Review al literaturii de specialitate privind programele destinate agresorilor sexuali şi al teoriilor ce au stat la baza realizării acestora
The revision of the specialty literature was aimed at identifying programs intended for sexual offenders, that were done up to this moment, and the theories and the principles on which the program's construction is based. I consider that it is important to carry out a program aimed at sexual offenders and its implementation in prisons and in the probation services, and not only for this category of crimes, having regard to the legislative changes and the lack of such a program, which may contribute to the decrease of the risk of re-offense and of an optimal reintegration in the society. The re-education, as immediate purpose of the punishment, must not be understood as an automatic transformation of the person condemned into a new, honest, rational person, who will never go wrong again, there is also needed a lot of involvement and awareness of the deed that was committed, work carried out in time, with the support of specialists in this field. The society claims the condemned people to try to refrain from acts which affect the fundamental social values, to comply with the rules of social cohabitation, no matter whether this behaviour is based on a new, deep belief of morality, a change in the structure of the individual's personality or is determined solely by the fear of the penalty. The complete re-education of offenders, as a result of changes by punishment of their moral structure, is not impossible, of course, but it is a pretty rare phenomenon.