Semantika glagola gustativne percepcije u srpskom i rumunskom jeziku
Semantics of Verbs of Gustatory Perception in Serbian and Romanian
Author(s): Ana SamardžićSubject(s): Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Philology
Published by: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti
Keywords: verbs; gustatory perception; semantic components; semantic transfer; Serbian; Romanian;
Summary/Abstract: The subject of the paper is the semantic description of gustatory perception verbs in Serbian and Romanian language. The basic tasks are: isolating the semantic components of gustatory verbs, the determination of semantic equivalents on a syntagmatic plan, the discovery of connections between the semantic field of sensory, purely physical perception and other semantic fields and in regard to this, the determination of similarities and differences. With gustatory verbs, a semantic transfer of meaning into the abstract domain can be observed, which is very important for exploring the human conceptualization of the world. Thanks to their semantics, the verbs of gustatory perception are connected to the abstract sphere of experiencing, enjoying and personal preferences, taking into consideration that the sense of taste is subjective.
Journal: Romanoslavica
- Issue Year: LIV/2018
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 104-123
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Serbian