Language course as ordering, classifying and normalizing Cover Image

Kurs językowy jako porządkowanie, klasyfikowanie i normalizacja
Language course as ordering, classifying and normalizing

Author(s): Grzegorz Rudziński
Subject(s): Foreign languages learning, Methodology and research technology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Polish as a foreign language;grammar;chronology of a language course

Summary/Abstract: The organization of language material in a foreign language course depends on many factors i ncluded i n the so-called glottodidactic systems. Models of the glottodidactic systems created in Polish literature have not yet taken into account factors such as the purpose of the language course, the program of the course and the author of the program.The content of the program depends on the course purpose. The author of the program creates it using pragmatic, statistical and intra-language criteria. Language phenomena are chronologically ordered in the curriculum. This chronology takes into account the practical needs of learners and statistics of language phenomena, but above all the relations between the phenomena presented. We propose to order the course of Polish as a foreign language in which the verb’s personal forms are presented before the infinitive; the nominative in singular is followed by a locative and genitive, and the accusative is fourth; the presentation of the object begins with the pronouns of him and her; we introduce grammatical tenses in the order: present, future perfect, past perfect — then imperfect past and imperfect future, marked against the perfect tenses, what allows to use the aspect correctly.

  • Issue Year: 2020
  • Issue No: 54
  • Page Range: 19-33
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish