Feministki w sieci
Feminist on the web
New media in action against the restriction of women's rights in Poland
Author(s): Joanna Suchomska, Dominika UrzędowskaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Communication studies, Sociology
Published by: Instytut Dyskursu i Dialogu
Keywords: new social movements;cross-linked social movemensts;new media;civic activity;feminism;women's rights;
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the functioning of new social movements on the example of actions taken in defense of reproductive rights and access to sexual education in Poland in 2016-2020. We pay particular attention to the role of new media in the formation, organization, and activities of civil society. Based on our own activist experiences ,interviews with activists, and data analysis, we describe why we can call the feminist movement in Poland a cross-linked social movement and what this means for its functioning.
Journal: Dyskurs & Dialog
- Issue Year: 04/2020
- Issue No: 04
- Page Range: 9-24
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish