CONTRAFORT - Review for Literature and intellectual Dialogue
CONTRAFORT - Revistă de literatură şi dialog intelectual
The magazine “Contrafort”, a publication of young writers in the Republic of Moldavia, was founded in October 1994 as a monthly publication issued in Chişinău. “Contrafort” promotes a modern and critical European spirit, according to the contemporary literary trends and tries to put order in the esthetical confusion in the literature and culture created in Bessarabia – an old Romanian province that was for 40 years under a terrible communist totalitary regime in which the liberty of conscience and expression was interdicted. This is why, one of the major objectives of the magazine “Contrafort” is the moral clean-up of the society, cultivating the critical spirit, the implantation of the values and principles of the open society. The magazine is present in a space of interferrence between the different tendencies and ideological and esthetical orientations in the Republic of Moldavia and Romania, and debates current cultural issues, like the postmodern paradigm, the critical revision of the literature written under the communist regime, the relationship between the Artist and the Power, the multiculturalism, the minority-majority co-existence from several points of view, European identity and unity, East – West cultural influences, the inforamtional revolution, etc. Contrafort has a “magazine” profile, with special sections dedicated to book reviews, theatre, music, film, fine arts. One of the objectives of the magazines is the dialogue with other cultural spaces in Eastern and Western Europe and the United States, by publishing special issues dedicated to the cultural and political phenomenon.