Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies
Elektronik Siyaset Bilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi
Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS), a bi-annual peer-reviewed international journal, publishes original research articles in political science, international relations and cognate disciplines. EJPSS contain articles in three languages (Turkish, German and English), and is published twice a year in June and January, after all articles peer-reviewed by at least two experts. EJPSS gives place to the unpublished and original articles, which contribute to the theoretical and contemporary problems in the field of political science and international relations in an analytical and original framework. Article submitted to this journal must not have been published before in any form, and after its publication in EJPSS it should not be published without the prior permission of the editors. Congress contributions can be published unless if it does not published in proceedings. The opinion put forward in the articles published in the EJPSS is in no way connected with the aims, objectives and outlook of the EJPSS editors and editorial board. The responsibility of the contributions belongs to the writer.