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Bacău achievements in museology (1965-1985)
Chronicle of the activity of the History Department for 1984
W tym roku Międzynarodowa Olimpiada Biologiczna odbyła się w dniach 15-22 lipca w Teheranie, w stolicy Iranu. Tegoroczna reprezentacja składała się z uczniów, którzy uzyskali najlepsze wyniki na szczeblu krajowym: Jaromir Hunia, Kacper Ludwig, Jaromir Tomasik i Paweł Tyrna. Dwaj z nich - Jaromir Hunia i Paweł Tyrna - to doświadczeni zawodnicy. Zdobyli oni srebrne medale na zeszłorocznej Międzynarodowej Olimpiadzie Biologicznej. Polska drużyna wyruszyła na międzynarodowe zawody pod opieką dr. Piotra Bernotowicza, dr. Takao Ishikawy i mgr. Jakuba Baczyńskiego z Wydziału Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Polish Statistical Association (PTS) was established in Kraków in 1912. The history of the PTS in Wielkopolska region began in 1915. The study shows the stages of development with particular emphasis on those persons who have formed the organization and its leaders. The four periods were extracted: the interwar period (1915―1939), World War II (1939―1945), post-war period (1945―1981) and the period after PTS reactivation in 1981.
Chief Secretary's Report on the 2020 Accomplishments of the Transylvanian Museum Society.
A Magyar Tudomány Napja Erdélyben. 3. fórum. Kolozsvár, 2004. november 19–20. — Az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület kutatási programja — Az EME szakosztályainak előadásai — Az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület 2005. évi közgyűlése — Egyed Ákos elnöki jelentése a 2004. évről — Főtitkári jelentés az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület 2004. évi munkájáról — Jelentés az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület 2004. évi gazdasági-pénzügyi tevékenységéről — Fiatal Műszakiak X. Tudományos Ülésszaka
Remembering Imre Mikó on the second centenary of his birth.
Collecting the impressive patrimony of the “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History from Bucharest, during the 180 years of existence, has required an immense creative energy, and the extensive work of the scientists who have contributed to this cultural institution. Some of these collections have been formed and enriched through the selfless devotion and the love for the nation of some famous people in different fields, who donated various samples. Our work pays homage to these people, who through their small contribution helped the museum exist and grow. Therefore, we believe that their names and their donations, which have been maintained in the archives of the collections, must be made known to the future generations.
The paper refers to excerpts from the Historiography of Mathematics dedicated to mathematicians Petre Sergescu and Solomon Marcus and especially engineer George Şt. Andonie. Petre Sergescu was an important historiographer of Mathematical sciences from his time in the entire world. He published articles written in Romanian and French about Gheorghe Țițeica, Traian Lalescu, David Emmanuel, Dimitrie Pompeiu, and others. Sergescu also reflected a lot on education by Mathematics. Solomon Marcus wrote many pages and books about mathematicians and Mathematics in Romania. George Şt. Andonie is the most important historiographer of Mathematics in Romania. In his volumes ''Mathematics in Romania”, he also refers to Sergescu and Marcus.