Terapia Sistemica / Systemic Therapy
Terapia Sistemica / Systemic Therapy
Terapia Sistemica / Systemic Therapy Dianoia Association – the Institute of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, Timișoara, issue the journal called ‘Terapia Sistemica / Systemic Therapy’, the first journal of systemic family psychotherapy in Romania. ‘Terapia Sistemica / Systemic Therapy’ is a bilingual journal, the articles are published in Romanian and English. Terapia Sistemica / Systemic Therapy publishes articles in various topics that can be integrated in the following areas: Identity issues, context and culture, globalization and ethnicity, media and power, political psychology, systemic intervention in medicine, psychiatry, social work, psychotherapy, education, forensic psychology, reviews for books and influent articles. For more details concerning the notes for contributors, you can access our website at http://www.dianoia-tm.ro/en/magazine/notes_for_contributors/8 We are looking forward to your contributions.