Union University Law School Review
Pravni zapisi
Pravni zapisi, Union University Law School Review was founded in 2010 as an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Union University Law School Belgrade. The Review is led by the editor-in-chief and editorial board, assisted by managing editor and editorial assistants.
The idea behind the journal is to foster excellence in legal research and writing, provide the professional community with reliable and thoughtful commentary on new developments and trends in the law, as well as to serve as a forum for legal debates.
The Review invites legal professors, researchers, judges and other legal practitioners as well as postgraduate students to submit their articles on a broad range of legal topics in either Serbian or English language.
Writers can submit two types of works: the first, scholarly articles, while the second category includes case notes (on recent landmark decisions), comments on recent legislation and book reviews.
All submissions are subjected to an editorial process designed to sharpen and strengthen substance and style. Editors of the Review are in charge of the initial article screening. If a submission meets initial standards, the article is sent for a full peer-review.
The Review comes out twice a year, in July and December.
The full text of articles and other submissions published in all issues are freely available online.