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The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
The volume contains 32 studies on the history of the full and late Middle Ages, dedicated to the outstanding Warsaw medievalist Prof. Sławomir Gawlas on the occasion of his jubilee. The works of Polish and foreign historians collected here, mostly in the chronological range from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century, reflect the broad spectrum of the Jubilarian's research interests. Among them, particular attention should be paid to the issues of the social system and its medieval transformations, legal systems, economy and history of cities, as well as various forms of social identity and political culture of the middle ages.
Ishoyahb I was Catholicos-Patriarch of the Church of the East (the so called “Nestorian Church”) in a time of significant liturgical changes. These started with the patriarchate of Mar Aba (540-552) and continued till the 7th century. In this context, Bishop Jacob of Dirin (an island in the Persian Gulf, near Bahrain) had a couple of questions on liturgical, moral and disciplinary matters and addressed the Catholicos in a letter for clarification. The letter of Bishop Jacob is not preserved, but we have available the response letter of the Catholicos Ishoyahb I. Scholars remarked the importance of this Syriac response letter in that it was placed in “Synodicon Orientale”, one important canonical collection of the Church of the East. In their view, the letter of Ishoyahb I is a pastoral-liturgical compendium and an important source for the East Syriac liturgical tradition at the end of the6th century. Despite the appreciation that scholars have shown for this text in the past, it has so far been little analysed, except for its contribution to the history of the East Syrian Anaphora. In my opinion, the importance of Ishoyahb's letter goes beyond liturgical studies, being relevant also for the field of Church History, because it provides valuable information on the life of the Christians in the region of nowadays Bahrain and Qatar, at the end of the6th century. Furthermore, the letter contributes to the history of East Syriac Patriarchs because it plays a significant role in establishing the intellectual profile of Catholicos-Patriarch Ishoyahb I and the sources of his theological thought. The objectives of this paper are to place the letter in its historical context and to offer some remarks on its textual transmission and on its value for the liturgical and historical research.
After the I. Gokturk State collapsed due to many political, military and economic factors such as the throne fights in 581, China's intrigues and famine, it tried to struggle to avoid damage in its foreign policy with China as East and West for about seventy years until 630. Many policies of China were effective in the collapse of the Eastern and Western Gokturk State and entering the fifty-year Interregnum. Among these policies, the heqin policy can be seen as the most important. Heqin policy means marriage by kinship in history. China used with a different function, the heqin policy , which was used for peace purposes in the years when the Gokturks were strong, this time in the Interregnum Period.The China aimed to keep them under control with military governorships (garrisons) placed in Gokturk lands. In these governorships, he married the Gokturk beys to the Chinese princesses and brought them to important positions. In this study, the collapse of the Gokturk State, the struggle for independence and the fifty-year historical period in captivity, the marriages of China with important people from the Ashina lineage and the importance of these marriages in terms of Chinese-Gokturk history will be tried to be discussed.
The relationship of the Byzantine State with the Bulgarians, had already started when they were in the north of the Black Sea before they came to the Lower Danube region in the last quarter of the 7th century. After the arrival of the Bulgarians in the Northern Balkans, even more intense contacts were established by being a border neighbor. However, this relationship has followed a fluctuating line in the historical process. In this context, the attitude and diplomatic relations of the Byzantine State towards the Bulgarians differed according to the periods in proportion to its political power. While he exhibited an attitude towards destroying his opponent during his strong periods, he sought ways of reconciliation by resorting to diplomacy during his weak periods. While doing this, she often used some diplomatic methods that he generally resorted to in his relations with the communities she defined as “barbarian”. One of these methods finds its expression in the form of giving one of the titles within the Byzantine palace hierarchy to the administrators of the relevant communities. By this means, Byzantium generally aimed to prevent his opponent from taking action against him or to form an alliance against another opponent. He felt the need to give some titles to the Bulgarian rulers he came into contact with for the same purpose. However, these titles differ according to the conditions when they are given and express different hierarchical levels. This study aims to determine the titles given by the Byzantine emperors to the Bulgarian rulers, their meanings and the expectations of the emperors from this practice.
Erzurum şehrinin Bizans İmparatoru II. Theodosios döneminde kurulduğu bilinmektedir. Ermeniler tarafından Karin denilen şehir Türklerin Erzen (Çetin, 1998: 7-8) denilen ovayı feth etmeleri (1048-1049) ile Türk hâkimiyetine girmiştir. Bu dönemde Erzen olarak adlandırılan bölgeyi Bitlis’te bulunan Erzen’den ayırmak için Erzen-i Rum olarak isimlendirmişlerdir.
Use of the seals, which in the Middle Ages (as the prerogative of the sovereign power) was almost exclusively associated with the person of ruler, will experience in the West a general use, due to the weakening of the central government in favor of local ones. It will diffuse and spread among other social classes (middling and lower nobility and bourgeoisie) as well as various religious and secular institutions (such as chapters, monasteries, cities, universities and guilds). When it comes to medieval cities, use of seals have spread most intensively in Italian cities from the area of northern and central part of the Apennine peninsula, which managed, during the 12th century, to emancipate from the imperial government and to form themselves as an autonomous city municipalities entering so in the sphere of public law. In the area of Croatian lands, the town seals, not incidentally, appear in the towns on the east coast of Adriatic, which in the period from the 12th to the 14th century organized themselves as communal societies. One of the known communal seals is that of Skradin, whose description is preserved in a transcript of a document dated April 9th, 1294. There is also an extant fragment of the seal on the document from 1303. Although these data was not unknown to the scholarly public, the seal of Skradin, with which this article deals, has not been the subject of interest of Croatian historiography or sphragistics.
Për qytetin antik dhe mesjetar të Butrintit kemi një dokumentacion jo të vogël historik, ashtu si dhe dëshmi të shumta të kulturës materiale përgjatë shekujve. Megjithatë dëshmitë historike (të dhënat burimore dhe dokumentacioni historik) për mesjetën e hershme janë më të pakta, për vetë rrethanat historike të Gadishullit Ballkanik, rezultat i dyndjeve të mëdha barbare e avaro-sllave që rrënuan e shkretuan territoret nga kalonin, duke prurë në të njëjtën kohë ndryshime të mëdha në përbërjen etnike të disa prej territoreve dhe një rënie të përgjithshme ekonomike dhe të jetës në të gjitha aspektet e saj në Gadishullin Ballkanik.