Literature is a cultural carrier and reveals the phenomena and concepts settled in the lives and beliefs of different cultures through folk narratives. Folk narratives under the name of epics, tales, stories, legends, etc. Species offer rich materials to researchers. In the first place of these materials, some numbers gain holiness by assingning special meanings and values. Although each number has a meaning, there are unique functions in the culture for these numbers. It is seen that the number of systems laid at unknown times is used in response to several events and situations, which are sometimes a uspicious and sometimes ominous. In this respect, numbers and symbol symbolism are accepted as complementary and supportive elements of narratives. In the Turkish world, especially the numbers of three, four, five, seven, nine and forty are important in folk culture and narratives in terms of number symbolism, as a reflection of belief and values. These assumptions and beliefs about the numbers have an important place in the narratives of Uighur Turks. Some of the beliefs are based on the mythological period, while others are based on culture and beliefs learned through out history. In this article, the numbers found in the folk narratives of Uighurs, their density levels and how they are processed are studied to determine their meanings. As a result of the investigations, it was seen that number symbolism was given a great place in Uighur folk narratives. It is understood that the numbers used intensively in Turkish culture have assumed similar functions in the folk beliefs of Uighur Turks.