Комунистическият генерал Мирчо Спасов и възшествието на беззаконието. Психоанализа, език и история
Communist General Mircho Spasov and the Rise of Lawlessness. Psychoanalysis, Language and History
Author(s): Petar VodenicharovSubject(s): History, Sociology, Special Historiographies:, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, History of Communism, Fascism, Nazism and WW II
Keywords: communism; autobiography; State Security; psychoanalisis; sado- masochism
Summary/Abstract: Using the linguistic turn in psychoanalysis (J. Lakan, J. Kristeva), the author analyzed the unpublished autobiographical memories of State Security General Mircho Spasov, a mass murderer responsible for the eitsblishing of communist concentration camps. His memories are compared with his personnel file in the State Security. The lack of a father, the suicidal mother who abandoned him, the alienation from kinship, religious and institutional symbolic networks lead to a rethinking of the punishing in a rewarding social situation with the help of communist anti-language, conspiratorial publicity and the grandiose utopia for an all-powerful, self-sufficient, phallic "Mother Communist Party". Sado-masochic pre-Oedipal regression is associated with early narcissistic trauma and the problem of the Other – eroticizing the power over Others and the power of the Others. The analysis is supported by the similar biographical profiles of the Head of State Todor Zhivkov, a friend of Mircho Spasov, and his col-league from the State Security – the terrorist Mitka Grubcheva.
Journal: Балканистичен Форум
- Issue Year: 33/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 143-163
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF