Verna svojoj profesiji: prijatelji o Seški Stanojlović
20 short texts of friends of Seška Stanojlović (see the Table of Content) published on the occasion of her 70th birthday.
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20 short texts of friends of Seška Stanojlović (see the Table of Content) published on the occasion of her 70th birthday.
Dvadeset četvrtog januara 2004. godine najstarije novine na ovim prostorima zabilježiće impozantan jubilej - čitav jedan vijek postojanja. Doživjeti to u tako burnim vremenima u kojima mi živimo pravi je podvig za jednu novinu. Jer, u zemlji u kojoj se to dešava u tome vijeku gotovo ništa nije više onako kako je bilo kada je nastala POLITIKA. Ni država, ni politika, ni ekonomija, ni granice - pa ni ljudi. Novina POLITIKA je, međutim, uspjela da nakon svega očuva ime, tradiciju, pa čak i oblik slova svoga zaglavlja. Mijenjalo se, naravno, iznutra mnogo šta: organizaciono i tehnički, pa i sadržajno. Umjesto jednih novina u njoj su nastajale lepeze raznovrsnih izdanja: večernjih, nedjeljnih, mjesečnih - za najmlađe i za odrasle. Bilo ih je: političkih, zabavnih, poučnih, porodičnih, sportskih, svakakvih. U svakom od tih posebnih izdanja nalazilo se, pored osobenog, i matično ime kuće: POLITIKA. A ona je izrastala u najveći novinski koncern u zemlji koji je, pored novina, stvorio i sopstvene elektronske medije: radio i televiziju.
I nakon petnaest godina od višemesečne opsade Dubrovnika, u Srbiji još uvek nema spremnosti da se prihvati istina o učešću srpske strane u napadu na ovaj grad, posebno kada je reč o učešću JNA u njemu. Svako pominjanje razaranja Dubrovnika nailazi na rezervu i nevericu u pogledu razmera razaranja, a često sledi i sumnja da je to ipak bila “hrvatska ujdurma” koja je imala za cilj sticanje nezavisnosti. Zbog toga je ova knjiga namenjena, pre svega, srbijanskoj i crnogorskoj javnosti. Pred čitaocem je kompilacija tekstova koje je priredio Branko Vojčić, novinar iz Podgorice. Namera je izdavača da upozna čitaoca sa hronologijom i pripremama za rat, ne samo na dubrovačkom ratištu, već i u celoj Hrvatskoj. Krajem avgusta 1991. godine, JNA je zauzela Kijevo (hrvatsko selo okruženo teritorijom pod srpskom kontrolom u blizini Knina) i krenula ka Vukovaru. Hrvatska je, potom, blokirala kasarne i druge objekte JNA širom svoje teritorije. Zatim je JNA opkolila Vukovar i bombardovala ga dva meseca, dok nije pao, u novembru 1991. godine. Opsada Vukovara postala je simbol hrvatske borbe za nacionalno oslobođenje i privukla je pažnju međunarodne zajednice. Istovremeno, granatiranje Dubrovnika uzbudilo je celokupnu svetsku javnost. Reagujući na to, Matija Bećković na Drugom kongresu srpskog ujedinjenja u Čikagu kaže: “... iz oplakivanja gradova koji nisu postradali vidi se ravnodušnost prema hiljadama ljudi koji su pobijeni. Ispada da bi Hitler, da se sklonio u Dubrovnik, bio pod zaštitom UNESCO”.
"Linguistic creativity in marketing" is the seventh book in the cycle devoted to linguistic creativity. The title issue is considered on two levels - theoretical and practical. The volume includes articles on important and current problems of Internet communication, such as: language on social media, copywriting, contemporary language trends in content marketing. The texts are divided into six categories corresponding to the main thematic fields: 1. Theoretical issues; 2. Linguistic creativity and communication on social media; 3. Linguistic creativity in the press and television; 4. Linguistic creativity and slogans and proper names; 5. Linguistic creativity and real-time marketing; 6. Linguistic creativity and storytelling. From general issues and issues related to the functioning of the media, we move towards the analysis of linguistic and content components, which currently play a significant role in marketing communication.
