Notitia - journal for sustainable development
Notitia - časopis za održivi razvoj
Notitia – journal for sustainable development (ISSN 1849-9066) was launched in 2015 as an international e-journal aiming at the enhancement and improvement of the existing knowledge, new perspectives and rethinking of the concept of sustainable development. The International Advisory Board develops and continuously re-evaluates the journal’s strategy, which is implemented by the Editorial Board.
The imperative of contemporary development is to maintain a sensitive balance between the human need to improve the standard of living and the quality of life, and to achieve welfare on the one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystem on the other. Sustainable development is achieved when there is a political compromise between all components of socio-economic development in place, taking on board the satisfaction of modern needs but also considering the needs of future generations.
Notitia – journal for sustainable development publishes papers that cover a vast array of topics in the area of sustainable development.
The journal focuses on the concept of sustainable development from the aspect of various theories, policies and practices and promotes an interdisciplinary approach.
The papers are published in Croatian and English. In order for a paper to be published, it must be fully in line with the Instructions to authors and must be positively reviewed by at least two independent reviewers (Instructions to reviewers). The journal is published once a year.
The ethical principles defined in the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics are binding for the Editorial Board, authors and reviewers.