Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics in East Sarajevo
Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Istočnom Sarajevu
The Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics, University of East Sarajevo - Journal of Economics and Business (Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Istočnom Sarajevu) is a scientific publication of the Faculty. It has been published once a year since 1994 in continuity. The journal was, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology Republic of Srpska, won 28 out of a possible 30 points, and thus classified in the first category of scientific journals, and became the first in the rankings. The Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics in East Sarajevo is announced the best scientific and professional journal in Republic of Srpska for 2012. The Proceedings publishes the papers of the scholars from the Faculty of Economics in East Sarajevo and outside the Faculty as well. The papers refer to the broad area of economic science, and their main prerequisites are scientific contributions to economic theory and practice. The papers can be of theoretical and methodological-analytical nature, and may include areas ranging from national economic policies to business policy. Most manuscripts are written in Serbian language. However, manuscripts written in other languages (English, German, French, Croatian, Russian and other Slavic languages) are accepted as well. The concept, goals and strategy of the Proceedings are guided by the Editorial Board of the Proceedings. The Journal is indexed in SCIRUS (SCIRUS for Scientific information only); BASE (BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Bielefeld University Library, Germany; EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, USA; JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) / EconLit (American Economic Association's Electronic Database), Pitsburg, USA. Since 2009 it has been indexed in bases of DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Lund University, Sweden; C.E.E.O.L (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Frankfurt am Main, Germany; CABELL′S Directories (Cabell′s Directories of Publishing Opportunities), Texas, USA; Index Copernicus, Warsaw, Poland; Google Scholar, Mountain View, California. Editorial Board reserves the right to return to the author the texts that do not comply with the criteria of the guidelines, or to adapt the papers completely in line with the Proceedings rules and prescribed standards of Serbian language, or foreign languages. There are no further requirements for the authors concerning other technical elements of text editing. The final decision on publication of papers and their priority order is made by the Proceedings Editorial Board. The Journal is open for cooperation with scientists from BiH and abroad all year round. All contributions to economic theory and practice are always welcome.