Romanian cleriks of the past centuries, safeguards of printed books on the Romanian teritory Cover Image

Clerici români ai veacurilor trecute, ocrotitori ai cărţii tipărite pe teritoriul românesc (sec. al XVIlea – prima jumătate a sec. al XVII-lea)
Romanian cleriks of the past centuries, safeguards of printed books on the Romanian teritory

Author(s): Iuliana Wainberg
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Alba Iulia
Keywords: printing books; forewords; prefaces; epilogues; Romanian Countries; bishops; metropolitan bishop; 16th century; first half of 17th century

Summary/Abstract: Since the opening of the first printing house in Romanian Countries, the priesthood’s interest in printing books was a significant one. Beside their clerical mission, the majority of leaders of the Orthodox Church played a prominent part in publishing printing books, very important tools for the dissemination of religious and cultural ideas. Based on the study of forewords, prefaces and epilogues of the printings from the 16th and the first half of 17th centuries, the goal of this paper is to point out those Romanian clerics mentioned there, and to specify their contributions to the important action of printing books.

  • Issue Year: XVI/2011
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 211-227
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Romanian