian Organic Production for the Period of CAP 2014 to 2020)
- Author(s):Georgi Aleksiev, Georgi Mitev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:190-195
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:agriculture; competitiveness; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:Organic production in Bulgaria has been marked by significant dynamics in the last ten years past 2010. The individual sub-sectors of organic production are not developing synchronously, and a number of difficulties are reported for individual producers related to access to institutional support, certification and access to raw materials. The purpose of this study is to assess the dynamic changes that have occurred in Bulgarian organic production for the period from 2014 to 2020, under the influence of the EU CAP.
Отговаря ли висшето образование на нуждите на периферните селски райони за устойчиво развитие?
Отговаря ли висшето образование на нуждите на периферните селски райони за устойчиво развитие?
(Does Higher Education Meet the Needs of Peripheral Rural Areas for Sustainable Development?)
- Author(s):Yanka Kazakova-Mateva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Education, Agriculture, Higher Education
- Page Range:196-203
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:peripheral rural areas; curricula; stakeholders
- Summary/Abstract:The study considers as peripheral rural areas all areas where agricultural production is limited due to geographical remoteness, natural constraints or the presence of areas with special management regimes. In Bulgaria, the majority of rural areas fall within the scope of this definition. The objective of the present study is to determine the extent to which the curricula in higher education institutions aimed at the agricultural sector and rural areas meet the needs of these areas for sustainable development. The applied methodology combines the method of desk research and documentary analysis of the curricula with methods for extracting quality information through structured questionnaires with representatives of different groups of stakeholders from peripheral rural areas. The key needs that higher education should address are identified and the discrepancies between the needs and the offered curricula are outlined.
Секторни агрохранителни вериги на стойността – анализ, устойчивост и перспективи
Секторни агрохранителни вериги на стойността – анализ, устойчивост и перспективи
(Sectoral Agri-Food Value Chains – Analysis, Sustainability and Prospects)
- Author(s):Evgeni Genchev, Desislava Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:204-209
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:value chains; sustainability; agricultural sector; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:The agricultural sector in Bulgaria faces a number of challenges related to climate change, environmental protection, technological transformation, etc. The global trend related to the food problem increasingly requires consolidation and integration between the participants in the agricultural logistics system and offering differentiated products in order to increase their value for consumers. In this environment, it is possible for a number of sub-sectors to remain low-competitive and weak in both the horizontal and vertical links in the food chain. The purpose of this study is to analyze sectoral agri-food value chains and thus to identify mechanisms for adding value and overcoming the negative trend both in the structure of supply of agricultural products and in the structure of demand.
Модели и подходи за оценка на биоикономическото развитие
Модели и подходи за оценка на биоикономическото развитие
(Models and Approaches for Assessing Bioeconomic Development)
- Author(s):Emil Mutafov, Darina Zaimova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Agriculture, Sociology, Economic development
- Page Range:210-216
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:bioeconomy, assessment models
- Summary/Abstract:Modeling and different approaches for assessment can significantly contribute to the bioeconomy development. For modeling implementation, bioeconomy relies on various subsidiary concepts, such as those on the functional economy and extended producer responsibility, as well as on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCI) methods. The main goal of this article is to review the existing approaches and their possibilities to contribute to the bioeconomic analysis.
Анализ на съществуващите стратегии за биоикономика
Анализ на съществуващите стратегии за биоикономика
(Analysis of Existing Bioeconomy Strategies)
- Author(s):Petia Branzova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Sociology, Economic development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:217-226
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:bio economy; bio-based economy; strategy; policy
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the report is to analyze selected national strategies and policies with respect to defining the bio economy and to selecting similarities and differences between them. Representative is a comparative overview of the strategy and policies for bio economic development in the world. In the analyzed documents can present strategies and policies to stimulate the bio economy as the base of our suggested that is in focus. In this way, it is known that there is a need for enhanced results and developments in the field.
