O nekolikim obredima i raznolikim demonima
Danijel Sinani, Demoni i rituali: periodični rituali i demonologija narodne religije Srba. Beograd. Srpski geneaološki centar, 2013.
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Danijel Sinani, Demoni i rituali: periodični rituali i demonologija narodne religije Srba. Beograd. Srpski geneaološki centar, 2013.
The review of: -Barry Forshaw, ed., "Crime Uncovered: Detective" (Bristol: Intellect, 2016. 220 pp. ISBN 978-1-78320-521-9) -Fiona Peters and Rebecca Stewart, eds., "Crime Uncovered: Antihero" (Bristol: Intellect, 2016. 218 pp. ISBN 978-1-78320-519-6) -Samantha Walton, "Guilty But Insane: Mind and Law in Golden Age Detective Fiction" (Oxford: Oxford U P, 2015. 304 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-872332-5)
The review of: Alex Kudera, "Auggie’s Revenge" (Orlando: Beating Windward, 2015. 249 pp. ISBN 9781940761244)
Članom 3 i 5 Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine vođenje vanjske politike isključiva je nadležnost države BiH, a Predsjedništvo BiH, kao najviša instanca izvršne vlasti, dobilo je, između ostalih ovlasti vođenja vanjske politike, imenovanje ambasadora i specijalnih diplomatskih predstavnika BiH, te zastupanje BiH u međunarodnim organizacijama i tijelima. Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH zaduženo je da pomaže Predsjedništvu u pripremi i provođenju vanjskopolitičkih odluka i smjernica. Vijeće ministara BiH i Parlament utječu na proces donošenja vanjsko-političkih odluka indirektno, kroz kontrolnu i zakonodavnu funkciju, ali nemaju isključivu nadležnost u ovim pitanjima.
CD Review: Şevkî Bey T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanligi, Güzel Sanatlar Genel Müdürlügü Istanbul Tarihi Türk Müzigi Tuplulugu. Solist: Ahmet Özhan; Sesli Yayinlar: 7 Bestekärlanmuz 2CD
The paper addresses the issue whether Tennant’s textbook Introducing Philosophy, a demanding textbook based on the methodology of Analytical philosophy, can be useful for high school teachers not trained in Analytical methodology. The pedagogical background is presented through a conceptual framework of problematization, conceptualisation and argumentation, and I follow Tennant’s methodology through these three principles. The issue which I discuss is how Tennant’s methodology can help teachers to foster the three analytical abilities in students. I will show how his presentation of topics as content demonstrate his methodology and how particular examples can be used by teachers in secondary education, as well as in introductory university courses in philosophy. If teachers pay attention to this methodology within the content, they can apply it to other topics.
Inga Tomić-Koludrović. Pomak prema modernosti: žene u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju »zrele« tranzicije. Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk i Hrvatsko sociološko društvo, 2015, 327 str.
On The Occasion of a new Scientific Part of The Geography od Culture and Civilization. The author of the paper has set out some thoughts and ideas about the spatial evolutionary-ecological conception of development of civilizations in conjunction with physical and geographical background. The experiment was inspired by the book of the geography of cultures and civilizations, which appeared in the edition of the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade.
Marian COMAN, Putere și teritoriu. Ţara Românească medievală (secolele XIV-XVI) [Herrschaft und Territorium. Die mittelalterliche Walachei (14.-16. Jahrhundert)]. Iași: Polirom 2013 (Historia). 357 S., Abb., ISBN 978-973-46-3403-3, RON 27,95 The text reviews the book by Marian Coman on Power and territory in medieval Wallachia. Th e book shows that Wallachia before the late 16th century has not been organised on the basis of territoriality. The power of its rulers was rather based on a network of social links. Medieval Wallachia did not have clear-cut borders, but rather diffuse frontier-zones that were not closed than in the late 16th century. Th e author presents detailed research of the three frontier-zones of Wallachia: the frontier towards neighboring Moldavia, the Carpathian frontier bordering Transylvania, and the Danube, separating Wallachia from the Ottoman Empire, at least symbolically.
The review of: Manuel Castells, Communication Power, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2009, 571 p., ISBN 978-0-19-956-701-1 Prikaz: Manuel Kastels, Moć komunikacija, preveli s engleskog Tijana R. Spasić i Đorđe Trajković, Clio i RTS, Biblioteka Multimedia, Beograd, 2014.
The review of “Tyranny of Choice” by Renata Salecl Prikaz: Renata Salecl, Tiranija izbora, prevod sa engleskog Anika Krstić, Arhipelag, biblioteka Kapital, Beograd, 2014
The review of/Prikaz: Stanko Crnobrnja; „Novi mediji i društvene mreže: pojmovnik“; Centar za medije i komunikacije, Fakultet za medije i komunikacije, Beograd, 2014
The review of/Prikaz: Dalibor Petrović; “Društvenost u doba interneta”, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad, 2013
The review of/Prikaz: El Mustapha Lahlali, “Contemporary Arab Broadcast Media”, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2011.