Pregled is a journal which had been, in the early years of publishing (February 1910 – April 1913), oriented towards scientific and social issues. Pregled was first published at a time when the Bosnian Council was being convened (1910) and amidst Austro-Hungarian attempts to strengthen its authority through the constitution. The journal’s subject matter was precisely defined, as well as the issues it would deal with, including scientific, social, political, literary and economical issues. Prof. dr. Jefto Dedijer was the editor-in-chief, while the Serb Shareholding Printing Press printed the journal. Pregled was published again on 7 February 1927, in the newly-formed state of Yugoslavia. Some former associates and initiators of the journal, together with a group of younger writers and cultural activists revived it. In May 1946, a year after the liberation, Pregled reappeared. New conditions of life in socialist Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was one of its republics, initiated it. At that time Pregled was a general review which sought to encompass all the problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pregled ceases being a general review in 1948, as it starts to bring an increasing number of artistic and literary articles. However, it remained a journal for social issues in the widest sense of the word. In 1949, publishing of the journal was stopped, under the explanation that the issues treated by it, except for economy, were also discussed in some new journals. In 1953, the publishing of Pregled was restarted with Hasan Brkić and Mladen Čaldarović as its editors-in-chief. A new editorial board took over the journal in 1967, with dr. Besim Ibrahimpašić as the editor-in-chief. This new editorial board continued with the previously verified concept, so the journal abound in articles which carried the essence of the time it belonged to, all written with critical sensibility and feelings for the issues that needed to be addressed, discussed and judged. From 1971 to 1974 a new editorial board came to the scene with dr. Arif Tanović as the editor-in-chief. The journal focused more strongly on domestic issues and processes, examining all that was of the essence and stimulating all that was progressive. That was a journal which accepted no dogmatism and sectarianism, for which no issue was a taboo and no name was untouchable. The last issue of Pregled was published in late 1990, when Džemal Sokolović was editor-in-chief. After a 13-year-long break, in 2003, University of Sarajevo started publishing Pregled again. The editorial board was headed by Prof. dr. Salih Fočo. The new editorial board, headed by prof. dr. Mirko Pejanović and prof. dr. Mustafa Imamović, attempts to realize a project for acquiring the rank of an indexed journal. For that purpose, in 2006 and 2007, copies of the journal were sent to the Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Ltd databases in the United States. A positive response is expected later in the year. In 2008, the editorial board published three issues, as well as a special edition in English entitled Survey.
More...The new editorial board, headed by prof. dr. Mirko Pejanović and prof. dr. Mustafa Imamović, attempts to realize a project for acquiring the rank of an indexed journal. For that purpose, in 2006 and 2007, copies of the journal were sent to the Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Ltd databases in the United States. A positive response is expected later in the year. In 2008, the editorial board published three issues of PREGLED, as well as a special edition in English entitled Survey.
More...Keywords: Dayton Peace Agreement; transition; BiH Constitution; constitutional reform; BiH political system; political-territorial organisation of BiH;
By producing his most important work "L'Esprit des lois", Montesquieu showed th at the strength of a law is in the spirit that it carries. It is of decisive importance that the law is not simply a mechanistic sum of various influences that have been gathered in one place, but that it combines historical conditions making it consistent. And then the law makes sense and only within the context of realm of reality, set in such manner, it is enforceable. The law, which would be immediately taking over the text of a 'legal science's modern state' does not seem to make sense, as equally as the composition which would be composed on the principles of aesthetics and art theory, and that would not have contained the creative impulse of the spirit of freedom. The Dayton agreement is not the law, but it represents a kind of legal document which has been derived from a certain political will. In this sense, its topicalising can not be primarily based on positive law's issues. Discussing the Dayton agreement as the legal act, unless it has been fully understood in the context of positive law, debate, on these grounds, must remain ineffective an d may not rep resen t the basis of perspective construction of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an orderly society in the state form. As an agreement th a t stopped a war, this document is more a political ac t representing a form of political agreement or a compromise that aims, above all, at the giving of a possibility for creating new perspectives of Bosnian society, which no longer should be based on conflict and violent forms of resolving political issues.