Образно-сюжетный репертуар восточноевропейского скифского звериного стиля: принципы и результаты классифицирования и кодирования
In the context of steady growth of the archaeological material, the systematization and classification of the array of images of the Scythian-Siberian animal style becomes very important in order to create the uniform language for its description. The article presents an algorithm for classifying this source and substantiates the taxonomy and hierarchy of classification levels. The article presents main results of the classification of 2207 full-figured and reduced images of the Eastern European Scythian animal style (within the Scythian archaeological culture), identifying 345 morphological types. It is demonstrated by what way a set of images of the Scythian animal style can be formalized with the help of alphanumeric code. It is proposed to apply these principles of classification and coding to other local variants of the Scythian-Siberian animal style, which will provide a consolidated basis enabling their comparison.