The Romanian Orthodox Church Review, the Official Bulletin of the Romanian Patriarchate
Revista Biserica Ortodoxă Română, Buletinul oficial al Patriarhiei Române
The Romanian Orthodox Church Review is the Official Bulletin of the Romanian Patriarchate in which is published academic studies and articles reflecting major events, dynamism and life of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The Romanian Orthodox Church Review initially appeared as a regular ecclesiastical magazine Romanian Orthodox Church was formalized by a decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church on 6 November 1873. The first issue of this publication came out of print on October 1, 1874. With the number 1 for the year 2010, the Publishing House of the Biblical and Orthodox Mission Institute inaugurated the 4th series of the Official Bulletin of the Romanian Patriarchate, marking 137 years since the publication of the first issue. (The only interruptions of the Magazine were recorded between 1878-1880 and 1916-1921, the difficult periods of our nation's history, when Romania was involved first in the War of Independence and then in the First World War). Over time, in the pages of the magazine have been published numerous studies and articles on dogmatic, moral and pastoral theology, cartographs, accounts or considerations on the lives of saints, synodal decisions, chronicles of internal and external church events and book reviews promoting the teaching of the Orthodox Christian faith and presenting in particular the life and pastoral-missionary and cultural-social activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church.