Bread and Roses
Kruh i ruže
Since 1994 Zenska infoteka publishes the magazine Kruh i ruze (Bread and Roses) in order to bring knowledge, experiences and new theoretical perspectives to the widest possible audience in Croatia, but also in former Yugoslav republics. With our magazine, we try to contribute to critical discussion on broad spectrum of issues related to status of women and gender related problems in Croatia but also in general. The magazine is structured in a way that each issue covers one main topic, one particular problem, so that the majority of contributions are focused on that topic. However, there are other, regular sections like, reports on women's organizations and their activities, flash-news, information on forthcoming events. In issues up till now there were many topics covered such as literature and language, feminism and democracy, ITC and new technologies, women and art, politics, lesbian studies, psychoanalysis, history and many others. The magazine is also an independent forum for discussion, exchange and distribution of relevant information concerning women throughout Eastern European countries. Each published article has extensive summary in English.