Influencing public opinion - a few words about media effects Cover Image

Wywieranie wpływu na opinię publiczną, czyli kilka słów o efektach działania mediów
Influencing public opinion - a few words about media effects

Author(s): Mateusz Bartoszewicz
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Communication studies
Published by: Instytut Dyskursu i Dialogu
Keywords: media;public opinion;agenda setting;framing;priming;

Summary/Abstract: Over the last 20 years we’ve experienced the internet revolution and dynamic growth of different kinds of media, notably social media. In that contemporary context the author poses a following question: what are the current basic mechanisms of media impact on public opinion? The paper focuses on three key models and theories of media effects: agenda setting, framing and priming. The analyses are situated in the context of political science and social communication.

  • Issue Year: 03/2020
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 73-85
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Polish
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