Word and Image in Communication with Children
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The journal is a peer-reviewed online journal that focuses on research in the area of children´s literature, readings, language and literature education and communication. The journal gives space to original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews.
The journal Word and Image in Communication with Children is published by the Department of Czech Language and Literature with Didactic of the Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava. It is published once a year in an online open version on the web pages of the Faculty. The authors are usually university teachers, didacticians and doctoral students in related fields.
The journal Word and Image in Communication with Children has existed since 2011 but follows the previous tradition of conferences and almanacs of the same name (Word and Image in Communication with Children), called also “Round Tables”. These meetings of linguists, critics, and didacticians dealing with the communication with children and youth were organized and published by the Department of Czech Language and Literature with Didactic of the Faculty of Education, the University of Ostrava between 1997 – 2012.