A referendum confirming the victory of Ion Iliescu over Nicolae Ceaușescu Cover Image

Un Referendum pentru confirmarea victoriei lui Ion Iliescu asupra lui Nicolae Ceaușescu
A referendum confirming the victory of Ion Iliescu over Nicolae Ceaușescu

Interview with Ion Cristoiu

Author(s): Politicii Sfera
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Government/Political systems
Published by: Fundaţia »Societatea Civilă« (FSC)
Keywords: interview;

Summary/Abstract: The parliamentary elections of 20 May 1990 were rather a referendum to confirm Ion Iliescu’s victory over Nicolae Ceausescu than a moment of choice between the FSN and the opposition parties. The Romanians came to the vote in a very large proportion to express their love for Ion Iliescu, and the «University Square phenomenon» contributed unintentionally to the huge electoral score of Ion Iliescu and FSN. The result of the vote was an option for perestroika, a kind of liberal communism. The resulting parliament was the best in post-communism because it came from the Ceausescu’s regime of technocrats.

  • Issue Year: XXVI/2018
  • Issue No: 195
  • Page Range: 23-25
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: Romanian