Use of Interslavic in film Painted Bird Cover Image

Koriščenje medžuslovjanskogo jezyka v filmu Kolorovana ptica
Use of Interslavic in film Painted Bird

Author(s): Vojtěch Merunka
Subject(s): Applied Linguistics, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Slovanská unie z. s.
Keywords: Interslavic; movie; Painted Bird; Jerzy Kosiński; Václav Marhoul

Summary/Abstract: The article describes the use of Interslavic in the upcoming film Painted Bird by Czech producer Vaclav Marhoul according to the same-name book by Polish-American writer Jerzy Kosinski. For this movie, it was necessary to create fictitious country and nation generally representing Central and Eastern Europe where, in 1939-1945, was the Nazi occupation and the front of the Red Army of the USSR. It is because the original story in the book is not an exact author's autobiography, but rather a synthesis of more similar life stories, which undoubtedly many times in different variants took place throughout Europe at that time. Članok piše o koriščenji medžuslovanskogo jezyka v gotovjenom filmu Kolorovana ptica češskogo režisera Václava Marhoula po vzoru znajemoj rovnoimennoj knigy poljsko-američskogo pisatelja Jerzy Kosińskiego. Do filma bylo trěba sotvoriti fiktivne narod i krajinu reprezentujuče srědnu i vzhodnu Evropu, kdě v lětach 1939 - 1945 byla okupacija od fašističskoj Němcije i potom front Črvenoj Armije SSSR, zatože originalna povědka v knige naměreno ne jest točna avtorova avtobiografija, ale jest bližše do sintezy mnogyh različnyh ale sobě podobnyh životnyh izkušenostij, ktore se věrojatno dogodivali v vsih krajinah srědnoj i vzhodnoj Evropy togo vrěmene.

  • Issue Year: 3/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 69-75
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Slavic (Other)
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