Law, history and collective memory. References to the past in the preambles to the Constitution of Latvia and Hungary in comparison with other post-communist countries Cover Image

Prawo, historia a pamięć zbiorowa. Odwołania do przeszłości w preambułach do konstytucji Łotwy i Węgier na tle innych państw postkomunistycznych
Law, history and collective memory. References to the past in the preambles to the Constitution of Latvia and Hungary in comparison with other post-communist countries

Author(s): Filip Cyuńczyk
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Keywords: legal petrifi cation of the past; history after democratic transition; Central and Eastern European constitutions; collective memory after the communism

Summary/Abstract: The main task of the text is a comparative presentation of the legal methods for the petrification of the historical narrations after the collapse of communism in central and eastern Europe. The purpose is mainly to show how M. Halbwachs concepts of collective memories creation are in use in the preambles to Latvia and Hungarian constitutions. These two acts are presented in comparison to constitutional acts from some other post–communist states from the region such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania. Another important problem is related to the question of why in fact states are deciding to use such a tool inside their constitutions.

  • Issue Year: 15/2016
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 221-233
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Polish
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