![Digital Future in Education: Paradoxes, Hopes and Realities](/api/image/getbookcoverimage?id=document_cover-page-image_1195643.jpg)
Digital Future in Education: Paradoxes, Hopes and Realities
Digital Future in Education: Paradoxes, Hopes and Realities
Keywords: digital education; data driven society; technologies; game-based learning; e-learning systems; government expenditure on education;
The book aims to be a good reference source for information and knowledge and contribute to the education/educational issues and technologies applied to date by consolidating and defining an initial core list for digital future reference. We expect this book to be of use to researchers and practitioners with interest in education which appreciate the standards and practices in digital environments. The book intends to examine the relevance of digital transformation in the future-oriented methods for remote education answering a lot of questions such these: § How do we innovate in the education sector? § What goals, methods and what is responsible innovation in today's digital education landscape? § How future of education is envisioned in today's innovative practices? In this regard, will be discussed the tendency to believe that ‘existing and emerging technologies are starting to play a role in changing assessment and could help address such issues both today and looking further ahead into the future, to make educational process smarter, faster, fairer and more effective.