The function of silence in education for reception of media Cover Image

Funkcja ciszy w wychowaniu do mediów
The function of silence in education for reception of media

Author(s): Adam Lepa
Subject(s): Education, Media studies, Social Theory
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Keywords: silence; education for the media; galenosfera; organized environment;

Summary/Abstract: This paper addresses the question whether silence can be used as a means in the process of education for media reception, and if it does then in what sense. The term ‘function’ refers to ‘a special role’ that silence is to play in media pedagogy. The article emphasizes the importance of galenosphere, the layer of silence, as one of the components of the human social environment, along with logosphere, iconosphere and sonosphere. It is assumed that silence can be used in education for reception of media. Silence is part of the environment of a human being, and environment is regarded as one of the key factors in education. However, if silence is to be an active means in education for media reception, it should become a structured environment. Similarly, educational environment becomes a pedagogic environment because it is intentionally structured according to an accepted design.

  • Issue Year: 18/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 177-184
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Polish