Culturological Studies
Studia Culturologica
STUDIA CULTUROLOGICA is a journal for interdisciplinary and international dialogue in all fields of cultural research. As such, STUDIA CULTUROLOGICA is not the forum of any particular school or research tradition. Rather, the journal promotes contacts among philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, cultural history researchers. Contributions of interest for this wide audience will be encouraged. Authors are invited to submit papers and reports of original research in philosophy of culture, philosophy and epistemology of cultural anthropology, methodological topics concerning history of culture, phenomenological theory of culture, analytical philosophy of the humanities, cultural hermeneutics, methodology of cross-cultural studies, naturalistic models of culture, interdisciplinary research in the humanities, and sociology of culture. The reviews should be on recent research in all areas mentioned. Welcome are also discussion articles on particular research topics. In addition, single issues of the journal will occasionally be devoted to the critical discussion of a special problem of culturological importance. STUDIA CULTUROLOGICA is the predecessor journal to DIVINATIO