Facta Simonidis
Facta Simonidis
Facta Simonidis is a scientific journal affiliated with The State Higher School of Vocational Education in Zamosc and released yearly by the Oficina Simonidis publishing house. The editorial board accepts scientific papers, scientific reviews as well as scientific reports from the fields of social science and liberal arts. In terms of scientific disciplines political studies, security sciences, administration and history sciences are the dominant ones. Articles are printed in various languages: Polish, English, Russian, Ukrainian and German. From 2011 the Yearly has been registered on the scientific journals list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - at present the materials published are worth 8 points. All published materials are prior subject to the system of reviews, contain titles, summaries and key words in Polish and English languages. The emails and affiliations of the authors are included as well. Yearly's Advisory Board consists of the representatives of many acclaimed scientific centers from Poland and abroad. Prof. dr hab. Henryk Chałupczak is the Editor-in-Chief, theme editors are: dr hab. Henryk Duda, dr Justyna Misiagiewicz, dr Beata Rodzik, mgr Małgorzata Samulak - Piłat. Dr Ewa Pogorzała is the editorial assistant. Full-text versions of the scientific journal as well as any additional information, including the rules concerning accepting scientific papers, are available on the PWSZ site.