Свободата като споделена уникалност в психоаналитичната и литературоведската практика на Юлия Кръстева
Freedom as a shared idiosyncrasy in the psychoanalytic and literary practices laid out by Julia Kristeva
Author(s): Petia TodorovaSubject(s): Psychology
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: psychoanalysis; literature; experience; speech; language; interdisciplinarity;
Summary/Abstract: Julia Kristeva is a member of a psychoanalytic society in Paris from 1980. Her standing requires an enormous responsibility in teaching and transfer of knowledge in the context of the basic concepts of psychoanalysis. Her influence on the contemporary studies of the fundamentals in this particular field of humanities is exceptionally fruitful. However, the scope of this study is far from probing comprehensively into the subtleties of these rich and complex theoretical reflections. It is rather aimed at the in-depth concept of the psychic machine and treatment as it spreads and reaches outside of the pure psychoanalytic entity. This concept delineates her idiosyncratic approach to rethinking the human nature as well as other activities inherent to human behavior such as the creation of literary and art works, femininity, politics, the idea of the sacred, etc.
Journal: Психологични изследвания
- Issue Year: 14/2011
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 27-34
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Bulgarian