AVANT. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard
AVANT. Pismo Awangardy Filozoficzno-Naukowej
AVANT is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to current trends in interdisciplinary studies and philosophy of science. The journal provides reviews and review-like papers: balanced and insightful syntheses, opinion, comments, polemics, discussions, book reviews, and interviews. This is an area for the interaction of views, and for reviews focusing on new approaches in cognitive science, robotics, phenomenology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, studies on artistic and literary practices, science and technology studies, constructivism, sciences of complexity, philosophical logic and others. The journal publishes mostly solicited papers. AVANT is bilingual (English and Polish), published online in open access, and printed, in the frequency of three issues per year: two issues are international and bilingual, the third issue includes mainly Polish translations. The translation issue consists of about 16 editorial sheets, therefore its editing takes six months. The remaining two issues are fully bilingual (8 editorial sheets of original text and 8 editorial sheets of translations), therefore they are published in the next half of the year, three months apart from one another. The order of publication in 2012: January-June – T/2012, July-December – 1/2012, 2/2012. The editors put emphasis on attractive graphic design.