The monograph deals with the problems of radio acting and radio directing. Both of these components are interrelated, in theory reflecting their creative role in the origin of radio drama. The research is focussed on the work of two important Czech radio directors: Jiří Horčička and Josef Melč and their best achievements dating back to the seventies and eighties twenties of the 20th century. Its methodology is based on the structuralist theory of Jiří Veltruský, whose structural and semiotic theory is applied to radio theory. Apart from Veltruský, the research is also grounded on the basic monographs by Czech radio theoreticians, in the first place on the publications by Jan Czech and Alena Štěrbová, and also on the theory of radio dramatization of fiction by Jan Lopatka.
This book attempts to capture the momentum, a moment of transformation, where the complex processes related to the expansion of heterogeneous cosmopolitan modernity intersect and converge, processes that influence and change both Euro-American civilisation and the planet as a whole, and along the way transform the state, economic, cultural and social arrangement, the practices and the notions used in order to understand our existence in the world. The authors of the studies that make up this publication look at the problem from several selected aspects falling within the domains of sociology, culture and new media art, which have in common an effort to put current phenomena into more general and more profound social, political and cultural contexts. They strive to avoid presentism in order to observe the processes gathered under the umbrella of “cosmopolitan modernity” from the point of view of the longue durée.
It can be daunting to describe media dynamics at the scale of a country, or even a group of bordering countries, such as those in the Sahel, given the profusion of what can be considered media productions and the complexity of the connections between them. The countries of the Sahel region are also strongly influenced by external media productions that are often locally accessible. Indeed, these external productions have an impact on the international understanding of the region’s issues. This fact in turn has a significant impact on the sources selected in the monitoring on the Sahel region. We are talking about a media ecosystem rooted in complex and fragile relationships of trust toward different epistemic sources and a relative understanding of the media world, characterized by practices of re-appropriation and information-sharing. Media systems in the Sahel did not wait for the emergence of the Internet to become decentralized, but intrinsically featured rumours and orality. The importance of local radio stations across the region is a manifestation of this today. Understanding this complex world requires an examination of the uses of the media, the messages they convey, the sources they utilize, processes of interpreting content, and the socio-political impact of the content in question.
Information has long been used as a foreign policy tool by the Kremlin. Most recently the Russian attack on Ukraine has prompted a new wave of research into the way pro-Kremlin messaging is spread in Western countries and to what effect. This study examines a specific form of information influence campaigns (IICs): information laundering (IL). IL is a compilation of deception techniques and thus has the potential to change readers’ beliefs and attitudes. Overall, the study presents a refined, systematic, and reproducible way to identify which current IL attempts target the audience of a specific Telegram channel, and which networks of websites are behind these attempts. It also asks which potential framing biases the audience could be influenced by and with what strategic aim.
This Virtual Manipulation report explores the impact of generative AI on social media analysis. Large Language Models (LLMs), such as the powerful GPT-4, can create highly convincing content that appears legitimate and unique. This makes it nearly impossible to distinguish between real and fake accounts. But, defenders can employ the same tools to more effectively monitor social media spaces. Careless implementations by adversaries introduce weaknesses that can result in accounts inadvertently disclosing that they are bots. As LLMs rely on prompts to shape their output, targeted psychological operations (‘psyops’) can provoke chatbots to reveal their true identities. The fight against manipulation is entering a new phase, but it remains unclear whether, in the long run, defenders or attackers will derive greater benefit from AI systems.
This volume collects the reports from the Jubilee International Scientific Conference “Communication and the Media of the XXI Century: Educational and Professional Challenges”, organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication on October 27 and 28, 2022. The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication celebrates the 70th- anniversary of the establishment of its bachelor and master programs in Journalism at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The academic education in journalism in Bulgaria started in the academic year 1952-1953 when the program of Journalism was established at the Faculty of Philology at Sofia University. Later, this program was transformed into a separate Faculty at Sofia University – the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. The international conference entitled “Communication and the Media of the XXI Century: Educational and Professional Challenges” was organized and held with the assistance of the media partners – the Bulgarian National Radio and the Bulgarian News Agency, of the academic partners – the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, the University of Bucharest, Romania, the University of Nis, Serbia, the “Shota Rustaveli” University in Batumi, Georgia.