Прилагане на екоиновации от земеделските стопанства за предоставяне на агроекосистемни услуги
Прилагане на екоиновации от земеделските стопанства за предоставяне на агроекосистемни услуги
(Application of Eco-Innovations from Agricultural Holdings for the Provision of Agro-Ecosystem Services)
- Author(s):Zornitsa Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:227-233
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:eco-innovations; agricultural holdings; agro-ecosystem services
- Summary/Abstract:Eco-innovation in agriculture is crucial to tackling the challenges of resource scarcity, air, water and soil pollution. The opportunities and motivations for implementing eco-innovation in agriculture stem from the perception of their usefulness in terms of the financial, economic, environmental or social benefits. The purpose of the paper is to assess the possibilities for implementation of eco-innovations from agricultural holdings for the provision of agro-ecosystem services and on this basis to make generalized conclusions and recommendations for activating the process.
Социално-икономически и екологични аспекти на въздействие на земеделието за развитието на Югозападния район
Социално-икономически и екологични аспекти на въздействие на земеделието за развитието на Югозападния район
(Socio-Economic and Environmental Aspects of the Impact of Agriculture on the Development of the Southwest Region)
- Author(s):Albena Miteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Sociology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:234-244
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:rural areas; agricultural model; structural changes
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the study is to assess the importance and socio-economic and environmental aspects of the impact of agriculture in the Southwest region for the development of the region itself. To assess the importance of agriculture in the region and the trends in its development, statistical data are used, such as data from expert assessment of specialists from the regional offices of the State Fund „Agriculture“ and the NAAS. On this basis, the peculiarities of the formed model of agriculture in the Southwest region in terms of changes in the size of farms, organizational parameters, diversification of activities, application of agri-environmental practices and others are derived.
Системите за управление на безопасността на хранителните продукти – средство за постигане на целите за устойчиво развитие
Системите за управление на безопасността на хранителните продукти – средство за постигане на целите за устойчиво развитие
(Food Safety Management Systems – a Way to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals)
- Author(s):Radka Nenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:245-252
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:agribusiness system; value chain in agribusiness; ISO 22000; sustainable development goals
- Summary/Abstract:At present, the importance of international standards related to food safety management systems is growing globally. The aim of the author is to establish the role of ISO 22000 series standards for sustainable development. In this regard, the following tasks are formulated: 1) clarification of the concepts of agribusiness system and value chain in agribusiness; 2) review of the evolution of ISO 22000 series standards; 3) grouping of the standards from the ISO 22000 series, depending on their focus on achieving the goals for sustainable development set by the United Nations.
Консервационно земеделие – иновативен подход за управление в съвременните земеделски стопанства
Консервационно земеделие – иновативен подход за управление в съвременните земеделски стопанства
(Conservation Agriculture – an Innovative Approach to Management in Modern Agricultural Holdings)
- Author(s):Iliyana Krasteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:253-258
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:conservation agriculture; No till technology; soil fertility; environment
- Summary/Abstract:Reduction of organic matter, soil degradation, water and air pollution, intensification of water and wind erosion and low levels of soil fertility are a small part of the negative effects on the environment as a result of the application of incorrect agricultural practices. Socio-economic changes in the industry have led to the development of new systems in agriculture. One of the modern treatments aimed at preserving the soil resource is the so-called conservation agriculture, also known as No till technology, zero tillage or unploughed technology.
Някои механизми за управление на строителни отпадъци на земеделски земи
Някои механизми за управление на строителни отпадъци на земеделски земи
(Some Mechanisms for Construction Waste Management on Agricultural Land)
- Author(s):Valeri Velkovski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:259-263
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:agricultural lands; construction waste; construction waste management; soil fertility; mechanisms
- Summary/Abstract:The management of construction waste on agricultural land is a necessary process that is related to their protection and preservation of soil fertility. For the effective and efficient implementation of the construction waste management process, various mechanisms are applied: legislative, logistical, structural and others. Some of these mechanisms are considered and analyzed in the report.
Иновативното представяне на културното наследство като инструмент за възраждане на селските райони в България
Иновативното представяне на културното наследство като инструмент за възраждане на селските райони в България
(Innovative Presentation of Cultural Heritage as a Tool for The Revival of Rural Areas in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Mira Alyakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Economy, Agriculture, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:264-270
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:transitions; rural areas; niche; regime
- Summary/Abstract:Understanding structural change is one of the biggest challenges of the social sciences. Transitions are defined like a fundamental change – in culture, structure and practice. The article is separated in two main sections – First -is brief theoretical explanation of the input of transition theory in the rural areas.Second – an empirical example of a project (niche) in a rural area in Bulgaria, in the village of Govedartsi, supported from the regime level (National Culture Fund).