Philology Studies and Research. Romance Language Series
Studii şi cercetari filologice. Seria limbi romanice
In 2007, the Department of Romance Languages, University of Pitesti launched the biannual journal entitled "Philological Studies and Researches. The Romance Languages Series", which represents a continuation of two other publications, i.e. The Scientific Bulletin (Bulletin Scientifique) and Philological Researches and Studies (Etudes et Recherches en Philologie).
Starting with 2010 "Philological Studies and Researches. The Romance Languages Series" is an independent publication, holding its own editorial policy and placed under the control and administration of the Editorial board, leaded by the Editor – in- chief.
Our journal proposes two regular issues yearly (i.e. in April and November) and a special issue in October. It hosts papers dealing with Romance languages and literatures, proposing two regular issues each year and, starting with 2010, a special issue connected to the scientific direction of the research centre. The journal “Philological Studies and Researches. The Romance Languages Series”(“Etudes et recherches en philologie. Série langues romanes”) hosts original works in literature and linguistics written in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Catalan. Our journal only publishes texts that have not already been published in other journals, collective volumes, conference papers etc. By proposing a text, an author certifies the originality and authorship of the text and agrees not to send it to another publication before getting a reply from the editorial board and / or the reviewers of our journal.