The book puts the history, present and future of web books into a broader context and makes the knowledge and skills gained from the Redesigning Library Services 2020: web books project available to a wider audience. Using research-through-design methodologies, it presents various aspects of web-based service design: from transforming the book into digital form, to seeing the book as an artefact for prototyping new services and tracking reading behaviour, to speculating on the future of web books and digital reading.
The purpose of the report is to present a method for exploring an actor’s possibilities for countermeasures and capabilities against information influence operations (IIO). Using specific scenario conditions, the method assists in creating a discussion on what capabilities are needed and how organisations can develop these capabilities based on available resources. The method involves conducting workshops using a red team versus blue team exercise which has been adapted to generate a gap analysis for countermeasures in countering IIO. The report provides guidance on preparing for a workshop aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in an organisation’s information environment and developing effective strategies to mitigate the consequences of IIO. The workshops create a common problem understanding from a scenario and challenges chosen beforehand. The end result is an analysis that includes existing capabilities in the organisation, a reflection on how to develop capability activities and functions further, and prioritising between these. The report concludes that the workshop method is a useful tool for risk assessment and preparedness planning, and can be used for decision-making and operational development. While countering IIO is often a national-level responsibility, we argue that all parts of society can be affected by IIO and should develop capabilities to counter disinformation. Therefore, the selected workshop method can be adapted to work on a local, regional, or national level.
In this issue of the Virtual Manipulation Brief, we identified 117 pro-Kremlin accounts—including notorious Z bloggers—who purchased verified status on X. This meant they could monetise fake news through X’s ad revenue-sharing feature. It also boosted their visibility – the newly verified propaganda accounts received more than twice as many views per post, on average. In October 2023, Kremlin propaganda shifted sharply in response to the HamasIsrael conflict. Pro-Kremlin accounts played a significant role in propagating disinformation, weaving narratives that linked the conflict to Ukraine. The Russian operation adopted a strongly anti-Israeli stance. It advanced a narrative that the US-backed Israel is responsible for killing babies in Gaza. It was transparently aimed at rehabilitating Russia’s image on the global stage and diverting attention from Russia’s activities in Ukraine. In the six months spanning May to October 2023, the conversation surrounding NATO in the Baltics and Poland centred on the NATO summit in Vilnius, the reaction to Wagner troops deploying near the Belarussian border, and a drone attack in Pskov. We examine VKontakte’s evolution into a multi-purpose platform, the Kremlin’s ‘everything app’. VK has expanded to incorporate features mimicking major Western platforms. It aligns closely with governmental interests and has become an essential tool in Russia’s digital infrastructure. Autumn 2023 brought significant new potential for AI-driven social media analysis. New multi-modal AI can handle complex audio, image, and text input combinations. This makes it possible to do better in-depth meme analysis and analyse videos. In 2024, we intend to apply these tools to analysing content on TikTok and YouTube. We conclude with an overview of the latest developments in social media manipulation, from the deluge of fake photos claiming to show scenes of suffering in Gaza to the emerging trend of artificial audio content targeting political opponents.
More than two years after Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, coordinated groups on social media continue to pose a significant threat, now compounded by the use of generative AI content, as detailed in this report. Our research highlights the mixed use of coordinated groups on social media, automated cross-referencing, and AI-generated content. We have identified 17 coordinated groups of accounts for 344 sources. The Virtual Manipulation Brief 2023/1 noted the limited capacity of social media platforms to manage coordinated inauthentic behavior and the increasing focus on AI in information operations. However, as of early 2024, various AI tools are widely used, potentially amplifying the effectiveness of information campaigns and reducing production and distribution costs. Large Language Models (LLMs) are actively used to create information threats. We have identified automated groups leveraging LLMs to generate noise and scrape websites to repost political news content. These groups extend their activities beyond websites, incorporating social media accounts for broader content distribution. They employ automated dynamic cross-referencing of network accounts, significantly amplifying the reach and impact of their threats without requiring additional funds. AI-generated comments on Twitter (now X) and Facebook simulate political discussions on sensitive topics. Attempts to prompt LLMs to respond to visual content have seen some success, posing a growing threat as LLMs become more adept at responding to visual media, potentially overwhelming users who may not verify such content.
