Teaching English with Technology
Teaching English with Technology
Teaching English with Technology (ISSN 1642-1027) is a quarterly electronic journal published by IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group and University of Nicosia. The journal deals mainly with issues of using computers, the Internet, computer software in teaching and learning languages. We invite submissions covering the following categories: - Article: articles describing classroom practice or discussions of work in progress, being of immediate relevance to teachers, or articles presenting case studies or work in progress - The Internet for ESP: practical discussions of Web-based activities/classroom ideas for the ESP environment - Technology lesson ideas: plans of lessons done in the Internet or using computers, set in the reality of the education system, detailing the procedure, technical requirements, skills needed by students and teacher, together with URLs used in the lesson and any worksheets/checklists students are asked to complete - On the Web: discussions of websites having potential for organising Internet lessons around them or relevant in some way to the field of English language teaching and learning - Software/Language lab: descriptions, evaluations and recommendations of widely available language learning software or articles pertaining to the use of software in language learning, also in the CALL lab context - A Word from a Techie: discussions of applications of computer programs to teaching English, outlining new possibilities given by software to the process of learning and teaching, explanations of technological issues We invite also works published elsewhere, but please give precise reference.