Мощите на св. Горазд в Белград Албански (Берат)
The Relicts of St. Gorazd in Belgrade Albanian (Berat)
Author(s): Dimo CheshmedzhievSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Slovenský komitét slavistov a Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v.v.i.
Keywords: Gorazd; the relics of St. Gorazd; Berat.
Summary/Abstract: The report examines the problem of relics and the cult of St. Gorazd so-called Albanian Belgrade (today Berat in southern Albania). Rejected the view that St. Gorazd escaped along with other disciples of Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria in the southwestern Bulgarian lands and on this basis justifies the idea that existing in this region cult of the saint has character, then later sixteenth century.
Journal: Slavica Slovaca
- Issue Year: 45/2010
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 136-143
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Bulgarian