Semiotic Studies
Studia Semiotyczne
Studia Semiotyczne (Semiotic Studies) is a journal founded in 1970 by Jerzy Pelc, who was its Editor-in-Chief up until 2015. Between 1970 and 2015 Studia Semiotyczne was published non-periodically (during that period 29 volumes have been published). The list of authors who have published in Studia Semioryczne include, among others: Izydora Dąmbska, Peter Thomas Geach, Andrzej Grzegorczyk, Henryk Hiż, Jerzy Kalinowski, Leon Koj, Jerzy Kmita, Wiesław Kotański, Władysław Kunicki-Goldfinger, Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Wacław Mejbaum, Leszek Nowak, Chaim Perelman, Marian Przełęcki, Krzysztof Rotter, Thomas A. Sebeok, Barbara Stanosz, Władysław Tatarkiewicz and Mieczysław Wallis.
In December 2015 Studia Semiotyczne was formally transformed into a six-monthly publication simultaneously in print and on the Internet. Papers accepted for publication in the journal revolve around various aspects of semiotics (conceived in the Morris-Carnap sense) and philosophy. All submitted papers are subject to the triple blind peer review. English versions of some of them are additionally published in the open digital base Studia Semiotyczne – English Supplement.