Foreign Policy
Dış Politika
Dış Politika-Foreign Policy journal began to appear in March 1971. Its basic purpose was to provide objective analysis of foreign policy issues both to Turkish and foreign readers. It soon appeared that the main function of the Journal could not be sustained without research and other activities of an institute and this led to the creation of the Foreign Policy Institute. Since its foundation a quarter of a century ago, the Institute has had to work in an environment of constant and dynamic change in world affairs and in Turkey’s own geopolitics and in internal political and economic systems and values. Foreign Policy working closely with the Turkish Foundation for International Relations and Strategic Studies relying on its decades of experience is continuing to strive for the development of Turkey’s external relations to the best of its ability and in co-operation with academia, media and government institutions it hopes to continue its work even more effectively in the twenty-first century. The acceptance of Turkey’s candidacy for membership in the European Union creates new tasks for the Foreign Policy Institute both to reflect European norms and acquis to the Turkish public opinion and in a similar way convey Turkey’s view points on common European issues to the world public.