Much ink has been spilled attempting to understand the Kremlin’s strategy in the media space, particularly in its domestic hybrid media environment since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Despite this significant effort, much remains unclear about the Kremlin’s true intentions, capabilities, and strategies. Most importantly experts still disagree on whether the Kremlin truly controls the Russian domestic media ecosystem. On the one side of the argument, there are those who argue that the Kremlin, like many other contemporary ‘informational autocrats’, seeks to control Russia’s media space through ownership, censorship, and propaganda. On the other side, however, are those who claim that in the contemporary era of digital technologies and social networks, the Kremlin not only struggles to exercise control, but also understands its limitations and tries to adapt its strategy accordingly by demonopolising power ‘among a variety of actors who “think right”’. This raises an important question about Russia’s strategy in the media space: does the Kremlin truly control it? State-owned television has been serving narratives aligning with the Kremlin’s agenda for decades. Television gets the top spot as the most trusted information source in Russia and bypasses other means of communication. Notably, after the invasion, the broadcasting strategy was changed: informational TV shows became longer and the same messages were also repeated on programmes that are not inherently political—for example, relatives of soldiers or members of the Russian military are often featured in the weekly gameshow Pole Chudes (‘Field of Miracles’) to hone the perception of support for the ‘special military operation’. Such an approach to communication is not surprising, as repetition leads to familiarity, which then leads to acceptance.
After the launch of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, state media in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation have employed similar tactics in their information operations and have often disseminated similar narratives about the war. PRC state media, which insist on referring to the Russian aggression as the ‘Ukrainian crisis’, have among other things amplified conspiracy theories about purported United States (US) biological weapons facilities in Ukraine and spread Russian narratives claiming US and NATO culpability for the war. Moreover, Russian officials and commentators significantly outnumber their Ukrainian counterparts in the coverage of state-owned Chinese news organisations targeting foreign audiences, such as Xinhua, the Chinese state news agency, and China Daily.
Contemporary society is evolving towards a society of knowledge and continuous learning, where e-learning plays an essential role in adapting to this new paradigm. E-learning allows flexible access to education, adapting to the speed of change and the multiple responsibilities of individuals. The paper "E-Learning. Concepts, Strategies, Applications" explores the fundamental concepts, strategies and applications of e-learning, highlighting the importance of multimedia principles and graphic design in creating attractive and effective educational materials. Understanding and applying these concepts helps learners and educators to reap the benefits of e-learning, thus contributing to the development of a society based on knowledge and lifelong learning.
The book Female criminalists and their representation in Czech crime TV series is focused on Czech female criminalist in crime TV genre. It focuses on portrayal of gender identities in the particular genre in general. Our research reflects contemporary tendencies in gender portrayal and draws a map of such TV depiction in Czech context. We analyzed a ten year time period which helped us determine classical schemes of depiction and pick up on changes happening during those years. It shows that exactly this analyzed decade was a time of genre rebirth in Czech television context. Therefore, we can see many strategies common for TV crime production during communist era. This book is the first one focusing on crime TV through the lenses of gender identities in the Czech academia environment.
"The authors of the monograph deal with pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic aspects of communicative activity in three relatively separate units. The first section examines the process of pragmaticalization of particles and the importance of their acquisition in foreign language acquisition and the formation of communicative competence. In the second section, the means used as a tool of impoliteness and verbal aggression are investigated. The so-called discursive politeness methodology based on the concept of face is applied to authentic texts and evaluates politeness strategies against the background of existing relational networks of the current social and communicative situation. In the final part of the thesis, the authors, using the methods of critical discourse analysis, carry out a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of media texts dealing with the issue of migration."
The monograph presents the results of a research aimed at determining the level of reading strategies of 15-year-old students at the end of their primary education. The authors of the publication address this topic in a broader context. Therefore, in the introductory, theoretically oriented chapters, they also trace how the issue of reading strategies is reflected in the content and expected outcomes set by the Framework Curriculum for Primary Education, explain the specifics of the development of reading strategies in the Internet environment and present the possibilities of developing reading strategies in the younger school age period.